

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Oribos Quest Leather Wrist
150Wrists Leather
Ardenweald Covenant Leather Wrist
150Wrists Leather
Ardenweald Covenant Leather Wrist
150Wrists Leather
Ardenweald Covenant Leather Wrist
150Wrists Leather
Ardenweald Covenant Leather Wrist
150Wrists Leather
Sun Bleached Bracer
1Wrists Rite of Strength Leather
Initiate's Bracers
1Wrists The Lesson of the Sandy Fist Leather
Borderlands Bracers
1WristsQuest Leather
Big Trogg Armbands
1Wrists Give 'em What-For Leather
Beast Tracker's Bracers
1Wrists Leather
Wraps of the Thousandfold Blades
110Wrists Leather
Wraps of the Shattered Vale
110Wrists Leather
Wraps of the Haunted Forest
110Wrists Leather
Wraps of the Barbed Assassin
110Wrists Leather
Wraps of Seven Sacred Seals
110Wrists Leather
Wildblood Wraps
110Wrists Leather
Void-Bound Bracers
1Wrists Leather
Treasure-Seeker's Bindings
1Wrists Leather
Tidesplitter Wraps
110Wrists Leather
Thunderpaw Bracers
110Wrists Leather
Sylvan Stalker's Wristguards
1Wrists Leather
Swampthresher Wraps
110Wrists Leather
Springrain Bracers
110Wrists Leather
Snowdrift Bindings
110Wrists Leather
Riverblade Bindings
110Wrists Leather
Red Crane Wraps
110Wrists Leather
Red Crane Bracers
110Wrists Leather
Red Crane Bindings
110Wrists Leather
Nine-Tailed Wraps
110Wrists Leather
Nine-Tailed Bracers
110Wrists Leather
Nine-Tailed Bindings
110Wrists Leather
Nimbletoe Bracers
110Wrists Leather
Mogubreaker Bindings
110Wrists Leather
Mistveil Wraps
110Wrists Leather
Mistdancer Wraps
110Wrists Leather
Kvaldir Scout Wristguard
1Wrists Leather
Ghost Fox Bindings
110Wrists Leather
Fire-Charm Wraps
110Wrists Leather
Fire-Charm Bracers
110Wrists Leather
Fire-Charm Bindings
110Wrists Leather
Farwatch Bindings
110Wrists Leather
Eternal Blossom Wraps
110Wrists Leather
Eternal Blossom Bracers
110Wrists Leather
Eternal Blossom Bindings
110Wrists Leather
Cranefeather Bracers
110Wrists Leather
Brushstalker Bracers
110Wrists Leather
Bracers of the Thousandfold Blades
110Wrists Leather
Bracers of the Shattered Vale
110Wrists Leather
Bracers of the Haunted Forest
110Wrists Leather
Bracers of the Barbed Assassin
110Wrists Leather
Bracers of Seven Sacred Seals
110Wrists Leather
Bindings of the Thousandfold Blades
110Wrists Leather
Bindings of the Shattered Vale
110Wrists Leather
Bindings of the Haunted Forest
110Wrists Leather
Bindings of the Barbed Assassin
110Wrists Leather
Bindings of Seven Sacred Seals
110Wrists Leather
Warmonger's Bracers
1Wrists Leather
Tuskarr Trader's Bindings
110Wrists Leather
Tundraspite Wristwraps
1Wrists Leather
Thunderlord Bracers
135Wrists Leather
Restless Dreambound Wristwraps
1Wrists Leather
Replica Wildheart Bracers
122Wrists Leather
Replica Shadowcraft Bracers
122Wrists Leather
Replica Shadowcraft Bracers
122Wrists Leather
Replica Sergeant Major's Leather Armsplints
125Wrists Leather
Replica Sergeant Major's Leather Armsplints
125Wrists Leather
Replica Sergeant Major's Dragonhide Armsplints
125Wrists Leather
Replica Sergeant Major's Dragonhide Armsplints
125Wrists Leather
Replica First Sergeant's Leather Armguards
125Wrists Leather
Replica First Sergeant's Leather Armguards
125Wrists Leather
Replica First Sergeant's Dragonhide Armguards
125Wrists Leather
Replica First Sergeant's Dragonhide Armguards
125Wrists Leather
Replica Feralheart Bracers
125Wrists Leather
Replica Darkmantle Bracers
125Wrists Leather
Renowned Expeditioner's Bindings
110Wrists Leather
Lifegiver's Bindings
1Wrists Leather
Jingoist's Bracers
1Wrists Leather
Frostwolf Bracers
135Wrists Ensemble: Battlegear of the Frostwolves Leather
Barkbloom Wristguards
1WristsVendor Leather
Wristguards of the Honored Valarjar
1Wrists Leather
Wristguards of the Chosen Dead
145Wrists Leather
Stitched Wraith's Armguards
160Wrists Leather
Riftscarred Wristcover
145Wrists Leather
Reverent Bearer's Wristwraps
160Wrists Leather
Prime Wraith's Armguards
150Wrists Leather
Nightmare Forest Bindings
1Wrists Leather
Night Courtier's Bracers
150Wrists Leather
Harmonious Bearer's Wristwraps
160Wrists Leather
Duty-Bound Wraith's Armguards
150Wrists Leather
Discordant Bearer's Wristwraps
160Wrists Leather
Crimson Death Shroud Bindings
150Wrists Leather
Court Death Shroud Bindings
160Wrists Leather
Conservator's Leather Bracers
160Wrists Leather
Burnished Death Shroud Bindings
150Wrists Leather
Bracers of the Silent Assassin
135Wrists Leather
Bracers of the Regal Lord
135Wrists Leather
Bracers of the Cycle
135Wrists Golden Chest of the Cycle Leather
Scraggy Leather Bracers
2WristsLooted Leather
Ragged Leather Bracers
2WristsLooted Leather
Wolfskin Bracers
2Wrists Leather