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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Playful Wristbands
2Wrists Cloth
Raggedy Cloth Cutoffs
2Legs Cloth
Repeller's Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Ripped Pants
2Legs Cloth
Robes of the Sun
2Chest Cloth
Scarlet Initiate Robes
2Chest Cloth
Sea Witch's Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Sedgeweed Britches
2Legs Cloth
Slippers of High Honor
2Feet Cloth
Soft Fur-Lined Shoes
2Feet Cloth
Soft Wool Boots
2Feet Cloth
Soft Wool Vest
2Chest Cloth
Soggy Rope
2Waist Cloth
Southsea Sash
2Waist Cloth
Stemleaf Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Striding Pants
2Legs Cloth
Sun Pearl Gloves
2Hands Cloth
Sunrise Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Sweat-Soaked Cloth Shirt
2Chest Cloth
Tapered Pants
2Legs Cloth
Tattered Cloth Belt
2Waist Cloth
Tattered Cloth Boots
2Feet Cloth
Tattered Cloth Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Tattered Cloth Gloves
2Hands Cloth
Tattered Cloth Pants
2Legs Cloth
Tattered Cloth Vest
2Chest Cloth
Thin Cloth Armor
2Chest Cloth
Thin Cloth Belt
2Waist Cloth
Thin Cloth Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Thin Cloth Gloves
2Hands Cloth
Thin Cloth Pants
2Legs Cloth
Thin Cloth Shoes
2Feet Cloth
Thorncaller Trousers
2Legs Cloth
Unmarred Cord
2Waist Cloth
Velocity Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Venom-Imbued Robes
2Chest Cloth
Vile Slippers
2Feet Cloth
Viny Gloves
2Hands Cloth
Waterlogged Cloth Belt
2Waist Cloth
Waterlogged Cloth Boots
2Feet Cloth
Waterlogged Cloth Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Waterlogged Cloth Gloves
2Hands Cloth
Waterlogged Cloth Pants
2Legs Cloth
Waterlogged Cloth Vest
2Chest Cloth
Weathered Cloth Armor
2Chest Cloth
Webbed Pants
2Legs Cloth
Well Watcher Gloves
2Hands Cloth
Woodland Robes
2Chest Cloth
Worn Slippers
2Feet Cloth
Wyrm Sash
2Waist Cloth
Frayed Belt
2Waist Cloth
Frayed Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Frayed Gloves
2Hands Cloth
Frayed Robe
2Chest Cloth
Frayed Shoes
2Feet Cloth
Prisoner's Shirt
2Chest Cloth
Sole-Less Boots
22Feet Cloth
Unkempt Belt
2Waist Cloth
Unkempt Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Unkempt Gloves
2Hands Cloth
Unkempt Robe
2Chest Cloth
Unkempt Shoes
2Feet Cloth
Amice of the Betrayer
135Shoulders Cloth
Arcanofire Wrap
1Waist Cloth
Arne's Refund Test
1Chest Cloth
Battle Magister's Belt
1Waist Cloth
Battle Magister's Epaulets
1Shoulders Cloth
Battle Magister's Orbs
1Head Cloth
Belt of the Betrayer
135Waist Cloth
Boots of the Betrayer
135Feet Cloth
Boots of the Elemental Triad
135Feet Cloth
Bracers of the Betrayer
135Wrists Cloth
Bracers of the Chosen Dead
145Wrists Cloth
Bracers of the Elemental Triad
135Wrists Cloth
Bracers of the Honored Valarjar
1Wrists Cloth
Bracers of the Light
135Wrists Cloth
Bracers of the Tidesages
150Wrists Cloth
Chains of Temptation's Call
Remix: Pandaria
1Waist Cloth
Chains of the Alluring Call
1Waist Cloth
Chronoscryer Bracers
145Wrists Cloth
Chronoscryer Cord
145Waist Cloth
Chronoscryer Epaulets
145Shoulders Cloth
Chronoscryer Gloves
145Hands Cloth
Chronoscryer Hood
145Head Cloth
Chronoscryer Leggings
145Legs Cloth
Chronoscryer Robe
145Chest Cloth
Chronoscryer Slippers
145Feet Cloth
Circlet of the Chosen Dead
145Head Cloth
Circlet of the Honored Valarjar
1Head Cloth
Conservator's Silken Amice
160Shoulders Cloth
Conservator's Silken Cowl
160Head Cloth
Conservator's Silken Cuffs
160Wrists Cloth
Conservator's Silken Handwraps
160Hands Cloth
Conservator's Silken Leggings
160Legs Cloth
Conservator's Silken Raiment
160Chest Cloth
Conservator's Silken Sandals
160Feet Cloth
Conservator's Silken Sash
160Waist Cloth
Conservator's Silken Tunic
160Chest Cloth
Cord of the Light
135Waist Cloth
Cowl of the Light
135Head Cloth