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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Robes of Dying Light
3832Chest Cloth
Robes of Dying Light
3832Chest Cloth
Robes of the Faceless Shroud
3832Chest Cloth
Soulgaze Cowl
3832Head Cloth
The Hands of Gilly
3832Hands Cloth
Time Lord's Gloves
3832Hands Cloth
Time Lord's Hood
3832Head Cloth
Time Lord's Leggings
3832Legs Cloth
Time Lord's Mantle
3832Shoulders Cloth
Time Lord's Robes
3832Chest Cloth
Ambermist Mantle
38Shoulders Cloth
Angkhal Amice
38Shoulders Cloth
Angkhal Cord
38Waist Cloth
Angkhal Treads
38Feet Cloth
Antagonist's Headwrap
38Head Cloth
Beachcomber's Hat
3830Head Cloth
Bracers of Displaced Air
3832Wrists Cloth
Cloudstriker Cord
38Waist Cloth
Cord of Disturbed Dreams
38Waist Cloth
Cowl of Angry Thoughts
38Head Cloth
Fermenting Belt
3832Waist Cloth
Forest Trickster's Leggings
3830Legs Cloth
Gilded Fan Silk Cowl
38Head Cloth
Gilded Fan Silk Robe
38Chest Cloth
Girdle of Endemic Anger
3832Waist Cloth
Gloves of Congealed Mist
3830Hands Cloth
Glowing Wind Bracers
3830Wrists Cloth
Jade Heart Leggings
3830Legs Cloth
Korjan Mystic's Hood
3830Head Cloth
Leggings of Inner Peace
38Legs Cloth
Monstrous Silk Gloves
3830Hands Cloth
Nayeli Cord
38Waist Cloth
Nayeli Mantle
38Shoulders Cloth
Nayeli Treads
38Feet Cloth
Robes of Forgone Hope
3830Chest Cloth
Sandals of Sympathetic Healing
3831Feet Cloth
Scrollkeeper's Cuffs
38Wrists Cloth
Seafarer's Treads of Precision
3830Feet Cloth
Seafaring Advisor's Slippers
3830Feet Cloth
Silkmasters' Satin Hood
38Head Cloth
Silkmasters' Satin Robe
38Chest Cloth
Silkwood Amice
38Shoulders Cloth
Spaulders of Five Rings
3830Shoulders Cloth
Summerpetal Cuffs
38Wrists Cloth
Toad-Slime Gloves
3830Hands Cloth
Uncorking Gloves
38Hands Cloth
Very Manly Leggings
3831Legs Cloth
Windstrong Leggings
38Legs Cloth
Windwool Belt
3832Waist Cloth
Windwool Boots
3832Feet Cloth
Windwool Bracers
3832Wrists Cloth
Windwool Gloves
3832Hands Cloth
Windwool Hood
3832Head Cloth
Windwool Pants
3832Legs Cloth
Windwool Shoulders
3832Shoulders Cloth
Windwool Tunic
3832Chest Cloth
Wine Tasting Gloves
38Hands Cloth
Brewer's Cord
3833Waist Cloth
Brewer's Cowl
3833Head Cloth
Brewer's Handwraps
3833Hands Cloth
Brewer's Leggings
3833Legs Cloth
Brewer's Robe
3833Chest Cloth
Brewer's Sandals
3833Feet Cloth
Brewer's Shoulderpads
3833Shoulders Cloth
Brewer's Wristwraps
3833Wrists Cloth
Exiled Dabbler's Bracer
3835Wrists Cloth
Exiled Dabbler's Cinch
3835Waist Cloth
Exiled Dabbler's Gloves
3835Hands Cloth
Exiled Dabbler's Leggings
3835Legs Cloth
Exiled Dabbler's Mantle
3835Shoulders Cloth
Exiled Dabbler's Robe
3835Chest Cloth
Faded Spirit-Wrencher Cage
3835Head Cloth
Faded Spirit-Wrencher Robe
3835Chest Cloth
Faded Spirit-Wrencher Shoulders
3835Shoulders Cloth
Farwatch Satin Hood
38Head Cloth
Farwatch Satin Robe
38Chest Cloth
Farwatch Silk Cowl
38Head Cloth
Farwatch Silk Robe
38Chest Cloth
Forlorn Loa-Binder Cage
3835Head Cloth
Forlorn Loa-Binder Robe
3835Chest Cloth
Forlorn Loa-Binder Shoulders
3835Shoulders Cloth
Kafa Satin Mantle
38Shoulders Cloth
Kafa Satin Treads
38Feet Cloth
Kafa Silk Amice
38Shoulders Cloth
Kafa Silk Treads
38Feet Cloth
Mindbender Amice
38Shoulders Cloth
Mindbender Cap
38Head Cloth
Mindbender Cord
38Waist Cloth
Mindbender Cowl
38Head Cloth
Mindbender Robe
38Chest Cloth
Mindbender Treads
38Feet Cloth
Mindbender Wristwraps
38Wrists Cloth
Mistborne Cord
38Waist Cloth
Mistborne Cuffs
38Wrists Cloth
Mistborne Gloves
38Hands Cloth
Mistborne Leggings
38Legs Cloth
Mistborne Mantle
38Shoulders Cloth
Mistborne Pantaloons
38Legs Cloth
Mistborne Pauldrons
38Shoulders Cloth
Mistborne Treads
38Feet Cloth