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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Spaulder of the Matriarch
20Shoulders Leather
Defiant Spire Shoulderguard
19Shoulders Delicate Negotiations Leather
Forest Tracker Epaulets
1912ShouldersLooted Leather
Incarnadine Scarlet Spaulders
1913ShouldersLooted Leather
Watchman Pauldrons
1912ShouldersLooted Leather
Dokebi Mantle
1912ShouldersLooted Leather
Infiltrator Shoulders
1912ShouldersLooted Leather
Monnion of the Bat
19Shoulders Backdoor Dealings Leather
Monnion of the Bat
19Shoulders Backdoor Dealings Leather
Pathfinder Shoulder Pads
1912ShouldersLooted Leather
Puncture-Binding Spaulder
19Shoulders Pulling Weeds Leather
Scaled Leather Shoulders
1912ShouldersLooted Leather
Soul Eater Shoulderguard
19Shoulders It's Ours Now Leather
Soul Eater Shoulderguard
19Shoulders It's Ours Now Leather
Earthbound Mantle
18ShouldersQuest Leather
Mantle of the White Tiger
18Shoulders Big Game Hunter Leather
Brood-Killer Shoulderguard
18Shoulders Brood of Seldarria Leather
Dark Leather Shoulders
1811ShouldersCrafted Leather
Dervish Spaulders
1811ShouldersLooted Leather
Emblazoned Shoulders
1811ShouldersLooted Leather
Krom'gar Champion's Hide Shoulderguard
18Shoulders Leather
Krom'gar Champion's Leather Shoulderguard
18Shoulders Leather
Robust Shoulders
1811ShouldersLooted Leather
Wrangler's Mantle
1811ShouldersLooted Leather
Yvonia's Pauldrons
18Shoulders Schemin' That Sabotage Leather
Bristlebark Amice
1710ShouldersLooted Leather
Earthen Leather Shoulders
1710ShouldersCrafted Leather
Superior Shoulders
1710ShouldersLooted Leather
Cloaked Shoulderpads
1610Shoulders Swords Deck Leather
Khaz Modan Shoulderguards
16Shoulders The Battle of Thandol Span Leather
Khaz Modan Spaulders
16Shoulders The Battle of Thandol Span Leather
Forest Leather Mantle
1610ShouldersLooted Leather
Hillman's Shoulders
1610ShouldersCrafted Leather
Mahamba's Caress
16Shoulders Sacred to the Bloodscalp Leather
Monnions of Raw Power
16Shoulders An Unusual Patron Leather
Palm Frond Shoulderpads
16Shoulders Headhunting Leather
Prospector's Pads
1610ShouldersLooted Leather
Rigid Shoulders
1610ShouldersLooted Leather
Salt-Cured Monnions
16Shoulders The Altar of Naias Leather
Rawhide Shoulderpads
1610ShouldersLooted, Skinned Leather
Tough Leather Shoulderpads
1610ShouldersLooted Leather
Feral Shoulder Pads
159ShouldersLooted Leather
Spaulders of the Hero
14Shoulders Heroes of the Horde! Leather
Boran's Shoulderguards
14Shoulders Return the Statuette Leather
Highland Shoulderguards
14Shoulders Dinosaur Crisis Leather
Mudsnout Spaulders
14Shoulders Kasha Will Fly Again Leather
Bandit Shoulders
148ShouldersLooted Leather
Scouting Spaulders
149ShouldersLooted Leather
Lumbermaster's Mantle
138Shoulders Leather
Rugged Spaulders
138ShouldersLooted Leather
Serpent's Shoulders
138ShouldersLooted Leather
Shadowfang Shoulderpads
13Shoulders Sweet, Merciless Revenge Leather
Shadowfang Shoulderpads
13Shoulders Fury of the Pack Leather
Broadleaf Mantle
13Shoulders The Lost Gem Leather
Earthen Shoulders
13Shoulders Leather
Gorat's Bequest
13Shoulders Gorat's Vengeance Leather
Manager's Mantle
13Shoulders Management Material Leather
Mistveil Shoulders
1310Shoulders Leather
Spiderhide Shoulderpads
1310Shoulders Leather
Starwhisper Monnions
13Shoulders Agents of Destruction Leather
Timerunner's Spaulders
1310Shoulders Leather
Inscribed Leather Spaulders
138ShouldersLooted Leather
Lupine Mantle
138ShouldersLooted Leather
Bravo Company Monnions
Bravo Company Shoulderguards
Floppy Shoulderguards
12Shoulders Muckgill's Flipper or Something... Leather
Bashing Pauldrons
127Shoulders Leather
Patched Leather Shoulderpads
127ShouldersLooted Leather
Tournament Gladiator's Dragonhide Spaulders
Warlords Tournament
540Shoulders Leather
Tournament Gladiator's Dragonhide Spaulders
Warlords Tournament
540Shoulders Leather
Tournament Gladiator's Ironskin Spaulders
Warlords Tournament
540Shoulders Leather
Tournament Gladiator's Ironskin Spaulders
Warlords Tournament
540Shoulders Leather
Tournament Gladiator's Leather Spaulders
Warlords Tournament
540Shoulders Leather
Tournament Gladiator's Leather Spaulders
Warlords Tournament
540Shoulders Leather
Tournament Gladiator's Pauldrons
Warlords Tournament
540Shoulders Leather
Tournament Gladiator's Pauldrons
Warlords Tournament
540Shoulders Leather
Tournament Gladiator's Spaulders
Warlords Tournament
540Shoulders Leather
Tournament Gladiator's Spaulders
Warlords Tournament
540Shoulders Leather
Expeditionary Leather Pauldrons
58Shoulders Leather
Expeditionary Leather Spaulders
5Shoulders Killclaw the Terrible Leather
Expeditionary Leather Spaulders
5Shoulders Killclaw the Terrible Leather
Aldrachi Blasphemer's Mantle
Remix: Pandaria
1Shoulders Leather
Ashamane's Spaulders of Rebirth
1Shoulders Leather
Blood Onyx Pauldrons
1Shoulders Leather
Branches of the Cycle
135Shoulders Golden Chest of the Cycle Leather
Burnished Death Shroud Spaulders
150Shoulders Leather
Conservator's Leather Mantle
160Shoulders Leather
Court Death Shroud Spaulders
160Shoulders Leather
Crimson Death Shroud Spaulders
150Shoulders Leather
Discordant Bearer's Shoulders
160Shoulders Leather
Duty-Bound Wraith's Shoulders
150Shoulders Leather
Ela'lothen's Spaulders of Rebirth
Remix: Pandaria
1Shoulders Leather
Eternal Bloodfang Spaulders
1Shoulders Leather
Eternal Spaulders of the August Acolyte
1Shoulders Leather
Eternal Stormrage Pauldrons
1Shoulders Leather
Harmonious Bearer's Shoulders
160Shoulders Leather
Igneous Onyx Pauldrons
Remix: Pandaria
1Shoulders Leather
Nathreza Blasphemer's Mantle
1Shoulders Leather
Netherwalker's Eternal Shoulderblades
1Shoulders Leather
Night Courtier's Mantle
150Shoulders Leather