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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Imbued Netherweave Tunic
3227Chest Cloth
Incanter's Cowl
3227Head Cloth
Incanter's Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Incanter's Pauldrons
3227Shoulders Cloth
Incanter's Robe
3227Chest Cloth
Incanter's Robe
3227Chest Cloth
Incanter's Trousers
3227Legs Cloth
Jaedenfire Gloves of Annihilation
3227Hands Cloth
Jeweled Boots of Sanctification
32Feet Cloth
Jeweled Boots of Sanctification
3227Feet Cloth
Khadgar's Kilt of Abjuration
32Legs Cloth
Khadgar's Kilt of Abjuration
3227Legs Cloth
Kirin Tor Apprentice's Robes
32Chest Cloth
Leggings of the Sacred Crest
3227Legs Cloth
Leggings of the Skettis Exile
3227Legs Cloth
Lifeblood Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Lifeblood Bracers
3227Wrists Cloth
Light Scribe Bands
3227Wrists Cloth
Light-Woven Slippers
3227Feet Cloth
Mage-Collar of the Firestorm
3227Head Cloth
Mage-Collar of the Firestorm
3227Head Cloth
Mage-Fury Girdle
32Waist Cloth
Mage-Fury Girdle
3227Waist Cloth
Mana-Etched Crown
32Head Cloth
Mana-Etched Crown
3227Head Cloth
Mana-Etched Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Mana-Etched Pantaloons
3227Legs Cloth
Mana-Etched Pantaloons
3227Legs Cloth
Mana-Etched Spaulders
32Shoulders Cloth
Mana-Etched Spaulders
3227Shoulders Cloth
Mana-Etched Vestments
3227Chest Cloth
Mana-Sphere Shoulderguards
32Shoulders Cloth
Mana-Sphere Shoulderguards
3227Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Three Terrors
32Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Three Terrors
3227Shoulders Cloth
Mendicant's Robe of Mendacity
3227Chest Cloth
Mindrage Pauldrons
32Shoulders Cloth
Mindrage Pauldrons
3227Shoulders Cloth
Mooncloth Cowl
3227Head Cloth
Mooncloth Legguards
3227Legs Cloth
Mooncloth Mitts
3227Hands Cloth
Mooncloth Shoulderpads
3227Shoulders Cloth
Mooncloth Vestments
3227Chest Cloth
Mooncloth Vestments
3227Chest Cloth
Netherflame Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Netherflame Boots
3227Feet Cloth
Netherflame Robe
3227Chest Cloth
Nigh-Invulnerability Belt
3224Waist Cloth
Oracle Belt of Timeless Mystery
3227Waist Cloth
Oracle Belt of Timeless Mystery
3227Waist Cloth
Pantaloons of Flaming Wrath
32Legs Cloth
Pantaloons of Flaming Wrath
3227Legs Cloth
Pants of the Naaru
32Legs Cloth
Pontiff's Pantaloons of Prophecy
3227Legs Cloth
Prismatic Mittens of Mending
3227Hands Cloth
Prismatic Mittens of Mending
3227Hands Cloth
Robe of Effervescent Light
3227Chest Cloth
Robe of Effervescent Light
3227Chest Cloth
Robe of Oblivion
3227Chest Cloth
Robe of the Crimson Order
3227Chest Cloth
Robe of the Great Dark Beyond
32Chest Cloth
Robe of the Great Dark Beyond
3227Chest Cloth
Rocket Boots Xtreme Lite
3224Feet Cloth
Sandals of Broken Dreams
3227Feet Cloth
Sash of Serpentra
3227Waist Cloth
Satin Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Satin Hood
3227Head Cloth
Satin Hood
3227Head Cloth
Satin Leggings
3227Legs Cloth
Satin Mantle
3227Shoulders Cloth
Satin Robe
3227Chest Cloth
Scarlet Sin'dorei Robes
3227Chest Cloth
Scintillating Headdress of Second Sight
3227Head Cloth
Shattrath Jumpers
32Feet Cloth
Shattrath Wraps
32Wrists Cloth
Shimmersteel Hood
3228Head Cloth
Sigil-Laced Boots
32Feet Cloth
Sigil-Laced Boots
3227Feet Cloth
Silent Slippers of Meditation
3227Feet Cloth
Slippers of the High Priestess
32Feet Cloth
Spaulders of Oblivion
3227Shoulders Cloth
Spaulders of the Torn-Heart
32Shoulders Cloth
Stormspire Vest
3227Chest Cloth
Tourmaline Crown
32Head Cloth
Trousers of Oblivion
3227Legs Cloth
Ultra-Spectropic Detection Goggles
3224Head Cloth
Unyielding Bracers
3227Wrists Cloth
Vermillion Robes of the Dominant
3227Chest Cloth
Vestia's Pauldrons of Inner Grace
3227Shoulders Cloth
Voodoo-Woven Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Warp-Infused Drape
3227Chest Cloth
Warp-Infused Drape
3227Chest Cloth
Watcher's Cowl
3227Head Cloth
Windchanneller's Bindings
3227Wrists Cloth
Windchanneller's Boots
3227Feet Cloth
Windchanneller's Ceinture
3227Waist Cloth
Windchanneller's Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Windchanneller's Leggings
3227Legs Cloth
Windchanneller's Mantle
3227Shoulders Cloth
Windchanneller's Miter
3227Head Cloth