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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Vindicator Shoulderpads
3025ShouldersLooted Cloth
Vindicator Tunic
3025ChestLooted Cloth
Vindicator's Soft Sole Slippers
7Feet I Shoot Magic Into the Darkness Cloth
Vindicator's Woolies
10LegsLooted, Quest Cloth
Vintner's Wristwraps
44Wrists Challiane Vineyards Cloth
Vir'naal Spaulders
36Shoulders Trespassers in the Water Cloth
Visionary's Robes
33Chest Imprints on the Past Cloth
Vital Boots
2013FeetLooted Cloth
Vital Bracelets
1912WristsLooted Cloth
Vital Handwraps
2013HandsLooted Cloth
Vital Headband
2113HeadLooted Cloth
Vital Leggings
2113LegsLooted Cloth
Vital Raiment
2114ChestLooted Cloth
Vital Sash
1912WaistLooted Cloth
Vital Shoulders
2013ShouldersLooted Cloth
Vital Tunic
2114ChestLooted Cloth
Vizier Bracelets
3529WristsLooted Cloth
Vizier Gloves
3529HandsLooted Cloth
Vizier Hood
3529HeadLooted Cloth
Vizier Leggings
3529LegsLooted, Skinned Cloth
Vizier Mantle
3529ShouldersLooted Cloth
Vizier Robe
3529ChestLooted Cloth
Vizier Sash
3529WaistLooted Cloth
Vizier Slippers
3529FeetLooted Cloth
Void-Bound Cord
1Waist Cloth
Void-Bound Crown
1Head Cloth
Void-Bound Cuffs
1Wrists Cloth
Void-Bound Gloves
1Hands Cloth
Void-Bound Mantle
1Shoulders Cloth
Void-Bound Robe
1Chest Cloth
Void-Bound Slippers
1Feet Cloth
Void-Bound Trousers
1Legs Cloth
Voidwrap Cord
4339WaistLooted Cloth
Voidwrap Cowl
4339HeadLooted Cloth
Voidwrap Handwraps
4339HandsLooted Cloth
Voidwrap Leggings
4339LegsLooted Cloth
Voidwrap Robe
4339ChestLooted Cloth
Voidwrap Sandals
4339FeetLooted Cloth
Voidwrap Shoulderpads
4339ShouldersLooted Cloth
Voidwrap Wristwraps
4339WristsLooted Cloth
Voldrune Bracelets
3328WristsLooted Cloth
Voldrune Crown
3328HeadLooted Cloth
Voldrune Gloves
3328HandsLooted Cloth
Voldrune Legs
3328LegsLooted Cloth
Voldrune Mantle
3328ShouldersLooted Cloth
Voldrune Robe
3328ChestLooted Cloth
Voldrune Sash
3328WaistLooted Cloth
Voldrune Slippers
3328FeetLooted Cloth
Voodoo Mantle
16Shoulders Cloth
Wanderer's Stitched Trousers
29LegsQuest Cloth
Wandering Boots
15Feet Cloth
Wandering Healer's Kilt
32LegsQuest Cloth
Wardfire Shoulders
36Shoulders Fight Fire and Water and Air with... Cloth
Warlords Intro Zone PH Cloth Cord
500Waist Cloth
Warlords Intro Zone PH Cloth Gloves
500Hands Cloth
Warlords Intro Zone PH Cloth Hood
500Head Cloth
Warlords Intro Zone PH Cloth Leggings
500Legs Cloth
Warlords Intro Zone PH Cloth Mantle
500Shoulders Cloth
Warlords Intro Zone PH Cloth Robe
500Chest Cloth
Warlords Intro Zone PH Cloth Treads
500Feet Cloth
Warlords Intro Zone PH Cloth Wristwraps
500Wrists Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Cord of Cruelty
Warlords Season 3
4440WaistLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Cord of Cruelty
Warlords Season 3
4440WaistLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Cuffs of Prowess
Warlords Season 3
4440WristsLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Cuffs of Prowess
Warlords Season 3
4440WristsLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Felweave Amice
Warlords Season 3
4440ShouldersLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Felweave Amice
Warlords Season 3
4440ShouldersLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Felweave Cowl
Warlords Season 3
4440HeadLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Felweave Cowl
Warlords Season 3
4440HeadLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Felweave Handguards
Warlords Season 3
4440HandsLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Felweave Handguards
Warlords Season 3
4440HandsLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Felweave Raiment
Warlords Season 3
4440ChestLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Felweave Raiment
Warlords Season 3
4440ChestLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Felweave Trousers
Warlords Season 3
4440LegsLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Felweave Trousers
Warlords Season 3
4440LegsLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Satin Gloves
Warlords Season 3
4440HandsLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Satin Gloves
Warlords Season 3
4440HandsLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Satin Hood
Warlords Season 3
4440HeadLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Satin Hood
Warlords Season 3
4440HeadLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Satin Leggings
Warlords Season 3
4440LegsLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Satin Leggings
Warlords Season 3
4440LegsLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Satin Mantle
Warlords Season 3
4440ShouldersLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Satin Mantle
Warlords Season 3
4440ShouldersLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Satin Robe
Warlords Season 3
4440ChestLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Satin Robe
Warlords Season 3
4440ChestLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Silk Amice
Warlords Season 3
4440ShouldersLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Silk Amice
Warlords Season 3
4440ShouldersLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Silk Cowl
Warlords Season 3
4440HeadLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Silk Cowl
Warlords Season 3
4440HeadLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Silk Handguards
Warlords Season 3
4440HandsLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Silk Handguards
Warlords Season 3
4440HandsLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Silk Robe
Warlords Season 3
4440ChestLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Silk Robe
Warlords Season 3
4440ChestLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Silk Trousers
Warlords Season 3
4440LegsLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Silk Trousers
Warlords Season 3
4440LegsLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Treads of Cruelty
Warlords Season 3
4440FeetLooted Cloth
Warmongering Aspirant's Treads of Cruelty
Warlords Season 3
4440FeetLooted Cloth
Warpthread Vest
32Chest Delivering the Message Cloth
Warpweaver's Gloves
31Hands Measuring Warp Energies Cloth
Wasteland Satin Cord
3834Waist Cloth