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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Faded Forest Satin Cuffs
3732Wrists Cloth
Faded Forest Silk Cuffs
3732Wrists Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Wrist
129Wrists Cloth
Farshire Cuffs
3226WristsLooted Cloth
Featherbead Bracers
11WristsUnobtainable Cloth
Feathered Wrist Cuffs
30Wrists Veil Lithic: Preemptive Strike Cloth
Felburner's Wristwraps
1610Wrists Cloth
Felsoul Wristwraps
6850Wrists Cloth
Felsoul Wristwraps
6850Wrists Cloth
Felsoul Wristwraps
5045Wrists Cloth
Felsoul Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Felsoul Wristwraps
4440Wrists Cloth
Felsoul Wristwraps
4440Wrists Cloth
Felsoul Wristwraps
3935Wrists Cloth
Felsoul Wristwraps
3935Wrists Cloth
Feralfen Cuffs
3125WristsLooted Cloth
Festering Bracers
15Wrists A Deadly Vine Cloth
Feverish Bracers
19Wrists Stranglethorn Fever Cloth
Fingerbone Bracers
1811WristsLooted Cloth
Firefly Bracers
4335Wrists Cloth
Fireheart Bracers
3024WristsLooted Cloth
Firwillow Wristbands
25Wrists Cloth
Fleshwerk Shackles
34Wrists Killing Two Scourge With One Skeleton Cloth
Foothold Cuffs
3227WristsLooted Cloth
Forged Aspirant's Silk Bindings
54580Wrists Cloth
Forged Aspirant's Silk Wristwraps
54580Wrists Cloth
Frost Bracers
1912Wrists Cloth
Frostwind Bracers
6050WristsLooted Cloth
Frostwolf Wind-Talker Cuffs
40Wrists The Warlord's Guard Cloth
Frostwoven Wristwraps
3227WristsCrafted Cloth
Furyquench Bracers
35Wrists The Earth Claims All Cloth
Gaea's Cuffs
2418WristsLooted Cloth
Galardell Wristwraps
3632Wrists Big Crate of Salvage Cloth
Galetorn Cuffs
5940Wrists Cloth
Galetorn Cuffs
5040Wrists Cloth
Gallan Cuffs
21Wrists Cloth
General's Pungent Wraps
40070Wrists Cloth
Geomancer's Bracers
2013WristsLooted Cloth
Geyserwalker Bindings
20058Wrists Cloth
Gilded Fan Silk Cuffs
37Wrists Snap Judgment Cloth
Gold-Trimmed Cuffs
32Wrists Success! Cloth
Gordunni Wristwraps
4137WristsLooted Cloth
Gossamer Bracers
2417WristsLooted Cloth
Green Linen Bracers
63WristsCrafted Cloth
Greenweave Bracers
138WristsLooted Cloth
Growing Wristwraps
3732WristsLooted Cloth
Gryphon Rider's Bracers
34Wrists You'll Need a Gryphon Cloth
Guardian Serpent Bracers
110Wrists Cloth
Guardian Serpent Cuffs
110Wrists Cloth
Guardian Serpent Wristwraps
110Wrists Cloth
Hagfeather Wristwraps
4440WristsLooted Cloth
Hammered Bracers
36Wrists Crushing the Wildhammer Cloth
Hibernal Bracers
2518WristsLooted Cloth
High Councillor's Bracers
2923WristsLooted Cloth
Highborne Bracelets
2720WristsLooted, Mined Cloth
Highborne Scholar's Cuffs
1Wrists Cloth
Highseas Wristwraps
33WristsQuest Cloth
Hovel Digger Bands
11Wrists A New Home Cloth
Hrydshal Wristwraps
4440WristsLooted Cloth
Hydraxian Armbands
6050WristsLooted Cloth
Iceflow Wristwraps
32Wrists The Emissary Cloth
Icemist Bracelets
3328WristsLooted Cloth
Icestriker Bands
32WristsQuest Cloth
Imbued Disciple's Bracers
53WristsLooted Cloth
Imperial Red Bracers
2620WristsLooted Cloth
Imported Bracers
6Wrists The Kodo's Return Cloth
Inciter's Cuffs
31Wrists Crusader's Crate of Battlefield Goods Cloth
Ironwool Bindings
34Wrists A Delicate Touch Cloth
Ivycloth Bracelets
1610WristsLooted Cloth
Iyun Wristwraps
3936WristsLooted Cloth
Jungle-Chopper Bracers
39Wrists Bleeding Hollow Savage Cloth
Karabor Sage Wristwraps
40Wrists Cloth
Kraul Bracers
20Wrists Mangletooth Cloth
Krom'gar Legionnaire's Linen Bracers
17Wrists Cloth
Lasherspike Wristguards
19Wrists Pulling Weeds Cloth
Lastwind Bands
50WristsQuest Cloth
Lastwind Bracers
50Wrists Shattered and Broken Cloth
Lastwind Cuffs
50WristsQuest Cloth
Lastwind Wristguards
50Wrists Stolen Satchels Cloth
Lastwind Wristwraps
50WristsQuest Cloth
Laughing Skull Bracelets
3025WristsLooted Cloth
Ley-Touched Bracers
4440WristsLooted Cloth
Leywalker Bracers
44Wrists The Headmistress' Keys Cloth
Loa Speaker's Bands
50Wrists Hunt the Hunter Cloth
Loa Speaker's Cuffs
50Wrists Cloth
Loa Speaker's Cuffs
50Wrists Kel'vax's Home Cloth
Loa Speaker's Wraps
50Wrists Mark of the Bat Cloth
Loa Speaker's Wristwraps
50Wrists Reuniting the Company Cloth
Loa-Shaper's Cuffs
5940Wrists Cloth
Loa-Shaper's Cuffs
5040Wrists Cloth
Lorna's Bracelet
44Wrists Cut Out the Heart Cloth
Lunar Bindings
2215WristsLooted Cloth
Lunarglow Wristwraps
3935WristsLooted Cloth
Maatparm's Fungus Lined Cuffs
6Wrists Maatparm Mushroom Menagerie Cloth
Mage Bracers
11Wrists Hacking the Construct Cloth
Magesoul Wristwraps
3530Wrists Cloth
Magmatalon Wraps
31468Wrists Cloth
Manacles of Remembrance
31WristsQuest Cloth
Manawracker Bindings
5040WristsLooted Cloth
Mandragoran Wristwraps
4036WristsLooted Cloth