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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Spiked Citadel Shoulderguards
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Spiked Crimson Spaulders
160Shoulders Cosmetic
Spiked Emerald Spaulders
160Shoulders Cosmetic
Spiked Obsidian Spaulders
160Shoulders Cosmetic
Sprite Darter's Bangle
1Wrists Cosmetic
Sprite Darter's Flutterers
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Sprite Darter's Galoshes
1Feet Cosmetic
Sprite Darter's Glovelettes
1Hands Cosmetic
Sprite Darter's Mask
1Head Cosmetic
Sprite Darter's Sash
1Waist Cosmetic
Sprite Darter's Shawl
1Chest Cosmetic
Sprite Darter's Trousers
1Legs Cosmetic
Sterling Blade-Tipped Spaulders
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Sterling Fortress Spaulders
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Sterling Impaler's Mantle
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Sterling Ornamental Mantle
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Sterling Shoulder Skewers
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Sterling Shoulder-Shields
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Sterling Skullwing Shoulders
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Sterling Spiked Pauldrons
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Sterling Twin-Scythe Shoulders
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Sterling Wingblade Pauldrons
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Stormrider's Boots
1Feet Cosmetic
Stormrider's Breastplate
1Chest Cosmetic
Stormrider's Buckle
1Waist Cosmetic
Stormrider's Epaulets
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Stormrider's Grips
1Hands Cosmetic
Stormrider's Helmet
1Head Cosmetic
Stormrider's Pants
1Legs Cosmetic
Stormrider's Wristguards
1Wrists Cosmetic
Sunny Tropical Airy Sandals
1Feet Cosmetic
Sunny Tropical Beads
1Hands Cosmetic
Sunny Tropical Halter Top
1Chest Cosmetic
Sunny Tropical Mrgl Floater
1Waist Cosmetic
Sunny Tropical Sandals
1Feet Cosmetic
Sunny Tropical Sash
1Waist Cosmetic
Sunny Tropical Shirt
1Chest Cosmetic
Sunny Tropical Skirt
1Legs Cosmetic
Sunny Tropical Sunshade
1Head Cosmetic
Sunny Tropical Trunks
1Legs Cosmetic
Sunny Tropical Wristwraps
1Hands Cosmetic
Taverner's Belt
1Waist Cosmetic
Thundering Stormrider's Breastplate
1Chest Cosmetic
Thundering Stormrider's Buckle
1Waist Cosmetic
Thundering Stormrider's Epaulets
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Thundering Stormrider's Grips
1Hands Cosmetic
Thundering Stormrider's Helmet
1Head Cosmetic
Towering Mantle of the Maw
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Treads of Unrelenting Justice
1Feet Cosmetic
Tropical Sunrise Airy Sandals
1Feet Cosmetic
Tropical Sunrise Beads
1Hands Cosmetic
Tropical Sunrise Halter Top
1Chest Cosmetic
Tropical Sunrise Mrgl Floater
1Waist Cosmetic
Tropical Sunrise Sandals
1Feet Cosmetic
Tropical Sunrise Sash
1Waist Cosmetic
Tropical Sunrise Shirt
1Chest Cosmetic
Tropical Sunrise Skirt
1Legs Cosmetic
Tropical Sunrise Sunshade
1Head Cosmetic
Tropical Sunrise Trunks
1Legs Cosmetic
Tropical Sunrise Wristwraps
1Hands Cosmetic
Tunic of Unrelenting Justice
1Chest Cosmetic
Twilight Witch's Blouse
1Chest Cosmetic
Twilight Witch's Boots
1Feet Cosmetic
Twilight Witch's Gloves
1Hands Cosmetic
Twilight Witch's Hat
1Head Cosmetic
Twilight Witch's Sash
1Waist Cosmetic
Twilight Witch's Shoulders
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Twilight Witch's Skirt
1Legs Cosmetic
Twin-Scythe Spaulders
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Veiled Tormentor's Mantle
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Vestments of Fall's Promise
150Chest Cosmetic
Vestments of the Twilight Grove
150Chest Cosmetic
Visage of Aurostor
158Head Cosmetic
Vulpera Heritage Footwraps
1Feet Cosmetic
Vulpera Heritage Handgrips
1Hands Cosmetic
Vulpera Heritage Legguards
1Legs Cosmetic
Vulpera Heritage Shawl
1Head Cosmetic
Vulpera Heritage Shoulderpads
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Vulpera Heritage Utility Belt
1Waist Cosmetic
Vulpera Heritage Vest
1Chest Cosmetic
Vulpera Heritage Wristwraps
1Wrists Cosmetic
Waist of Time
145Waist Grimmy's Rusty Lockbox Cosmetic
Warsong Clan Belt
1Waist Cosmetic
Warsong Clan Boots
1Feet Cosmetic
Warsong Clan Bracers
1Wrists Cosmetic
Warsong Clan Gloves
1Hands Cosmetic
Warsong Clan Harness
1Chest Cosmetic
Warsong Clan Helm
1Head Cosmetic
Warsong Clan Leggings
1Legs Cosmetic
Warsong Clan Pauldrons
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Wastewander Tracker's Bindings
1Wrists Cosmetic
Wastewander Tracker's Boots
1Feet Cosmetic
Wastewander Tracker's Breastplate
1Chest Cosmetic
Wastewander Tracker's Cinch
1Waist Cosmetic
Wastewander Tracker's Grips
1Hands Cosmetic
Wastewander Tracker's Pants
1Legs Cosmetic
Wastewander Tracker's Rebreather
1Head Cosmetic
Wastewander Tracker's Spaulders
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Waveborne Diplomat's Belt
1Waist Cosmetic
Waveborne Diplomat's Cavalier Hat
1Head Cosmetic