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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Duskwoven Sandals
2620Feet Cloth
Duskwoven Turban
2620Head Cloth
Frostweave Robe
2620Chest Cloth
Frostweave Tunic
2620Chest Cloth
Gaea's Leggings
2620Legs Cloth
Gossamer Robe
2620Chest Cloth
Gossamer Tunic
2620Chest Cloth
Hibernal Armor
2620Chest Cloth
Hibernal Robe
2620Chest Cloth
Imperial Red Bracers
2620Wrists Cloth
Imperial Red Sash
2620Waist Cloth
Opulent Belt
2620Waist Cloth
Opulent Boots
2620Feet Cloth
Opulent Gloves
2620Hands Cloth
Opulent Mantle
2620Shoulders Cloth
Runecloth Belt
2620Waist Cloth
Venomshroud Mask
2620Head Cloth
Embroidered Armor
2620Chest Cloth
Embroidered Belt
2620Waist Cloth
Embroidered Boots
2620Feet Cloth
Embroidered Bracers
2620Wrists Cloth
Embroidered Gloves
2620Hands Cloth
Embroidered Pants
2620Legs Cloth
Silver Dress Robes
2620Chest Cloth
Bad Mojo Mask
2519Head Cloth
Boots of the Full Moon
2519Feet Cloth
Crown of the Ogre King
2519Head Cloth
Farraki Ceremonial Robes
2519Chest Cloth
Mindsurge Robe
2519Chest Cloth
Oddly Magical Belt
2519Waist Cloth
Robe of Combustion
2519Chest Cloth
Spellshock Leggings
2519Legs Cloth
Sublime Wristguards
2519Wrists Cloth
Abjurer's Bands
2519Wrists Cloth
Abjurer's Boots
2519Feet Cloth
Abjurer's Gloves
2519Hands Cloth
Abjurer's Mantle
2519Shoulders Cloth
Abjurer's Sash
2519Waist Cloth
Admiral's Hat
2519Head Cloth
Bloodwoven Mask
2519Head Cloth
Bloodwoven Pants
2519Legs Cloth
Cindercloth Boots
2519Feet Cloth
Cindercloth Leggings
2519Legs Cloth
Duskwoven Sash
2519Waist Cloth
Gaea's Amice
2519Shoulders Cloth
Gaea's Circlet
2519Head Cloth
Hibernal Cowl
2519Head Cloth
Hibernal Mantle
2519Shoulders Cloth
Hibernal Pants
2519Legs Cloth
Opulent Bracers
2519Wrists Cloth
Red Mageweave Headband
2519Head Cloth
Royal Blouse
2519Chest Cloth
Royal Gown
2519Chest Cloth
Shadoweave Boots
2519Feet Cloth
Shadoweave Mask
2519Head Cloth
Venomshroud Belt
2519Waist Cloth
Venomshroud Boots
2519Feet Cloth
Venomshroud Mantle
2519Shoulders Cloth
Venomshroud Mitts
2519Hands Cloth
Windchaser Robes
2519Chest Cloth
Windchaser Wraps
2519Chest Cloth
Crochet Gloves
2519Hands Cloth
Crochet Shoulderpads
2519Shoulders Cloth
Robes of Insight
2518Chest Cloth
Cassandra's Grace
2518Head Cloth
Fire Striders
2518Feet Cloth
Grimgore Noose
2518Waist Cloth
Mantle of the Scarlet Crusade
2518Shoulders Cloth
Sacred Cloth Leggings
2518Legs Cloth
Shroud of the Nathrezim
2518Shoulders Cloth
Tearfall Bracers
2518Wrists Cloth
Bloodwoven Pads
2518Shoulders Cloth
Gaea's Belt
2518Waist Cloth
Gaea's Handwraps
2518Hands Cloth
Gaea's Slippers
2518Feet Cloth
Gossamer Headpiece
2518Head Cloth
Gossamer Pants
2518Legs Cloth
Hibernal Boots
2518Feet Cloth
Hibernal Bracers
2518Wrists Cloth
Hibernal Gloves
2518Hands Cloth
Hibernal Sash
2518Waist Cloth
Lunar Raiment
2518Chest Cloth
Lunar Vest
2518Chest Cloth
Red Mageweave Shoulders
2518Shoulders Cloth
Shadoweave Shoulders
2518Shoulders Cloth
Venomshroud Armguards
2518Wrists Cloth
Forgotten Wraps
2418Wrists Cloth
Black Mageweave Boots
2418Feet Cloth
Black Mageweave Headband
2418Head Cloth
Black Mageweave Shoulders
2418Shoulders Cloth
Bloodwoven Boots
2418Feet Cloth
Darkmist Armor
2418Chest Cloth
Darkmist Wraps
2418Chest Cloth
Gaea's Cuffs
2418Wrists Cloth
Gossamer Belt
2418Waist Cloth
Gossamer Gloves
2418Hands Cloth
Gossamer Shoulderpads
2418Shoulders Cloth
Mistscape Armor
2418Chest Cloth
Mistscape Robe
2418Chest Cloth
Pale Leggings
2418Legs Cloth