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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Dominant Combatant's Felweave Bracers
Legion Season 6
5045Wrists Cloth
Dominant Combatant's Satin Bracers
Legion Season 6
5045Wrists Cloth
Dominant Combatant's Satin Bracers
Legion Season 6
5045Wrists Cloth
Dominant Combatant's Silk Bracers
Legion Season 6
5045Wrists Cloth
Dominant Combatant's Silk Bracers
Legion Season 6
5045Wrists Cloth
Draconic Warmonger's Bindings
35060Wrists Cloth
Drakebreaker's Cuffs
35060Wrists Cloth
Dread Aspirant's Silk Cuffs
5845Wrists Cloth
Dread Aspirant's Silk Cuffs
5845Wrists Cloth
Dreadful Gladiator's Cuffs of Accuracy
Season 12
3935Wrists Cloth
Dreadful Gladiator's Cuffs of Meditation
Season 12
3935Wrists Cloth
Dreadful Gladiator's Cuffs of Prowess
Season 12
3935Wrists Cloth
Dreadmist Bracers
2822Wrists Cloth
Drust-Thatched Wristwraps
59Wrists Cloth
Emberfire Bracers
3732Wrists Cloth
Endmire Wristwarmers
10048Wrists Cloth
Endowed Bindings
37970Wrists Cloth
Entropic Wristwraps
5040Wrists Cloth
Enumerated Bracers
28Wrists Cloth
Erik's High-Performance Armbands
2215Wrists Cloth
Essence Surge Binders
15860Wrists Cloth
Eternal Aspirant's Silk Bindings
15860Wrists Cloth
Eternal Aspirant's Silk Wristwraps
15860Wrists Cloth
Faemoss Bindings
14860Wrists Cloth
Faewoven Cuffs
15560Wrists Cloth
Faithsworn Armwraps
5045Wrists Cloth
Falling Snow Bracers
3630Wrists Cloth
Fearless Combatant's Felweave Bracers
Legion Season 2
5045Wrists Cloth
Fearless Combatant's Felweave Bracers
Legion Season 2
5045Wrists Cloth
Fearless Combatant's Satin Bracers
Legion Season 2
5045Wrists Cloth
Fearless Combatant's Satin Bracers
Legion Season 2
5045Wrists Cloth
Fearless Combatant's Silk Bracers
Legion Season 2
5045Wrists Cloth
Fearless Combatant's Silk Bracers
Legion Season 2
5045Wrists Cloth
Fel Singed Wraps
44Wrists Cloth
Felcast Bracers
4440Wrists Cloth
Felflame Bracers
44Wrists Cloth
Fel-Infused Bracers
45Wrists Cloth
Felsoul Wristwraps
4440Wrists Cloth
Fen Spirit Wristwraps
58Wrists Cloth
Ferocious Combatant's Felweave Bracers
Legion Season 4
5045Wrists Cloth
Ferocious Combatant's Felweave Bracers
Legion Season 4
5045Wrists Cloth
Ferocious Combatant's Satin Bracers
Legion Season 4
5045Wrists Cloth
Ferocious Combatant's Satin Bracers
Legion Season 4
5045Wrists Cloth
Ferocious Combatant's Silk Bracers
Legion Season 4
5045Wrists Cloth
Ferocious Combatant's Silk Bracers
Legion Season 4
5045Wrists Cloth
Fierce Combatant's Felweave Bracers
Legion Season 5
5045Wrists Cloth
Fierce Combatant's Felweave Bracers
Legion Season 5
5045Wrists Cloth
Fierce Combatant's Satin Bracers
Legion Season 5
5045Wrists Cloth
Fierce Combatant's Satin Bracers
Legion Season 5
5045Wrists Cloth
Fierce Combatant's Silk Bracers
Legion Season 5
5045Wrists Cloth
Fierce Combatant's Silk Bracers
Legion Season 5
5045Wrists Cloth
Fiona's Armbands
24Wrists Cloth
Fireflash Bracers
4440Wrists Cloth
Fireweave Bracers
3732Wrists Cloth
Firewool Wristwraps
3935Wrists Cloth
First Sergeant's Silk Cuffs
2924Wrists Cloth
First Sergeant's Silk Cuffs
2620Wrists Cloth
Flame Sphere Bindings
3530Wrists Cloth
Flame Sphere Bindings
35Wrists Cloth
Flameheart Bracers
3227Wrists Cloth
Flameweave Cuffs
2822Wrists Cloth
Foreman's Handwraps
116Wrists Cloth
Forged Warmonger's Bindings
35068Wrists Cloth
Forgotten Conservatory Wristwraps
5045Wrists Cloth
Forgotten Wraps
2418Wrists Cloth
Foxhollow Falconer's Bracers
5850Wrists Cloth
Frenzyswarm Bracers
3935Wrists Cloth
Frenzyswarm Bracers
3934Wrists Cloth
Frostsavage Bracers
3529Wrists Cloth
Frost-Stricken Cuffs
5040Wrists Cloth
Frost-Touched Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Funeral Cuffs
2923Wrists Cloth
Gleamwax Shackles
43768Wrists Cloth
Glowing Magical Bracelets
1912Wrists Cloth
Glowing Wind Bracers
3830Wrists Cloth
Goathair Bindings
5850Wrists Cloth
Goldenvine Wraps
30Wrists Cloth
Harrowing Soulspun Bracers
5040Wrists Cloth
Hellbloom Bindings
35060Wrists Cloth
Honorable Combatant's Satin Bracers
5950Wrists Cloth
Honorable Combatant's Satin Bracers
5950Wrists Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Cuffs
5850Wrists Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Cuffs
58Wrists Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Wristwraps
6045Wrists Cloth
Ichor-Stained Wraps
3428Wrists Cloth
Illidari Bindings
3126Wrists Cloth
Incendic Bracers
2822Wrists Cloth
Infested Fungal Wristwraps
43768Wrists Cloth
Infused Elemental Bands
25058Wrists Cloth
Iron-Kelp Wristwraps
59Wrists Cloth
Ironweave Bracers
2923Wrists Cloth
Jingoist's Wristwraps
1Wrists Cloth
Karabor Sage Wristwraps
40Wrists Cloth
Korthian Caretaker's Bindings
20060Wrists Cloth
Korthian Caretaker's Wraps
20060Wrists Cloth
Lady Anacondra's Satin Cuffs
138Wrists Cloth
Lasso Bracers, Humanoid
10Wrists Cloth
Lasso Bracers, Powerup
10Wrists Cloth
Leywalker Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Lifeblood Bracers
3227Wrists Cloth