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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Ember-Bleached Cloth Mantle
20040Shoulders Cloth
Ember-Bleached Cloth Slippers
20040Feet Cloth
Ember-Bleached Cloth Tunic
20040Chest Cloth
Singed Cloth Armbands
20050Wrists Cloth
Singed Cloth Cincture
20050Waist Cloth
Singed Cloth Footpads
20050Feet Cloth
Singed Cloth Grips
20050Hands Cloth
Singed Cloth Hood
20050Head Cloth
Singed Cloth Legwraps
20050Legs Cloth
Singed Cloth Mantle
20050Shoulders Cloth
Singed Cloth Vestments
20050Chest Cloth
Kit Jin's Sultry Cinch
19060Waist Cloth
Comfortable Slumberwraps
18760Wrists Cloth
Doubtweaver's Handwraps
18760Hands Cloth
Sinstone Shoulderpadding
18760Shoulders Cloth
Slippers of the Leafy Undergrowth
18760Feet Cloth
Spine Crawler Waistcord
18760Waist Cloth
Forgotten Shade's Shawl
18360Chest Cloth
Sash of the Ethereal Servant
18360Waist Cloth
Sinful Aspirant's Silk Armbands
17560Wrists Cloth
Sinful Aspirant's Silk Britches
17560Legs Cloth
Sinful Aspirant's Silk Cincture
17560Waist Cloth
Sinful Aspirant's Silk Grasps
17560Hands Cloth
Sinful Aspirant's Silk Shoulderpads
17560Shoulders Cloth
Sinful Aspirant's Silk Slippers
17560Feet Cloth
Sinful Aspirant's Silk Vestiment
17560Chest Cloth
Sinful Aspirant's Silk Visage
17560Head Cloth
Grim-Veiled Belt
17560Waist Cloth
Grim-Veiled Bracers
17560Wrists Cloth
Grim-Veiled Hood
17560Head Cloth
Grim-Veiled Mittens
17560Hands Cloth
Grim-Veiled Pants
17560Legs Cloth
Grim-Veiled Robe
17560Chest Cloth
Grim-Veiled Sandals
17560Feet Cloth
Grim-Veiled Spaulders
17560Shoulders Cloth
QR IC32 Cloth Spell Waist3 - PH
174Waist Cloth
QR IC36 Cloth Spell Chest3 - PH
174Chest Cloth
QR IC39 Cloth Spell Shoulder3 - PH
174Shoulders Cloth
Flexible Ectoplasmic Specs
16560Head Cloth
Shadowlace Cord
16560Waist Cloth
Shadowlace Cowl
16560Head Cloth
Shadowlace Cuffs
16560Wrists Cloth
Shadowlace Footwraps
16560Feet Cloth
Shadowlace Handwraps
16560Hands Cloth
Shadowlace Mantle
16560Shoulders Cloth
Shadowlace Trousers
16560Legs Cloth
Shadowlace Tunic
16560Chest Cloth
Aristocratic Cuffs
164Wrists Cloth
Coldstone Slippers
164Feet Cloth
Holy Shroud
164Head Cloth
Nar'thalas Ceremonial Legwraps
164Legs Cloth
Nar'thalas Ceremonial Tunic
164Chest Cloth
Nar'thalas Scrollmantle
164Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Duskwatch High Magi
162Shoulders Cloth
Abominable Visage
15860Head Cloth
Beryllia's Leggings of Endless Torment
15860Legs Cloth
Castigator's Mantle
15860Shoulders Cloth
Cocoonsilk Cowl
15860Head Cloth
Contaminated Gauze Wristwraps
15860Wrists Cloth
Cord of the Dark Word
15860Waist Cloth
Cosmic Aspirant's Silk Belt
15860Waist Cloth
Cosmic Aspirant's Silk Bindings
15860Wrists Cloth
Cosmic Aspirant's Silk Cord
15860Waist Cloth
Cosmic Aspirant's Silk Cover
15860Head Cloth
Cosmic Aspirant's Silk Footwraps
15860Feet Cloth
Cosmic Aspirant's Silk Gloves
15860Hands Cloth
Cosmic Aspirant's Silk Handwraps
15860Hands Cloth
Cosmic Aspirant's Silk Hood
15860Head Cloth
Cosmic Aspirant's Silk Leggings
15860Legs Cloth
Cosmic Aspirant's Silk Legwraps
15860Legs Cloth
Cosmic Aspirant's Silk Mantle
15860Shoulders Cloth
Cosmic Aspirant's Silk Shawl
15860Shoulders Cloth
Cosmic Aspirant's Silk Treads
15860Feet Cloth
Cosmic Aspirant's Silk Tunic
15860Chest Cloth
Cosmic Aspirant's Silk Vest
15860Chest Cloth
Cosmic Aspirant's Silk Wristwraps
15860Wrists Cloth
Cowl of the Devoted General
15860Head Cloth
Dark Stride Footwraps
15860Feet Cloth
Deathshackle Wristwraps
15860Wrists Cloth
Depraved Physician's Mask
15860Head Cloth
Essence Surge Binders
15860Wrists Cloth
Eternal Aspirant's Silk Belt
15860Waist Cloth
Eternal Aspirant's Silk Bindings
15860Wrists Cloth
Eternal Aspirant's Silk Cord
15860Waist Cloth
Eternal Aspirant's Silk Cover
15860Head Cloth
Eternal Aspirant's Silk Footwraps
15860Feet Cloth
Eternal Aspirant's Silk Gloves
15860Hands Cloth
Eternal Aspirant's Silk Handwraps
15860Hands Cloth
Eternal Aspirant's Silk Hood
15860Head Cloth
Eternal Aspirant's Silk Leggings
15860Legs Cloth
Eternal Aspirant's Silk Legwraps
15860Legs Cloth
Eternal Aspirant's Silk Mantle
15860Shoulders Cloth
Eternal Aspirant's Silk Shawl
15860Shoulders Cloth
Eternal Aspirant's Silk Treads
15860Feet Cloth
Eternal Aspirant's Silk Tunic
15860Chest Cloth
Eternal Aspirant's Silk Vest
15860Chest Cloth
Eternal Aspirant's Silk Wristwraps
15860Wrists Cloth
Fallen Empress's Cord
15860Waist Cloth
Gory Surgeon's Gloves
15860Hands Cloth
Ingra Maloch's Mantle
15860Shoulders Cloth