

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Sash of Pained Absolution
8548Waist Rebels on the Road Cloth
Shoulders of Pained Absolution
8548Shoulders Cloth
Slippers of Pained Absolution
8548Feet Cloth
Sparring Trainer's Handwraps
8548Hands Assessing Your Spirit Cloth
Spirit Tender's Cord
8548Waist Belly Full of Fae Cloth
Spirit Tender's Cuffs
8548Wrists Unknown Assailants Cloth
Spirit Tender's Handwraps
8548Hands Souls Come Home Cloth
Spirit Tender's Leggings
8548Legs When a Gorm Eats a God Cloth
Spirit Tender's Mantle
8548Shoulders I Know Your Face Cloth
Spirit Tender's Slippers
8548Feet Souls of the Forest Cloth
Tubbins Teapot Fire Mitts
8548Hands My Terrible Morning Cloth
Vestments of Pained Absolution
8548Chest Comfortably Numb Cloth
Wraps of Pained Absolution
8548Wrists Ending the Inquisitor Cloth
Soulbreaker Sash
22550Waist Cloth
Soulbreaker Slippers
22550Feet Cloth
Soulbreaker Mantle
22050Shoulders Cloth
Soulbreaker Handwraps
21550Hands Cloth
Soulbreaker Vestments
21550Chest Cloth
Soulbreaker Hood
20550Head Cloth
Soulbreaker Leggings
20050Legs Cloth
Soulbreaker Wraps
20050Wrists Cloth
10.0 Poor Item Template - <Descriptor> Cloth Armbands
20050Wrists Cloth
10.0 Poor Item Template - <Descriptor> Cloth Cincture
20050Waist Cloth
10.0 Poor Item Template - <Descriptor> Cloth Footpads
20050Feet Cloth
10.0 Poor Item Template - <Descriptor> Cloth Grips
20050Hands Cloth
10.0 Poor Item Template - <Descriptor> Cloth Hood
20050Head Cloth
10.0 Poor Item Template - <Descriptor> Cloth Legwraps
20050Legs Cloth
10.0 Poor Item Template - <Descriptor> Cloth Mantle
20050Shoulders Cloth
10.0 Poor Item Template - <Descriptor> Cloth Vestments
20050Chest Cloth
Singed Cloth Armbands
20050Wrists Primalist Flowbreaker Cloth
Singed Cloth Cincture
20050WaistLooted Cloth
Singed Cloth Footpads
20050Feet Cloth
Singed Cloth Grips
20050HandsLooted Cloth
Singed Cloth Hood
20050HeadLooted Cloth
Singed Cloth Legwraps
20050Legs Rimetalon Brawler Cloth
Singed Cloth Mantle
20050Shoulders Qalashi Bonebreaker Cloth
Singed Cloth Vestments
20050ChestLooted Cloth
Darkreach Mask
15550Head Cloth
Drust Mask
15550Head Cloth
Drust Mask
15550Head Cloth
Oribos Quest Cloth Chest
15550Chest Cloth
Plague Experimenter's Gloves
15550Hands Cloth
Winterborn Amice
15550Shoulders Cloth
Winterborn Cowl
15550Head Cloth
Winterborn Cuffs
15550Wrists Cloth
Winterborn Handwraps
15550Hands Cloth
Winterborn Leggings
15550Legs Cloth
Winterborn Robes
15550Chest Cloth
Winterborn Sandals
15550Feet Cloth
Winterborn Sash
15550Waist Cloth
Winterborn Tunic
15550Chest Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Chest
15550Chest Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Chest
15550Chest Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Chest
15550Chest Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Chest
15550Chest Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Feet
15550Feet Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Feet
15550Feet Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Feet
15550Feet Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Feet
15550Feet Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Hand
15550Hands Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Hand
15550Hands Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Hand
15550Hands Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Hand
15550Hands Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Head
15550Head Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Head
15550Head Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Head
15550Head Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Head
15550Head Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Legs
15550Legs Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Legs
15550Legs Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Legs
15550Legs Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Legs
15550Legs Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Robe
15550Chest Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Robe
15550Chest Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Robe
15550Chest Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Robe
15550Chest Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Shoulder
15550Shoulders Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Shoulder
15550Shoulders Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Shoulder
15550Shoulders Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Shoulder
15550Shoulders Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Waist
15550Waist Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Waist
15550Waist Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Waist
15550Waist Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Waist
15550Waist Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Wrist
15550Wrists Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Wrist
15550Wrists Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Wrist
15550Wrists Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Wrist
15550Wrists Cloth
Oribos Quest Cloth Chest
15550Chest Cloth
Oribos Quest Cloth Feet
15550Feet Cloth
Oribos Quest Cloth Hand
15550Hands Cloth
Oribos Quest Cloth Head
15550Head Cloth
Oribos Quest Cloth Legs
15550Legs Cloth
Oribos Quest Cloth Robe
15550Chest Cloth
Oribos Quest Cloth Shoulder
15550Shoulders Cloth
Oribos Quest Cloth Waist
15550Waist Cloth
Oribos Quest Cloth Wrist
15550Wrists Cloth
Selfless Watcher's Chestplate
15050Chest Her Will, Inflicted Cloth
Selfless Watcher's Gauntlets
15050Hands Enhancing the Hold Cloth
Selfless Watcher's Girdle
15050Waist Descended Cloth
Selfless Watcher's Helm
15050Head The Seal of Contrition Cloth