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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Veteran's Dreadweave Cuffs
3227Wrists Cloth
Veteran's Mooncloth Cuffs
3227Wrists Cloth
Veteran's Silk Cuffs
3227Wrists Cloth
Vindicator's Dreadweave Cuffs
3227Wrists Cloth
Vindicator's Mooncloth Cuffs
3227Wrists Cloth
Vindicator's Silk Cuffs
3227Wrists Cloth
Wraps of Purification
3227Wrists Cloth
Wristbands of Divine Influence
3227Wrists Cloth
Wristbands of Divine Influence
3227Wrists Cloth
Wristguards of Tranquil Thought
3227Wrists Cloth
Arcanium Signet Bands
3227Wrists Cloth
Arcanium Signet Bands
3227Wrists Cloth
Arcanoweave Bracers
3227Wrists Cloth
Bands of Negation
32Wrists Cloth
Bands of Nethekurse
32Wrists Cloth
Bands of Nethekurse
3227Wrists Cloth
Bands of Rarefied Magic
32Wrists Cloth
Bindings of Raging Fire
3227Wrists Cloth
Bindings of Raging Fire
3227Wrists Cloth
Blackstrike Bracers
3227Wrists Cloth
Bracers of Divine Infusion
3227Wrists Cloth
Bracers of Divine Infusion
3227Wrists Cloth
Bracers of Havok
3227Wrists Cloth
Crimson Bracers of Gloom
3227Wrists Cloth
Flameheart Bracers
3227Wrists Cloth
Lifeblood Bracers
3227Wrists Cloth
Light Scribe Bands
3227Wrists Cloth
Shattrath Wraps
32Wrists Cloth
Unyielding Bracers
3227Wrists Cloth
Windchanneller's Bindings
3227Wrists Cloth
Aldor Ceremonial Wraps
32Wrists Cloth
Archmage Bracelets
3227Wrists Cloth
Bloodspore Bracelets
3227Wrists Cloth
Earthmender's Bracer of Shattering
32Wrists Cloth
Eldr'naan Bracelets
3227Wrists Cloth
Elementalist Bracelets
3227Wrists Cloth
Farshire Cuffs
3226Wrists Cloth
Foothold Cuffs
3227Wrists Cloth
Frostwoven Wristwraps
3227Wrists Cloth
Gold-Trimmed Cuffs
32Wrists Cloth
Iceflow Wristwraps
32Wrists Cloth
Icestriker Bands
32Wrists Cloth
Mur'ghoul Wristwraps
3227Wrists Cloth
Shadow Council Bracer
3226Wrists Cloth
Sweltering Cuffs
32Wrists Cloth
Transborean Bracers
32Wrists Cloth
Zaxxis Bracers
32Wrists Cloth
Frost-Rimed Cloth Bracers
3229Wrists Cloth
Thread-Bare Cloth Bracers
3227Wrists Cloth
Bindings of the Timewalker
3127Wrists Cloth
Crystalweave Bracers
3127Wrists Cloth
Illidari Bindings
3126Wrists Cloth
Astralaan Bracer
3126Wrists Cloth
Consortium Bracer
3126Wrists Cloth
Energized Wristwraps
31Wrists Cloth
Feralfen Cuffs
3125Wrists Cloth
Inciter's Cuffs
31Wrists Cloth
Manacles of Remembrance
31Wrists Cloth
Mistyreed Bracers
3126Wrists Cloth
Thunderlord Armbands
31Wrists Cloth
Wraithcloth Bindings
31Wrists Cloth
Bindings of Faith
3025Wrists Cloth
Frostfire Bindings
3025Wrists Cloth
Plagueheart Bindings
3025Wrists Cloth
Arcing Bracers
3025Wrists Cloth
Arcing Bracers
3025Wrists Cloth
Crocolisk Hide Bindings
3025Wrists Cloth
Goldenvine Wraps
30Wrists Cloth
Feathered Wrist Cuffs
30Wrists Cloth
Fireheart Bracers
3024Wrists Cloth
Laughing Skull Bracelets
3025Wrists Cloth
Marsh Bracers
30Wrists Cloth
Netherweave Bracers
3025Wrists Cloth
Slavehandler Wristguards
3025Wrists Cloth
Starfire Wristwraps
3024Wrists Cloth
Vindicator Bracers
3025Wrists Cloth
Arcanist Bindings
2925Wrists Cloth
Bindings of the Harvested Soul
2925Wrists Cloth
Bindings of Transcendence
2925Wrists Cloth
Black Bark Wristbands
2925Wrists Cloth
Black Bark Wristbands
29Wrists Cloth
Blacklight Bracer
2925Wrists Cloth
Blacklight Bracer
29Wrists Cloth
Bracelets of Royal Redemption
2925Wrists Cloth
Bracers of Arcane Accuracy
2925Wrists Cloth
Bracers of Hope
29Wrists Cloth
Burrower Bracers
2925Wrists Cloth
Dryad's Wrist Bindings
2925Wrists Cloth
Felheart Bracers
2925Wrists Cloth
Flarecore Wraps
2925Wrists Cloth
Glacial Wrists
2925Wrists Cloth
Nemesis Bracers
2925Wrists Cloth
Netherwind Bindings
2925Wrists Cloth
Rockfury Bracers
29Wrists Cloth
Shackles of the Unscarred
2925Wrists Cloth
Vambraces of Prophecy
2925Wrists Cloth
Zandalar Confessor's Wraps
29Wrists Cloth
Zandalar Demoniac's Wraps
29Wrists Cloth
Zandalar Illusionist's Wraps
29Wrists Cloth
Abyssal Cloth Wristbands
2925Wrists Cloth