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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Stitched Wraith's Armguards
160Wrists Leather
Stitched Wraith's Belt
160Waist Leather
Stitched Wraith's Boots
160Feet Leather
Stitched Wraith's Breeches
160Legs Leather
Stitched Wraith's Jerkin
160Chest Leather
Stitched Wraith's Shoulders
160Shoulders Leather
Stitched Wraith's Stranglers
160Hands Leather
Stitched Wraith's Visage
160Head Leather
Strap of the Chosen Dead
145Waist Leather
Strap of the Honored Valarjar
1Waist Leather
Tabi of the Silent Assassin
135Feet Leather
Treads of the Regal Lord
135Feet Leather
Tunic of the Chosen Dead
145Chest Leather
Tunic of the Honored Valarjar
1Chest Leather
Waistguard of the Cycle
135Waist Golden Chest of the Cycle Leather
Wristguards of the Chosen Dead
145Wrists Leather
Wristguards of the Honored Valarjar
1Wrists Leather
Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders
1Shoulders Leather
Lasting Feralheart Spaulders
1Shoulders Leather
Preened Ironfeather Breastplate
1Chest Leather
Preened Ironfeather Shoulders
1Shoulders Leather
Preened Tribal War Feathers
1Head Leather
Preened Wildfeather Leggings
1Legs Working Better as a Team Leather
Stained Shadowcraft Cap
1Head Leather
Stained Shadowcraft Pants
1Legs Working Better as a Team Leather
Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders
1Shoulders Leather
Stained Shadowcraft Tunic
1Chest Leather
Barkbloom Breeches
1LegsVendor Leather
Barkbloom Claws
1HandsVendor Leather
Barkbloom Mask
1HeadVendor Leather
Barkbloom Sash
1WaistVendor Leather
Barkbloom Shoulderpads
1ShouldersVendor Leather
Barkbloom Talons
1FeetVendor Leather
Barkbloom Tunic
1ChestVendor Leather
Barkbloom Wristguards
1WristsVendor Leather
Chestguard of the Prowler
1Chest Leather
Epoch's Whispering Cinch
1Waist Leather
Frostwolf Belt
135Waist Ensemble: Battlegear of the Frostwolves Leather
Frostwolf Bracers
135Wrists Ensemble: Battlegear of the Frostwolves Leather
Frostwolf Leggings
135Legs Ensemble: Battlegear of the Frostwolves Leather
Frostwolf Mitts
135Hands Ensemble: Battlegear of the Frostwolves Leather
Frostwolf Snowstalkers
135Feet Ensemble: Battlegear of the Frostwolves Leather
Frostwolf Spaulders
135Shoulders Ensemble: Battlegear of the Frostwolves Leather
Frostwolf Tunic
140Chest Ensemble: Battlegear of the Frostwolves Leather
Jingoist's Belt
1Waist Leather
Jingoist's Boots
1Feet Leather
Jingoist's Bracers
1Wrists Leather
Jingoist's Cuirass
1Chest Leather
Jingoist's Gloves
1Hands Leather
Jingoist's Headcover
1Head Leather
Jingoist's Pantaloons
1Legs Leather
Jingoist's Spaulders
1Shoulders Leather
Lifegiver's Bindings
1Wrists Leather
Lifegiver's Girdle
1Waist Leather
Lifegiver's Grips
1Hands Leather
Lifegiver's Jerkin
1Chest Leather
Lifegiver's Legwraps
1Legs Leather
Lifegiver's Robe
1Chest Leather
Lifegiver's Sollerets
1Feet Leather
Lifegiver's Spaulders
1Shoulders Leather
Lifegiver's Vision
1Head Leather
Mennu's Scaled Leggings
1Legs Leather
Predatory Gloves
1Hands Leather
Preserved Distressed Visor
168Head Leather
Renowned Expeditioner's Belt
110Waist Leather
Renowned Expeditioner's Bindings
110Wrists Leather
Renowned Expeditioner's Breeches
110Legs Leather
Renowned Expeditioner's Epaulets
110Shoulders Leather
Renowned Expeditioner's Gloves
110Hands Leather
Renowned Expeditioner's Headgear
110Head Leather
Renowned Expeditioner's Vest
110Chest Leather
Renowned Expeditioner's Waders
110Feet Leather
Replica Blood Guard's Dragonhide Belt
125Waist Leather
Replica Blood Guard's Dragonhide Boots
125Feet Leather
Replica Blood Guard's Dragonhide Gauntlets
125Hands Leather
Replica Blood Guard's Dragonhide Grips
125Hands Leather
Replica Blood Guard's Dragonhide Treads
125Feet Leather
Replica Blood Guard's Leather Clasp
125Waist Leather
Replica Blood Guard's Leather Grips
125Hands Leather
Replica Blood Guard's Leather Treads
125Feet Leather
Replica Blood Guard's Leather Vices
125Hands Leather
Replica Blood Guard's Leather Walkers
125Feet Leather
Replica Champion's Dragonhide Headguard
125Head Leather
Replica Champion's Dragonhide Helm
125Head Leather
Replica Champion's Dragonhide Shoulders
125Shoulders Leather
Replica Champion's Dragonhide Spaulders
125Shoulders Leather
Replica Champion's Leather Headguard
125Head Leather
Replica Champion's Leather Helm
125Head Leather
Replica Champion's Leather Mantle
125Shoulders Leather
Replica Champion's Leather Shoulders
125Shoulders Leather
Replica Darkmantle Belt
125Waist Leather
Replica Darkmantle Bracers
125Wrists Leather
Replica Darkmantle Pants
125Legs Leather
Replica Darkmantle Spaulders
125Shoulders Leather
Replica Feralheart Belt
125Waist Leather
Replica Feralheart Bracers
125Wrists Leather
Replica Feralheart Kilt
125Legs Leather
Replica Feralheart Spaulders
125Shoulders Leather
Replica First Sergeant's Dragonhide Armguards
125Wrists Leather
Replica First Sergeant's Dragonhide Armguards
125Wrists Leather