

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Gilneas Boots B01 Dress B
1Feet Cloth
Gilneas Boots B01 Dress C
1Feet Cloth
Gilneas Boots B01 Dress D
1Feet Cloth
Gilneas Boots B01 Noble B
1Feet Cloth
Gilneas Boots B01 Noble C
1Feet Cloth
Gilneas Boots B01 Noble D
1Feet Cloth
Gilneas Boots B01 Suit A
1Feet Cloth
Gilneas Boots B01 Suit B
1Feet Cloth
Gilneas Boots B01 Suit C
1Feet Cloth
Gilneas Boots B01 Suit D
1Feet Cloth
Goblin Acolyte's Belt
1Waist Cloth
Goblin Acolyte's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Goblin Acolyte's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Goblin Acolyte's Shirt
1Chest Cloth
Goblin Apprentice's Belt
1Waist Cloth
Goblin Apprentice's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Goblin Apprentice's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Goblin Neophyte's Belt
1Waist Cloth
Goblin Neophyte's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Goblin Neophyte's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Goblin Trainee's Cord
1Waist Cloth
Goblin Trainee's Leggings
1Legs Cloth
Goblin Trainee's Wristwraps
1Wrists Cloth
Initiate's Gloves
1Hands Cloth
Initiate's Rope Belt
1Waist Cloth
Mage's Trousers
1Legs Cloth
Neophyte's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Neophyte's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Neophyte's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Neophyte's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Neophyte's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Neophyte's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Neophyte's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Priest's Trousers
1Legs Cloth
Recruit's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Recruit's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Recruit's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Recruit's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Rugged Trapper's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Squire's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Timerunning Belt
1Waist Cloth
Timerunning Cover
1Head Cloth
Timerunning Gloves
1Hands Cloth
Timerunning Pants
1Legs Cloth
Timerunning Shoulderpads
1Shoulders Cloth
Torn Gnome Pants
1Legs Cloth
Trainee's Cord
1Waist Cloth
Trainee's Leggings
1Legs Cloth
Trainee's Wristwraps
1Wrists Cloth
Trapper's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Warlock's Trousers
1Legs Cloth
Deprecated Dwarven Squire's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Deprecated Sturdy Brown Pants
1Legs Cloth
Frayed Pants
1Legs Cloth
Monster - Cloth Eyepatch A01
1Head Cloth
Monster - Cloth Pirate B02 Red/Skull
1Head Cloth
OLDDwarven Initiate's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Trapper's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Twilight's Hammer Belt
1Waist Cloth
Unkempt Pants
1Legs Cloth
Legionfall Hood
860Head Cloth
Vintner's Gloves
825Hands Cloth
Inspector's Leggings
820Legs Cloth
Ravencourt Liberator Amice
680Shoulders Cloth
Shadowsong Vengeance Corona
680Head Cloth
Leywalker Mantle
680Shoulders Cloth
Leywalker Vestment
680Chest Cloth
Auchenai Keeper Wristwraps
552Wrists Cloth
Steamburst Hood
528Head Cloth
Rough Approximation AGI DPS Robe
318Chest Cloth
Rough Approximation Healer Robe
318Chest Cloth
QR IC32 Cloth Spell Waist3 - PH
174Waist Cloth
QR IC36 Cloth Spell Chest3 - PH
174Chest Cloth
QR IC39 Cloth Spell Shoulder3 - PH
174Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Duskwatch High Magi
162Shoulders Cloth
DB14 Cloth Healer Feet
146Feet Cloth
DB21 Cloth Healer Legs
146Legs Cloth
DB49 Cloth Healer Feet2
146Feet Cloth
DB51 Cloth Spell Legs3
146Legs Cloth
DB53 Cloth Spell Shoulder3
146Shoulders Cloth
DB56 Cloth Healer Shoulder2
146Shoulders Cloth
DB57 Cloth Spell Chest3
146Chest Cloth
DB58 Cloth Spell Feet3
146Feet Cloth
BT47 Cloth Healer Belt2
138Waist Cloth
BT48 Cloth Spell Bracer3
138Wrists Cloth
BT52 Cloth Healer Chest2
138Chest Cloth
BT55 Cloth Spell Boots4
138Feet Cloth
BT56 Cloth Spell Legs4
138Legs Cloth
BT57 Cloth Healer Glove2
138Hands Cloth
BT59 Cloth Spell Gloves4
138Hands Cloth
QR 10574 Cloth Mage Chest
114Chest Cloth
QR 10637 Cloth Mage Legs
114Legs Cloth
Leggings of Valorous Defense
108Legs Cloth
X-52 Rocket Helmet
108Head Cloth
Hood of Vigorous Defense
104Head Cloth
Robes of Restored Hope
104Chest Cloth
Mantle of Unholy Power
99Shoulders Cloth
Unsettling Seaweave Breeches
95Legs Cloth
Unsettling Seaweave Gloves
95Hands Cloth
Hood of the Titan Defender
93Head Cloth