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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Promotional Cap
27Head Drinks on the Rocks Leather
Shardtooth Gloves
27Hands Ursius Leather
Shizzle's Muzzle Cover
27Shoulders Shizzle's Flyer Leather
Shy Breastplate
27Chest Shy-Rotam Leather
Shy Shrug
27Shoulders Shy-Rotam Leather
Sly Slider Gloves
27Hands Locked and Loaded Leather
Sly Slider Gloves
27Hands Locked and Loaded Leather
Snow Nest Bracers
27Wrists You Gotta Have Eggs Leather
Thicket's Embrace
27Chest Leather
Ursius's Cap
27Head Ursius Leather
Vest of the Smoking Pit
27Chest A Bird of Legend Leather
Facemask of the Shattered Hand
26Head Leather
Headband of the Coiled Serpent
26Head Continue Your Training: Master Yoon Leather
Headband of the Pouncing Tiger
26Head Continue Your Training: Master Yoon Leather
Headband of the Stampeding Ox
26Head Continue Your Training: Master Yoon Leather
Headdress of the Green Circle
26Head The Breath of Cenarius Leather
Headdress of the Verdant Circle
26Head The Breath of Cenarius Leather
SI:7 Special Issue Facemask
26Head Leather
Belt of Preparation
26Waist Enough Damage For One Day Leather
Belt of Preparation
26Waist Enough Damage For One Day Leather
Bracers of Friendly Favors
26Wrists Golem Training Leather
Bracers of Vigil
26Wrists Placing the Pawns Leather
Charred Leather Tunic
26Chest Leather
E'ko Gatherer's Belt
26Waist Doin' De E'ko Magic Leather
Flame Crest Bracers
26Wrists Placing the Pawns Leather
Flamefly Spaulders
26Shoulders SEVEN! YUP! Leather
Flamefly Spaulders
26Shoulders Not Fireflies, Flameflies Leather
Furbolg Fur Bracers
26Wrists High Chief Winterfall Leather
Heart Grippers
26Hands Doin' De E'ko Magic Leather
Hot Spring Sandals
26Feet Threat of the Winterfall Leather
Kaylari Shoulders
26Shoulders Leather
Poorly Styled Gloves
26Hands Trial by Magma Leather
Poorly Styled Gloves
26Hands Trial by Magma Leather
Vest of Welcome
26Chest Chiselgrip, the Heart of the Steppes Leather
Vest of Welcome
26Chest Chiselgrip, the Heart of the Steppes Leather
Belt of the Deep
25Waist A Fool's Errand Leather
Engineer's Guild Headpiece
25Head Leather
Gordok's Gloves
25Hands Unfinished Gordok Business Leather
Wristbands of Tribute
25Wrists King of the Gordok Leather
Wristbands of Tribute
25Wrists King of the Gordok Leather
"Smart Bracers"
25Wrists You Too, Brute? Leather
Alton's Leggings
25Legs Borrowed Bombs Leather
Bughunter Belt
25Waist A Few Good Goblins Leather
Dancer's Belt
25Waist Operation: Stir the Cauldron Leather
Decomissioner's Monnions
25Shoulders Ancient Obstacles Leather
Essential Pantaloons
25Legs Recon Essentials Leather
Examiner's Monnions
25Shoulders Ancient Obstacles Leather
Failed Flying Experiment
25Shoulders Rescue OOX-22/FE! Leather
Fuzzy Headcover
25Head Out of Place Leather
Heavyhands' Gloves
25Hands Curse These Fat Fingers Leather
Hieroglyphic Helm
25Head The Grand Tablet Leather
Hieroglyphic Helm
25Head The Grand Tablet Leather
Holdout Gloves
25Hands Half-Ton Holdouts Leather
Holdout Gloves
25Hands Half-Ton Holdouts Leather
Imposter's Mask
25Head The Fall of Tichondrius Leather
Jangdor's Handcrafted Tunic
25Chest Leather
Leafsong Vest
25Chest Hazzard Disposal Leather
Lizard Skin Boots
25Feet The Mysteries of the Fire-Gizzard Leather
Oil Gush Leggings
25Legs Slap and Cap Leather
Overworked Shoulders
25Shoulders It's Time to Oil Up Leather
Packrunner's Spaulders
25Shoulders Enemy at our Roots Leather
Puregrove Spaulders
25Shoulders Weeding the Lawn Leather
Rugwood Mantle
25Shoulders Leather
Sandscraper Bracers
25Wrists Sandscraper Leather
Suntara Spaulders
25Shoulders Rise, Obsidion Leather
Surveyor's Tunic
25Chest Leather
Timbermaw Leggings
25Legs Disarming Bears Leather
Undercity Reservist's Cap
25Head Leather
Vest of Sobbing
25Chest The Chieftain's Key Leather
Vinehedge Cinch
25Waist Leather
Whisperwind Armbands
25Wrists The Core of Kroshius Leather
Zorbin's Water Resistant Hat
25Head Even More Fuel for the Zapping Leather
Belt of the Gentle Lady
24Waist Journey's End Leather
Leggings of the Thousand Needles
24Legs Spread the Word Leather
Leggings of the Thousand Needles
24Legs Spread the Word Leather
Lucien's Boots
24Feet Leather
Lucien's Lost Soles
24FeetCrafted Leather
Marauder's Handwraps
24Hands Leather
Razorfen Spaulders
24Shoulders The Ritual Leather
Vest of the Thousand Needles
24Chest Spread the Word Leather
Vest of the Thousand Needles
24Chest Spread the Word Leather
Vigorous Spaulders
24ShouldersLooted Leather
Vigorous Spaulders
24ShouldersLooted Leather
Alluring Leggings
24Legs A Strange Request Leather
Angerclaw Leggings
24Legs Culling the Corrupted Leather
Belt of Corruption
24Waist Leather
Belt of the Lost Barrow
24Waist Dousing the Flames of Protection Leather
Bloodstained Twilight Belt
24Waist Something to Wear Leather
Codemaster's Cuffs
24Wrists Behind You! Leather
Corpsebeast Armbands
24Wrists The Corpsebeasts Leather
Darkstalker Boots
24Feet Leather
Dellot's Leggings
24Legs Dead Man's Chest Leather
Dreadbeard Strangler Gloves
24Hands Captain Dreadbeard Leather
Dreadbeard Strangler Gloves
24Hands Captain Dreadbeard Leather
Duskwing Boots
24Feet Duskwing, Oh How I Hate Thee... Leather
Duskwing Handwraps
24Hands Duskwing, Oh How I Hate Thee... Leather
Dustwind Vest
24Chest Forcible Acquisition Leather
Excavation Bracers
24Wrists All's Fair in Love, War, and Archaeology Leather
Excavation Bracers
24Wrists It's Not About History, It's About Power Leather
Glovelettes of Opening
24Hands Break the Unbreakable Leather