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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Rose Mantle
17Shoulders Cloth
Sacrificial Robes
1710Chest Big Crate of Salvage Cloth
Sandals of Satisfaction
17Feet Alina's Reward Cloth
Sanguine Mantle
1710ShouldersLooted Cloth
Silver-Thread Boots
1710FeetLooted Cloth
Silver-Thread Cuffs
1710WristsLooted Cloth
Silver-Thread Sash
1710WaistLooted Cloth
Trelane's Leggings
17Legs Attack on the Tower Cloth
Watcher's Cinch
1710WaistLooted Cloth
Ziata'jai Bracers
17Wrists Speaking with Nezzliok Cloth
Padded Armor
1710Chest Cloth
Padded Belt
1710Waist Battered Chest Cloth
Padded Boots
1710Feet Cloth
Padded Bracers
1710Wrists Cloth
Padded Gloves
1710Hands Cloth
Padded Pants
1710Legs Battered Chest Cloth
Cross-Stitched Pants
1710LegsLooted Cloth
Black Velvet Robes
1610ChestLooted Cloth
Blackguard Slippers
1610Feet Cloth
Corpse Rompers
1610FeetLooted Cloth
Darkcloth Shoulders
1610Shoulders Swords Deck Cloth
Enumerated Wrap
16WaistLooted Cloth
Foul Shadowsleet Slippers
1610FeetLooted Cloth
Gaze Dreamer Pants
1610LegsLooted Cloth
Ghamoo-Ra's Bind
1610WaistLooted Cloth
Girdle of Nobility
1610WaistLooted Cloth
Gorestained Garb
1610ChestLooted Cloth
Khaz Modan Mantle
16Shoulders The Battle of Thandol Span Cloth
Leech Pants
1610LegsLooted Cloth
Magician's Mantle
16ShouldersLooted Cloth
Noble's Robe
1610ChestLooted Cloth
Silk-Threaded Trousers
1610LegsLooted Cloth
Tree Bark Jacket
1610ChestLooted Cloth
Bloodscalp Sandals
16Feet Sacred to the Bloodscalp Cloth
Bright Mantle
1610ShouldersLooted Cloth
Bright Pants
1610LegsLooted Cloth
Chestnut Mantle
16ShouldersUnobtainable Cloth
Creche-Binder's Cord
1610Waist Cloth
Creche-Binder's Gloves
1610Hands Cloth
Creche-Binder's Leggings
1610Legs Cloth
Creche-Binder's Robe
1610Chest Cloth
Creche-Binder's Soles
1610Feet Cloth
Creche-Binder's Wrappings
1610Wrists Cloth
Creche-Magus's Bindings
1610Wrists Cloth
Creche-Magus's Cinch
1610Waist Cloth
Creche-Magus's Gloves
1610Hands Cloth
Creche-Magus's Pants
1610Legs Cloth
Creche-Magus's Regalia
1610Chest Cloth
Creche-Magus's Shoes
1610Feet Cloth
Creche-Weaver's Bangle
1610Wrists Cloth
Creche-Weaver's Leggings
1610Legs Cloth
Creche-Weaver's Mitts
1610Hands Cloth
Creche-Weaver's Robe
1610Chest Cloth
Creche-Weaver's Sash
1610Waist Cloth
Creche-Weaver's Slippers
1610Feet Cloth
Curate's Bindings
1610Wrists Cloth
Curate's Boots
1610Feet Cloth
Curate's Gloves
1610Hands Cloth
Curate's Pants
1610Legs Cloth
Curate's Robe
1610Chest Cloth
Curate's Sash
1610Waist Cloth
Dark Runner Boots
1610FeetLooted Cloth
Felburner's Cord
1610Waist Cloth
Felburner's Handwraps
1610Hands Cloth
Felburner's Leggings
1610Legs Cloth
Felburner's Robe
1610Chest Cloth
Felburner's Sandals
1610Feet Cloth
Felburner's Wristwraps
1610Wrists Cloth
Fen Keeper Robe
16Chest Cloth
Gloves of Meditation
1610HandsCrafted Cloth
Greenweave Gloves
1610HandsLooted Cloth
Greenweave Mantle
1610ShouldersLooted Cloth
Ivycloth Boots
1610FeetLooted Cloth
Ivycloth Bracelets
1610WristsLooted Cloth
Ivycloth Gloves
1610HandsLooted, Fished Cloth
Ivycloth Sash
1610WaistLooted Cloth
Juju Belt
16Waist A Physical Specimen Cloth
Juju Belt
16Waist Who's a Big Troll? Cloth
Junglestrider Sandals
16Feet Headhunting Cloth
Krom'gar Sergeant's Linen Footwraps
16Feet Cloth
Lightheel Boots
16Feet Cloth
Mantle of Haunting
16Shoulders Silence of the Dwarves Cloth
Missionary's Leggings
16Legs Bad Medicine Cloth
Nimbus Boots
16Feet Cloth
Pagan Britches
1610LegsLooted Cloth
Pagan Vest
1610ChestLooted Cloth
Pagan Wraps
1610ChestLooted Cloth
Phoenix Gloves
1610HandsCrafted Cloth
Phoenix Pants
1610LegsCrafted Cloth
Quiet Slippers
16Feet Windshear Mine Cleanup Cloth
Robe of Solomon
16Chest Cloth
Robes of Antiquity
16Chest Ruuzel Cloth
Sanguine Belt
1610WaistLooted Cloth
Sanguine Cuffs
1610WristsLooted Cloth
Sanguine Handwraps
1610HandsLooted Cloth
Saurboz's Leggings
16Legs Barrier to Entry Cloth
Scholarly Robes
1610ChestLooted Cloth
Shimmering Armor
1610ChestLooted Cloth
Shimmering Robe
1610ChestLooted Cloth
Shoulderwraps of Honor
16Shoulders Bones That Walk Cloth