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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Urchin's Pants
5Legs Cloth
Vandril's Hand Me Down Pants
5Legs Cloth
Verdigris Leggings
5Legs Cloth
Waterbearer's Robes
5Chest Cloth
Well-Stitched Robe
5Chest Cloth
Wolf Fur Boots
5Feet Cloth
Heavy Cord Bracers
5Wrists Cloth
Newly Weaved Pants
5Legs Cloth
Satin Lined Boots
5Feet Cloth
Warm Winter Robe
5Chest Cloth
Ripped Ogre Loincloth
5Legs Cloth
S.B.R.B. Prototype 1
4Feet Cloth
Agamand Family Leggings
4Legs Cloth
Battle Worn Handguards
4Hands Cloth
Belt of the Prairie Wolf
4Waist Cloth
Cauldron Gloves
4Hands Cloth
Devlin's Shirt
4Chest Cloth
Dirt-Trodden Boots
4Feet Cloth
Farmer's Boots
4Feet Cloth
Foul Gnoll Belt
4Waist Cloth
Gardening Gloves
4Hands Cloth
Gretchen's Slippers
4Feet Cloth
Hand Woven Vest
4Chest Cloth
Netted Gloves
4Hands Cloth
Pilot's Gloves
4Hands Cloth
Prodigal Lich Bracer
4Wrists Cloth
Rancher's Trousers
4Legs Cloth
Robes of Endless Raiding
4Chest Cloth
Salvaged Bracers
4Wrists Cloth
Satin Lined Gloves
4Hands Cloth
Silk Wristbands
4Wrists Cloth
Spy Choker Cord
4Waist Cloth
Sturdy Cloth Trousers
4Legs Cloth
Uncle Stonefield's Pants
4Legs Cloth
Weed Fiber Pants
4Legs Cloth
"Flying" Worgen Robes
3Chest Cloth
Banana Peel Slippers
3Feet Cloth
Boatwork Boots
3Feet Cloth
Byron's Test Bracer
3Wrists Cloth
Candlewax Streaked Robe
3Chest Cloth
Dampwick's "Best" Robes
3Chest Cloth
Gilded Leggings
3Legs Cloth
Gold Dust Belt
3Waist Cloth
Grizzled Den Boots
3Feet Cloth
Guard's Leggings
3Legs Cloth
Ivy-Weave Bracers
3Wrists Cloth
Kul Tiras Leggings
3Legs Cloth
Lorna's Gloves
3Hands Cloth
Plains Hunter Guards
3Wrists Cloth
Ragged Belt
3Waist Cloth
Restless Gloves
3Hands Cloth
Simmer's Bracers
3Wrists Cloth
Slightly Worn Bracer
3Wrists Cloth
Thwarter's Belt
3Waist Cloth
Viny Wrappings
3Feet Cloth
Azure Watch Robes
2Chest Cloth
Friar's Robes of the Light
2Chest Cloth
Juju Hex Robes
2Chest Cloth
Moon Robes of Elune
2Chest Cloth
Armbands of Praise
2Wrists Cloth
Athlete's Robe
2Chest Cloth
Aversion Leggings
2Legs Cloth
Burning Blade Coven Gloves
2Hands Cloth
Cloth Manacle Padding
2Wrists Cloth
Darius' Sash
2Waist Cloth
Dwarven Cloth Britches
2Legs Cloth
Fancy Pants
2Legs Cloth
Flame-Retardant Pajama Sleeves
2Wrists Cloth
Flax Belt
2Waist Cloth
Flax Boots
2Feet Cloth
Flax Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Flax Gloves
2Hands Cloth
Flax Vest
2Chest Cloth
Free Body Belt
2Waist Cloth
Frosthammer Bracer
2Wrists Cloth
Gloves of Potential Energy
2Hands Cloth
Grik'nir's Chilly Belt
2Waist Cloth
Hand Sewn Pants
2Legs Cloth
Innkeeper's Longstockings
2Legs Cloth
Light Silk Robe
2Chest Cloth
Lion's Pride Bracer
2Wrists Cloth
Merciless Hands
2Hands Cloth
Northshire Abbot's Robe
2Chest Cloth
Outfitter Gloves
2Hands Cloth
Raggedy Cloth Cutoffs
2Legs Cloth
Repeller's Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Ripped Pants
2Legs Cloth
Robes of the Sun
2Chest Cloth
Sea Witch's Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Sedgeweed Britches
2Legs Cloth
Slippers of High Honor
2Feet Cloth
Soft Fur-Lined Shoes
2Feet Cloth
Soft Wool Boots
2Feet Cloth
Soft Wool Vest
2Chest Cloth
Soggy Rope
2Waist Cloth
Southsea Sash
2Waist Cloth
Stemleaf Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Striding Pants
2Legs Cloth
Sunrise Bracers
2Wrists Cloth
Sweat-Soaked Cloth Shirt
2Chest Cloth