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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Bladesworn Conjurer's Cinch
15560Waist Cloth
Bladesworn Conjurer's Cowl
15560Head Cloth
Bladesworn Conjurer's Gloves
15560Hands Cloth
Bladesworn Conjurer's Leggings
15560Legs Cloth
Bladesworn Conjurer's Mantle
15560Shoulders Cloth
Bladesworn Conjurer's Slippers
15560Feet Cloth
Bladesworn Conjurer's Tunic
15560Chest Cloth
Bladesworn Conjurer's Wristwraps
15560Wrists Cloth
Soulbreaker's Ebony Handwraps
15560Hands Cloth
Soulbreaker's Ebony Hood
15560Head Cloth
Soulbreaker's Ebony Leggings
15560Legs Cloth
Soulbreaker's Ebony Mantle
15560Shoulders Cloth
Soulbreaker's Ebony Sash
15560Waist Cloth
Soulbreaker's Ebony Slippers
15560Feet Cloth
Soulbreaker's Ebony Vestments
15560Chest Cloth
Soulbreaker's Ebony Wraps
15560Wrists Cloth
Auctioneer's Counting Bracers
15560Wrists Cloth
Codebreaker's Cunning Sandals
15560Feet Cloth
Cowl of Branching Fate
15560Head Cloth
Cyphered Gloves
15560Hands Cloth
Faewoven Amice
15560Shoulders Cloth
Faewoven Cowl
15560Head Cloth
Faewoven Cuffs
15560Wrists Cloth
Faewoven Handwraps
15560Hands Cloth
Faewoven Leggings
15560Legs Cloth
Faewoven Raiment
15560Chest Cloth
Faewoven Sandals
15560Feet Cloth
Faewoven Sash
15560Waist Cloth
Faewoven Tunic
15560Chest Cloth
Harmonious Spaulders
15560Shoulders Cloth
Hyperlight Leggings
15560Legs Cloth
Pan-Dimensional Packing Cord
15560Waist Cloth
Robes of Midnight Bargains
15560Chest Cloth
Bloodsilk Cord
14860Waist Cloth
Bloodsilk Gloves
14860Hands Cloth
Bloodsilk Hood
14860Head Cloth
Bloodsilk Leggings
14860Legs Cloth
Bloodsilk Mantle
14860Shoulders Cloth
Bloodsilk Robe
14860Chest Cloth
Bloodsilk Treads
14860Feet Cloth
Bloodsilk Wristwraps
14860Wrists Cloth
Cowl of Emberfury
14860Head Cloth
Faemoss Amice
14860Shoulders Cloth
Faemoss Bindings
14860Wrists Cloth
Faemoss Coronet
14860Head Cloth
Faemoss Gloves
14860Hands Cloth
Faemoss Leggings
14860Legs Cloth
Faemoss Shoes
14860Feet Cloth
Faemoss Vestment
14860Chest Cloth
Faemoss Waistband
14860Waist Cloth
Sincollector's Cord
14860Waist Cloth
Sincollector's Leggings
14860Legs Cloth
Sincollector's Sandals
14860Feet Cloth
Sincollector's Shoulderpads
14860Shoulders Cloth
Sincollector's Vestment
14860Chest Cloth
Soul Cuffs
14860Wrists Cloth
Soul-Siphoner's Handwraps
14860Hands Cloth
Spiritmender's Cord
14860Waist Cloth
Spiritmender's Cuffs
14860Wrists Cloth
Spiritmender's Handwraps
14860Hands Cloth
Spiritmender's Hood
14860Head Cloth
Spiritmender's Leggings
14860Legs Cloth
Spiritmender's Mantle
14860Shoulders Cloth
Spiritmender's Robe
14860Chest Cloth
Spiritmender's Slippers
14860Feet Cloth
90 Epic Frost Bindings
9060Wrists Cloth
90 Epic Frost Boots
9060Feet Cloth
Cycle-Tender's Pantaloons
8560Legs Cloth
Masque of the Path
8560Head Cloth
Robe of the March Warden
8560Chest Cloth
Apprentice Necromancer's Gloves
8560Hands Cloth
Courtier's Mantle
8560Shoulders Cloth
Flourished Cummerbund
8560Waist Cloth
Gamekeeper's Slippers
8560Feet Cloth
Manacles of Burden
8560Wrists Cloth
Doomcaller's Handwraps [PH]
7860Hands Cloth
Bracelets of Blind Absolution
5060Wrists Cloth
Crown of the Arcane Tempest
5060Head Cloth
Cuffs of the Arcane Tempest
5060Wrists Cloth
Diabolic Cinch
5060Waist Cloth
Diabolic Cuffs
5060Wrists Cloth
Diabolic Footwraps
5060Feet Cloth
Diabolic Gloves
5060Hands Cloth
Diabolic Helm
5060Head Cloth
Diabolic Leggings
5060Legs Cloth
Diabolic Mantle
5060Shoulders Cloth
Diabolic Robe
5060Chest Cloth
Diabolic Tunic
5060Chest Cloth
Gloves of Blind Absolution
5060Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Arcane Tempest
5060Hands Cloth
Hood of Blind Absolution
5060Head Cloth
Leggings of Blind Absolution
5060Legs Cloth
Leggings of the Arcane Tempest
5060Legs Cloth
Mantle of Blind Absolution
5060Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Arcane Tempest
5060Shoulders Cloth
Raiment of the Arcane Tempest
5060Chest Cloth
Robes of Blind Absolution
5060Chest Cloth
Robes of the Arcane Tempest
5060Chest Cloth
Sandals of Blind Absolution
5060Feet Cloth
Sash of the Arcane Tempest
5060Waist Cloth