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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Blacklight Bracer
29Wrists Cloth
Blacklight Bracer
2925Wrists Cloth
Black Bark Wristbands
29Wrists Cloth
Black Bark Wristbands
2925Wrists Cloth
Bjam's Blasting Bracers
Heroic Warforged
4235Wrists Cloth
Bindings of Yearning
3530Wrists Cloth
Bindings of Transcendence
2925Wrists Cloth
Bindings of the Wicked
3530Wrists Cloth
Bindings of the Timewalker
3127Wrists Cloth
Bindings of the Herald
7250Wrists Cloth
Bindings of the Harvested Soul
2925Wrists Cloth
Bindings of the Expansive Mind
3530Wrists Cloth
Bindings of the Ashen Saint
6030Wrists Cloth
Bindings of the Ashen Saint
3530Wrists Cloth
Bindings of the Ashen Saint
3530Wrists Cloth
Bindings of Imminent Fury
4440Wrists Cloth
Bindings of Faith
3025Wrists Cloth
Bindings of Dark Essence
3530Wrists Cloth
Bindings of Dark Essence
3530Wrists Cloth
Bejeweled Wizard's Bracers
3530Wrists Cloth
Bejeweled Wizard's Bracers
3530Wrists Cloth
Bangles of the Demon Star
25260Wrists Cloth
Bands of the Benevolent
3227Wrists Cloth
Bands of Rarefied Magic
3227Wrists Cloth
Bands of Purified Purpose
41570Wrists Cloth
Bands of Purified Purpose
41570Wrists Cloth
Bands of Negation
3227Wrists Cloth
Bands of Nefarious Deeds
3227Wrists Cloth
Bands of Indwelling
3227Wrists Cloth
Bands of Impurity
3530Wrists Cloth
Azure Shell Bracers
4135Wrists Cloth
Azure Shell Bracers
Heroic Thunderforged
4135Wrists Cloth
Azure Shell Bracers
4035Wrists Cloth
Azure Shell Bracers
4035Wrists Cloth
Azure Shell Bracers
Raid Finder
3935Wrists Cloth
Azure Cloth Bindings
3530Wrists Cloth
Avool's Ancestral Bracers
Heroic Warforged
4235Wrists Cloth
Avool's Ancestral Bracers
Mythic Warforged
4235Wrists Cloth
Avool's Ancestral Bracers
4235Wrists Cloth
Avool's Ancestral Bracers
4235Wrists Cloth
Avool's Ancestral Bracers
4135Wrists Cloth
Avool's Ancestral Bracers
4135Wrists Cloth
Avool's Ancestral Bracers
Raid Finder
4035Wrists Cloth
Attenuating Bracers
49690Wrists Cloth
Attenuating Bracers
4035Wrists Cloth
Attenuating Bracers
Raid Finder
3935Wrists Cloth
Attenuating Bracers
3935Wrists Cloth
Armbands of the Ashen Saint
6030Wrists Cloth
Armbands of the Ashen Saint
3530Wrists Cloth
Armbands of the Ashen Saint
3530Wrists Cloth
Aristocratic Cuffs
58480Wrists Cloth
Arcanist Bindings
2925Wrists Cloth
Arathi Field Bandages
37970Wrists Cloth
Anguished Restraints
44170Wrists Cloth
Amaranthine Wristwraps
4135Wrists Cloth
Amaranthine Wristwraps
3935Wrists Cloth
Allied Wristguards of Time Dilation
35070Wrists Cloth
Aerial Acolyte's Bracers
4440Wrists Cloth
Acolyte's Velvet Bindings
20060Wrists Cloth
90 Epic Frost Bindings
9060Wrists Cloth
10.1 Raid - Black Dragon Labs - Boss <#> - <Boss Name> - Armor - Cloth - WRIST 2
41570Wrists Cloth
10.0 Raid Template - Cloth - Wrist
28070Wrists Cloth
Streten's Sleepless Shackles
5040Wrists Cloth
Skjoldr, Sanctuary of Ivagont
5040Wrists Cloth
Sin'dorei Spite
5040Wrists Cloth
Rhonin's Assaulting Armwraps
5040Wrists Cloth
Muze's Unwavering Will
5040Wrists Cloth
Marquee Bindings of the Sun King
5040Wrists Cloth
Magtheridon's Banished Bracers
5040Wrists Cloth
Magistrike Restraints
5040Wrists Cloth
Anund's Seared Shackles
5040Wrists Cloth