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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Fel-Proof Goggles
1Head Fel-Drenched Satchel Cosmetic
Festival Dress
1ChestCrafted Cosmetic
Festival Suit
1ChestCrafted Cosmetic
Festive Black Pant Suit
1ChestQuest, Vendor Cosmetic
Festive Blue Pant Suit
1ChestQuest, Vendor Cosmetic
Festive Green Dress
1ChestQuest, Vendor Cosmetic
Festive Pink Dress
1ChestQuest, Vendor Cosmetic
Festive Purple Dress
1ChestQuest, Vendor Cosmetic
Festive Teal Pant Suit
1ChestQuest, Vendor Cosmetic
Fine White Evening Gloves
1Hands Cosmetic
Finely-Tailored Green Holiday Hat
1HeadLooted Cosmetic
Finely-Tailored Red Holiday Hat
1Head Cosmetic
Fleet Commander's Hat
1Head Charting a Course Cosmetic
Fleet Commander's Hat
1Head Charting a Course Cosmetic
Flowing Aquatic Gloves
1Hands Cosmetic
Forest Green Ear Warmer
160Head Cosmetic
Frenzied Hat of the Crimson Seas
1Head Cosmetic
Frenzied Hat of the Dark Depths
1Head Cosmetic
Frenzied Hat of the Deep Blue
1Head Cosmetic
Frenzied Hat of the Murky Waters
1Head Cosmetic
Frenzied Hat of the Shallows
1Head Cosmetic
Gaudy Winter Veil Sweater
1Chest Cosmetic
Gloves of the Midnight Soiree
1Hands Cosmetic
Gloves of the Violet Gala
1Hands Cosmetic
Gloves of Twisted Elements
110Hands Cosmetic
Gloves of Wisdom
110Hands Cosmetic
Gossamer Desert Gown
1Chest Cosmetic
Gossamer Emerald Gown
1Chest Cosmetic
Gossamer Magenta Gown
1Chest Cosmetic
Gossamer Teal Gown
1Chest Cosmetic
Gothic Corsage
1Wrists Cosmetic
Granny's Old Hat
1Head Cosmetic
Green Brewfest Hat
1Head Cosmetic
Green Dragonspawn Shoulderpads
160Shoulders Cosmetic
Green Stocking Cap
160Head Cosmetic
Green Winter Clothes
1Chest Cosmetic
Green Winter Clothes
1ChestCrafted Cosmetic
Green Winter Hat
1Head Cosmetic
Green Winter Hat
1Head Cosmetic
Grey Stocking Cap
160Head Cosmetic
Grey Tricorne Hat
1HeadVendor Cosmetic
Griftah's Authentic Troll Shoes
1FeetVendor Cosmetic
Hat of the First Sister
1Head Cosmetic
Hat of the Second Sister
1Head Cosmetic
Hat of the Third Sister
1Head Cosmetic
Hat of the Youngest Sister
1Head Cosmetic
Headguard of Twisted Elements
110Head Cosmetic
Helm of the Fierce
1Head Cosmetic
Helm of the Fire Festival
1Head Cosmetic
Helm of the Stout
1Head Cosmetic
Helm of the Swift
1Head Cosmetic
Hidden Belt
1Waist Cosmetic
Hidden Boots
1Feet Cosmetic
Hidden Bracers
1Wrists Cosmetic
Hidden Chestpiece
1Chest Cosmetic
Hidden Gloves
1Hands Cosmetic
Hidden Helm
1Head Cosmetic
Hidden Shoulder
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Historical Perspective Shifters
1Head Cosmetic
Irontide Raider's Bicorne
1Head Cosmetic
Kobold Candle Helm
1Head Cosmetic
Kobold Candle Helm
1Head Cosmetic
Kor'kron Binder's Belt
110Waist Cosmetic
Kor'kron Binder's Boots
110Feet Cosmetic
Kor'kron Binder's Bracers
110Wrists Cosmetic
Kor'kron Binder's Gauntlets
110Hands Cosmetic
Kor'kron Binder's Hauberk
1Chest Cosmetic
Kor'kron Binder's Helm
110Head Cosmetic
Kor'kron Binder's Leggings
110Legs Cosmetic
Kor'kron Binder's Spaulders
110Shoulders Cosmetic
Leggings of Humbling Gravity
110Legs Cosmetic
Leggings of Hushed Wisdom
110Legs Cosmetic
Leggings of Precarious Balance
110Legs Cosmetic
Leggings of Quiet Reflection
110Legs Cosmetic
Leggings of Wisdom
110Legs Cosmetic
Legguards of Twisted Elements
110Legs Cosmetic
Lively Treads of the Kalu'ak
1Feet Cosmetic
Lost Crown of the Arcane
1Head Cosmetic
Lovely Black Dress
1Chest Cosmetic
Lovely Blue Dress
1Chest Cosmetic
Lovely Purple Dress
1Chest Cosmetic
Lovely Red Dress
1Chest Cosmetic
Luxurious Niffen Hat
1Head Cosmetic
Magenta Masquerade Gloves
1Hands Cosmetic
Mantle of the Fire Festival
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Nightsky Bands
110Wrists Cosmetic
Nightsky Belt
110Waist Cosmetic
Nightsky Gloves
110Hands Cosmetic
Nightsky Leggings
110Legs Cosmetic
Nightsky Robe
1Chest Cosmetic
Nightsky Slippers
110Feet Cosmetic
Nobleman's Coat
1Chest Cosmetic
Nobleman's Pantaloons
1Legs Cosmetic
Noble's Fancy Boots
1Feet Cosmetic
Noblewoman's Finery
1Chest Cosmetic
Noblewoman's Skirt
1Legs Cosmetic
Ocean Grey Ear Warmer
160Head Cosmetic
Onyx Glare-Reducers
1Head Cosmetic
Pauldrons of Twisted Elements
110Shoulders Cosmetic
PH Green Head Candle
148Head Cosmetic