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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Warmonger's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Warmonger's Skullcap
1Head Cloth
Warmonger's Treads
1Feet Cloth
Warmonger's Wristwraps
1Wrists Cloth
Arne's Tradeable Test
1Chest Cloth
Art Template Cloth Belt - Cloth_PVPPriest_E_01 - Light
1Waist Cloth
Art Template Cloth Chest - Robe_PVPWarlock_C_02 - Blue
1Chest Cloth
Art Template Cloth Chest - Robe_RaidPriest_J - Orange
1Chest Cloth
Art Template Cloth Legs - Cloth_Cataclysm_B_02 - Blue
179Legs Cloth
Art Template Cloth Legs - Cloth_ChallengePriest_D_01 - Red
179Legs Cloth
Corrupted Runelord's Cowl
1Head Cloth
Corrupted Runelord's Glyphbands
1Wrists Cloth
Corrupted Runelord's Handguards
1Hands Cloth
Corrupted Runelord's Leggings
1Legs Cloth
Corrupted Runelord's Mantle
1Shoulders Cloth
Corrupted Runelord's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Corrupted Runelord's Sash
1Waist Cloth
Corrupted Runelord's Slippers
1Feet Cloth
Darkspear Magic Weaver Tunic
1Chest Cloth
Darkspear Soothsayer Robes
1Chest Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Chest
1Chest Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Feet
129Feet Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Hand
1Hands Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Head
1Head Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Legs
129Legs Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Robe
129Chest Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Shoulder
129Shoulders Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Waist
1Waist Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Wrist
129Wrists Cloth
Goblin Nurse Hat
1Head Cloth
Highborne Scholar's Belt
1Waist Cloth
Highborne Scholar's Collar
1Head Cloth
Highborne Scholar's Cuffs
1Wrists Cloth
Highborne Scholar's Gloves
1Hands Cloth
Highborne Scholar's Leggings
1Legs Cloth
Highborne Scholar's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Highborne Scholar's Scrollmantle
1Shoulders Cloth
Highborne Scholar's Slippers
1Feet Cloth
Mantle of the Scholarly Raven
1Shoulders Cloth
Straw Hat
1Head Cloth
Timerunning Boots
1Feet Cloth
Void-Bound Cord
1Waist Cloth
Void-Bound Crown
1Head Cloth
Void-Bound Cuffs
1Wrists Cloth
Void-Bound Gloves
1Hands Cloth
Void-Bound Mantle
1Shoulders Cloth
Void-Bound Robe
1Chest Cloth
Void-Bound Slippers
1Feet Cloth
Void-Bound Trousers
1Legs Cloth
[PH] Rising Dawn Hat
1Head Cloth
10.2 Monster - Merithra - Robe
1Chest Cloth
10.2 Monster - Merithra - Waist
1Waist Cloth
10.2 Monster - Merithra - Wrist
1Wrists Cloth
Acolyte's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Acolyte's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Acolyte's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Acolyte's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Acolyte's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Acolyte's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Acolyte's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Acolyte's Shoes
1Feet Cloth
Apprentice's Boots
1Feet Cloth
Apprentice's Boots
1Feet Cloth
Apprentice's Boots
1Feet Cloth
Apprentice's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Apprentice's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Apprentice's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Apprentice's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Apprentice's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Apprentice's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Apprentice's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Apprentice's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Apprentice's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Battleworn Pants
1Legs Cloth
Battleworn Shoes
1Feet Cloth
Belt of So-Called Leaders
1Waist Cloth
Black Embersilk Gown
1Chest Cloth
Boots of Changing Fortune
1Feet Cloth
Broken Spectacles
1 None
Circle of Suffering
1Waist Cloth
Durability Belt
1Waist Cloth
Empowered Hands
1Hands Cloth
Explorer's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Fur-Lined Slippers
1Feet Cloth
Gamemaster Hood
1Head Cloth
Gamemaster's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Gamemaster's Slippers
1Feet Cloth
Gem Studded Bracelets
1Wrists Cloth
Gilnean Acolyte's Boots
1Feet Cloth
Gilnean Acolyte's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Gilnean Acolyte's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Gilnean Apprentice's Boots
1Feet Cloth
Gilnean Apprentice's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Gilnean Apprentice's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Gilnean Neophyte's Boots
1Feet Cloth
Gilnean Neophyte's Pants
1Legs Cloth
Gilnean Neophyte's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Gilnean Trainee's Cord
1Waist Cloth
Gilnean Trainee's Leggings
1Legs Cloth
Gilnean Trainee's Vest
1Chest Cloth