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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Auchenai Keeper Wristwraps
552Wrists Cloth
BT48 Cloth Spell Bracer3
138Wrists Cloth
Hyperthread Wristwraps
78Wrists Cloth
Bindings of the Slithering Current
59Wrists Cloth
Drust-Thatched Wristwraps
59Wrists Cloth
Iron-Kelp Wristwraps
59Wrists Cloth
Rixxa's Sweat-Wicking Cuffs
59Wrists Cloth
Silk Cuffs of the Skycap'n
59Wrists Cloth
Wraps of Everliving Fealty
59Wrists Cloth
Wristwraps of Twined Morels
59Wrists Cloth
7th Legionnaire's Cuffs
58Wrists Cloth
Bloodbough Wristwraps
58Wrists Cloth
Fen Spirit Wristwraps
58Wrists Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Cuffs
58Wrists Cloth
Sandspinner Wristwraps
58Wrists Cloth
Shadra Silk Cuffs
58Wrists Cloth
Sirensong Wraps
58Wrists Cloth
Squallshaper Cuffs
58Wrists Cloth
Lastwind Bands
50Wrists Cloth
Lastwind Bracers
50Wrists Cloth
Lastwind Cuffs
50Wrists Cloth
Lastwind Wristguards
50Wrists Cloth
Lastwind Wristwraps
50Wrists Cloth
Loa Speaker's Bands
50Wrists Cloth
Loa Speaker's Cuffs
50Wrists Cloth
Loa Speaker's Cuffs
50Wrists Cloth
Loa Speaker's Wraps
50Wrists Cloth
Loa Speaker's Wristwraps
50Wrists Cloth
Navigator's Bands
50Wrists Cloth
Navigator's Bindings
50Wrists Cloth
Navigator's Bracers
50Wrists Cloth
Navigator's Cuffs
50Wrists Cloth
Navigator's Wristwraps
50Wrists Cloth
Tidespeaker Armbands
50Wrists Cloth
Tidespeaker Bindings
50Wrists Cloth
Tidespeaker Bracers
50Wrists Cloth
Tidespeaker Cuffs
50Wrists Cloth
Tidespeaker Wristwraps
50Wrists Cloth
Wickerwoven Bands
50Wrists Cloth
Wickerwoven Bindings
50Wrists Cloth
Wickerwoven Bracers
50Wrists Cloth
Wickerwoven Cuffs
50Wrists Cloth
Wickerwoven Wristwraps
50Wrists Cloth
Zanchuli Bands
50Wrists Cloth
Zanchuli Bracelets
50Wrists Cloth
Zanchuli Bracers
50Wrists Cloth
Zanchuli Cuffs
50Wrists Cloth
Zanchuli Wristwraps
50Wrists Cloth
Bracers of Arcane Mystery
44Wrists Cloth
Bracers of Swirling Light
44Wrists Cloth
Fel Singed Wraps
44Wrists Cloth
Felflame Bracers
44Wrists Cloth
Frost-Touched Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Leywalker Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Lightbinder Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Wristwraps of the Grieving Prophet
44Wrists Cloth
7th Legion Battlemage Wraps
44Wrists Cloth
Black Rose Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Communal Bindings
44Wrists Cloth
Cuffs of Unrelenting Anguish
44Wrists Cloth
Felsoul Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Leywalker Bracers
44Wrists Cloth
Lorna's Bracelet
44Wrists Cloth
Mountainsage Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Nightvale Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Runespeaker's Bracers
44Wrists Cloth
Runespeaker's Cuffs
44Wrists Cloth
Snowblind Bracers
44Wrists Cloth
Snowblind Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Sweat-Swollen Cuffs
44Wrists Cloth
Vintner's Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Windshaper Bracers
44Wrists Cloth
Windshaper Wristwraps
44Wrists Cloth
Shadowveil Wristwraps
43Wrists Cloth
Agurak Wristwraps
40Wrists Cloth
Karabor Sage Wristwraps
40Wrists Cloth
Frostwolf Wind-Talker Cuffs
40Wrists Cloth
Karabor Sage Wristwraps
40Wrists Cloth
Steamburst Wristwraps
40Wrists Cloth
Mindbender Cuffs
39Wrists Cloth
Waterfall Cuffs
39Wrists Cloth
Dreadspinner Cuffs
39Wrists Cloth
Dreadspinner Wristwraps
39Wrists Cloth
Jungle-Chopper Bracers
39Wrists Cloth
Motherseed Cuffs
39Wrists Cloth
Motherseed Wristwraps
39Wrists Cloth
Veiled Cuffs
39Wrists Cloth
Mindbender Wristwraps
38Wrists Cloth
Mistborne Cuffs
38Wrists Cloth
Swampwalker Cuffs
38Wrists Cloth
Waterfall Wristwraps
38Wrists Cloth
True Archaeologist's Bracers
37Wrists Cloth
Ambermist Cuffs
37Wrists Cloth
Angkhal Cuffs
37Wrists Cloth
Bamboo Fiber Cuffs
37Wrists Cloth
Bamboo Strip Cuffs
37Wrists Cloth
Gilded Fan Silk Cuffs
37Wrists Cloth
Nayeli Cuffs
37Wrists Cloth
Silkmasters' Satin Cuffs
37Wrists Cloth
Silkwood Cuffs
37Wrists Cloth