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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Ritual Gloves
127Hands Cloth
Ritual Sandals
127Feet Cloth
Scarecrow Trousers
127Legs Cloth
Seafarer's Pantaloons
127Legs Cloth
Seer's Pants
127Legs Cloth
Shimmering Bracers
127Wrists Cloth
Whispering Vest
127Chest Cloth
Wise Man's Belt
127Waist Cloth
Canvas Pants
127Legs Cloth
Canvas Shoulderpads
127Shoulders Cloth
Buccaneer's Boots
117Feet Cloth
Buccaneer's Bracers
117Wrists Cloth
Mystic's Gloves
117Hands Cloth
Mystic's Woolies
117Legs Cloth
Pagan Bands
117Wrists Cloth
Ritual Belt
117Waist Cloth
Willow Robe
117Chest Cloth
Willow Vest
117Chest Cloth
Woolen Boots
117Feet Cloth
Canvas Bracers
117Wrists Cloth
Canvas Gloves
117Hands Cloth
Cuffs of Black Elements
116Wrists Cloth
Fireworm Robes
116Chest Cloth
Robe of Evocation
116Chest Cloth
Snarlmouth Leggings
116Legs Cloth
Barbaric Cloth Robe
116Chest Cloth
Barbaric Cloth Vest
116Chest Cloth
Green Woolen Robe
116Chest Cloth
Mystic's Slippers
116Feet Cloth
Ritual Bands
116Wrists Cloth
Seer's Belt
116Waist Cloth
Seer's Gloves
116Hands Cloth
Silvermoon Robes
116Chest Cloth
Solstice Robe
116Chest Cloth
Willow Pants
116Legs Cloth
Dalaran Wizard's Robe
116Chest Cloth
Canvas Belt
116Waist Cloth
Aboriginal Loincloth
106Legs Cloth
Apothecary's Waistband
106Waist Cloth
Green Woolen Vest
106Chest Cloth
Heavy Woolen Gloves
106Hands Cloth
Mystic's Belt
106Waist Cloth
Mystic's Bracelets
106Wrists Cloth
Seer's Boots
106Feet Cloth
Seer's Cuffs
106Wrists Cloth
Spellbinder Robe
106Chest Cloth
Spellbinder Vest
106Chest Cloth
Heavy Weave Armor
106Chest Cloth
Heavy Weave Belt
106Waist Cloth
Heavy Weave Bracers
106Wrists Cloth
Heavy Weave Gloves
106Hands Cloth
Heavy Weave Pants
106Legs Cloth
Heavy Weave Shoes
106Feet Cloth
Robe of Apprenticeship
106Chest Cloth
Stonesplinter Rags
106Chest Cloth
Canvas Shoes
106Feet Cloth
Canvas Vest
106Chest Cloth
Frost Runed Headdress
605Head Cloth
Frostwolf Cloth Belt
605Waist Cloth
Stormpike Cloth Girdle
605Waist Cloth
Darkmoon Robe
125Chest Cloth
Aboriginal Footwraps
95Feet Cloth
Aboriginal Gloves
95Hands Cloth
Barbaric Loincloth
95Legs Cloth
Native Robe
95Chest Cloth
Native Vest
95Chest Cloth
Soft-Soled Linen Boots
95Feet Cloth
Spellbinder Pants
95Legs Cloth
Willow Belt
95Waist Cloth
Willow Gloves
95Hands Cloth
Aboriginal Sash
85Waist Cloth
Adept's Gloves
85Hands Cloth
Apothecary's Robe
85Chest Cloth
Apprentice Boots
85Feet Cloth
Barbaric Cloth Boots
85Feet Cloth
Barbaric Cloth Gloves
85Hands Cloth
Coppercloth Gloves
85Hands Cloth
Rat Cloth Belt
85Waist Cloth
Simple Blouse
85Chest Cloth
Simple Kilt
85Legs Cloth
Simple Robe
85Chest Cloth
Willow Boots
85Feet Cloth
Willow Bracers
85Wrists Cloth
Calico Gloves
85Hands Cloth
Barbaric Linen Vest
74Chest Cloth
Blue Linen Robe
74Chest Cloth
Handstitched Linen Britches
74Legs Cloth
Native Pants
74Legs Cloth
Simple Britches
74Legs Cloth
Aboriginal Bands
74Wrists Cloth
Barbaric Cloth Belt
74Waist Cloth
Spellbinder Boots
74Feet Cloth
Spellbinder Bracers
74Wrists Cloth
Spellbinder Gloves
74Hands Cloth
Calico Belt
74Waist Cloth
Ancestral Robe
64Chest Cloth
Ancestral Tunic
64Chest Cloth
Ancestral Woollies
64Legs Cloth
Disciple's Robe
64Chest Cloth
Disciple's Vest
64Chest Cloth