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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Aurostor's Sleeping Knickers
44170Legs Cloth
Blooming Redeemer's Sash
44170Waist Cloth
Cassock of Lunar Communion
44170Chest Cloth
Cincture of Lunar Communion
44170Waist Cloth
Crest of Lunar Communion
44170Head Cloth
Devout Ashdevil's Bracelets
44170Wrists Cloth
Devout Ashdevil's Claws
44170Hands Cloth
Devout Ashdevil's Fanged Sash
44170Waist Cloth
Devout Ashdevil's Grimhorns
44170Head Cloth
Devout Ashdevil's Hatespikes
44170Shoulders Cloth
Devout Ashdevil's Razorhide
44170Chest Cloth
Devout Ashdevil's Slippers
44170Feet Cloth
Devout Ashdevil's Tights
44170Legs Cloth
Elder's Volcanic Wrap
44170Legs Cloth
Fading Flame Wristbands
44170Wrists Cloth
Frigid Conservator's Bands
44170Wrists Cloth
Frigid Conservator's Gown
44170Chest Cloth
Frigid Conservator's Hood
44170Head Cloth
Frigid Conservator's Leggings
44170Legs Cloth
Frigid Conservator's Mitts
44170Hands Cloth
Frigid Conservator's Sash
44170Waist Cloth
Frigid Conservator's Shoulders
44170Shoulders Cloth
Frigid Conservator's Slippers
44170Feet Cloth
Leggings of Lunar Communion
44170Legs Cloth
Lifewoven Slippers
44170Feet Cloth
Lost Scholar's Belted Treads
44170Feet Cloth
Lost Scholar's Temporal Shoulderdials
44170Shoulders Cloth
Lost Scholar's Temporal Shoulderdials
44170Shoulders Cloth
Lost Scholar's Timely Hat
44170Head Cloth
Poulaines of Lunar Communion
44170Feet Cloth
Requiem Rootmantle
44170Shoulders Cloth
Restful Dozer's Shoes
44170Feet Cloth
Shoulderguardians of Lunar Communion
44170Shoulders Cloth
Touch of Lunar Communion
44170Hands Cloth
Twisting Shadow Claws
44170Hands Cloth
Urctos's Hibernal Dial
44170Waist Cloth
Vesture of the Smoldering Serpent
44170Chest Cloth
Wayward Chronomancer's Chronocap
44170Head Cloth
Wayward Chronomancer's Cuffs
44170Wrists Cloth
Wayward Chronomancer's Gloves
44170Hands Cloth
Wayward Chronomancer's Metronomes
44170Shoulders Cloth
Wayward Chronomancer's Pantaloons
44170Legs Cloth
Wayward Chronomancer's Patchwork
44170Chest Cloth
Wayward Chronomancer's Strapped Boots
44170Feet Cloth
Wayward Chronomancer's Synchronous Belt
44170Waist Cloth
Whispering Fanged Cord
44170Waist Cloth
Whispering Fanged Cord
44170Waist Cloth
Wristwraps of Lunar Communion
44170Wrists Cloth
Inventor's Ingenious Trifocals
43768Head Cloth
Shoulderguards of Fraying Sanity
43768Shoulders Cloth
[DNT] Rare Cloth - Robe
43768Chest Cloth
[PH] Infested Fungal Wristwraps
43768Wrists Cloth
Abyssal Hunter's Sash
43768Waist Cloth
Ancient Hardened Legwraps
43768Legs Cloth
Arachnofrost Vest
43768Chest Cloth
Archaic Venomancer's Footwraps
43768Legs Cloth
Benevolent Hornstag Cinch
43768Waist Cloth
Black Blood Cowl
43768Head Cloth
Burrower's Cinch
43768Waist Cloth
Cabbage Harvester's Pantaloons
43768Legs Cloth
Charged Rookfeather Wraps
43768Wrists Cloth
Chitin-Inscribed Vest
43768Chest Cloth
Cinderbrew-Soaked Cowl
43768Head Cloth
Cloudstrider Soles
43768Feet Cloth
Corrupted Earthen Wristwraps
43768Wrists Cloth
Deepfiend Shoulderpads
43768Shoulders Cloth
Dorlita's Safety Belt
43768Waist Cloth
E.D.N.A. Stabilizers
43768Legs Cloth
Elysian Flame Crown
43768Head Cloth
Esteemed Nerubian's Mantle
43768Shoulders Cloth
Exquisitely Aerodynamic Shoulderpads
43768Shoulders Cloth
Fanatic's Blackened Shoulderwraps
43768Shoulders Cloth
Flying Kobold's Seatbelt
43768Waist Cloth
Gleamwax Shackles
43768Wrists Cloth
Grasp of the Shallows
43768Hands Cloth
Grasping Crown of the Deep
43768Head Cloth
Honey Sweetener's Squeezers
43768Hands Cloth
Honorbound Retainer's Sash
43768Waist Cloth
Infested Fungal Wristwraps
43768Wrists Cloth
Intertwiner's Shadowcowl
43768Head Cloth
King's Malicious Clutches
43768Hands Cloth
Leggings of Dark Hunger
43768Legs Cloth
Mantle of the Steamsurger
43768Shoulders Cloth
Membranous Slippers
43768Feet Cloth
Moneymaking Businessmantle
43768Shoulders Cloth
Murkshade Gloves
43768Hands Cloth
Nerubian Bomber's Leggings
43768Legs Cloth
Nerubian Weaver's Gown
43768Chest Cloth
Petticoat of the Self-Stylized Azerite Baron
43768Chest Cloth
Photophobic Amice
43768Shoulders Cloth
Punctured Apiary Gloves
43768Hands Cloth
Shadowed Orator's Tunic
43768Chest Cloth
Shawl of the Plagued
43768Head Cloth
Slippers of Delirium
43768Feet Cloth
Slippers of Shallow Waters
43768Feet Cloth
Slippers of the Nerubian Twins
43768Feet Cloth
Spore-Encrusted Ribbon
43768Waist Cloth
Subduer's Terrorgrips
43768Hands Cloth
Tainted Earthshard Walkers
43768Feet Cloth
Vest of the River
43768Chest Cloth