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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Hood of Teeming Horror
35Head Cloth
Hood of the Shuffled Coil
35Head Cloth
Icyweave Amice
35Shoulders Cloth
Icyweave Gloves
35Hands Cloth
Icyweave Robes
35Chest Cloth
Incorporeal Sandals
35Feet Cloth
Inquisitor's Girdle
35Waist Cloth
Leggings of the Albino Brachyura
35Legs Cloth
Legs of Ringing Echoes
35Legs Cloth
Lightheart Sandals
35Feet Cloth
Magesoul Cord
3530Waist Cloth
Magesoul Handwraps
3530Hands Cloth
Magesoul Hood
3530Head Cloth
Magesoul Leggings
3530Legs Cloth
Magesoul Robe
3530Chest Cloth
Magesoul Sandals
3530Feet Cloth
Magesoul Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Cloth
Magesoul Wristwraps
3530Wrists Cloth
Maggotproof Gloves
35Hands Cloth
Mistmantle Cord
3529Waist Cloth
Mistmantle Cowl
3529Head Cloth
Mistmantle Handwraps
3529Hands Cloth
Mistmantle Leggings
3529Legs Cloth
Mistmantle Robe
3529Chest Cloth
Mistmantle Sandals
3529Feet Cloth
Mistmantle Shoulderpads
3529Shoulders Cloth
Mistmantle Wristwraps
3529Wrists Cloth
Ostracod Sandals
35Feet Cloth
Part-Picker Wraps
35Hands Cloth
Priapulid Bracers
35Wrists Cloth
Punishing Shoulders
35Shoulders Cloth
Repurposed Twilight Girdle
35Waist Cloth
Robes of the Watery Savior
35Chest Cloth
Robes of the Watery Savior
35Chest Cloth
Rockbreaker Robes
35Chest Cloth
Seraphic Bindings
3530Wrists Cloth
Seraphic Boots
3530Feet Cloth
Seraphic Cord
3530Waist Cloth
Seraphic Cowl
3530Head Cloth
Seraphic Gloves
3530Hands Cloth
Seraphic Handwraps
3530Hands Cloth
Seraphic Hood
3530Head Cloth
Seraphic Leggings
3530Legs Cloth
Seraphic Mantle
3530Shoulders Cloth
Seraphic Pants
3530Legs Cloth
Seraphic Robe
3530Chest Cloth
Seraphic Sandals
3530Feet Cloth
Seraphic Sash
3530Waist Cloth
Seraphic Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Cloth
Seraphic Vestments
3530Chest Cloth
Seraphic Wristwraps
3530Wrists Cloth
Shoulderpads of Anguilliform Extinction
35Shoulders Cloth
Shoulderpads of Anguilliform Extinction
35Shoulders Cloth
Sparklight Robes
35Chest Cloth
Stickyfoot Sandals
35Feet Cloth
Supplicant's Discarded Bracer
35Wrists Cloth
Tilefish Crown
35Head Cloth
Time-Clearing Bracers
35Wrists Cloth
Time-Clearing Bracers
35Wrists Cloth
Treads of Dependability
35Feet Cloth
Treads of Dependability
35Feet Cloth
Vizier Bracelets
3529Wrists Cloth
Vizier Gloves
3529Hands Cloth
Vizier Hood
3529Head Cloth
Vizier Leggings
3529Legs Cloth
Vizier Mantle
3529Shoulders Cloth
Vizier Robe
3529Chest Cloth
Vizier Sash
3529Waist Cloth
Vizier Slippers
3529Feet Cloth
Wound-Binding Girdle
35Waist Cloth
Wound-Binding Girdle
35Waist Cloth
Wound-Cauterizing Spaulders
35Shoulders Cloth
Dalaran Nurse's Gown
35Chest Cloth
Draenic Silk Robes
35Chest Cloth
Scraggly Cloth Belt
3535Waist Cloth
Scraggly Cloth Boots
3535Feet Cloth
Scraggly Cloth Bracers
3535Wrists Cloth
Scraggly Cloth Gloves
3535Hands Cloth
Scraggly Cloth Pants
3535Legs Cloth
Scraggly Cloth Shoulderpads
3535Shoulders Cloth
Scraggly Cloth Vest
3535Chest Cloth
Scruffy Cloth Belt
3533Waist Cloth
Scruffy Cloth Boots
3533Feet Cloth
Scruffy Cloth Bracers
3533Wrists Cloth
Scruffy Cloth Gloves
3533Hands Cloth
Scruffy Cloth Pants
3533Legs Cloth
Scruffy Cloth Shoulderpads
3533Shoulders Cloth
Scruffy Cloth Vest
3533Chest Cloth
Sodden Cloth Belt
3531Waist Cloth
Sodden Cloth Boots
3531Feet Cloth
Sodden Cloth Bracers
3531Wrists Cloth
Sodden Cloth Gloves
3531Hands Cloth
Sodden Cloth Pants
3531Legs Cloth
Sodden Cloth Shoulderpads
3531Shoulders Cloth
Sodden Cloth Vest
3531Chest Cloth
Unused Cloth Shoulder A02 Yellow
3530Shoulders Cloth
Vermin-Gnawed Cloth Belt
3532Waist Cloth
Vermin-Gnawed Cloth Boots
3532Feet Cloth
Vermin-Gnawed Cloth Bracers
3532Wrists Cloth
Vermin-Gnawed Cloth Gloves
3532Hands Cloth