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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Jambani Cord
50Waist Raal Leather
Jambani Footpads
50Feet Rastakhan's Might Leather
Jambani Girdle
50Waist A Good Spanking Leather
Jambani Gloves
50Hands He's Gone Mad! Leather
Jambani Grasps
50Hands Leather
Jambani Grips
50Hands Offensively Defensive Leather
Jambani Handguards
50Hands Hope's Blue Light Leather
Jambani Handwraps
50Hands Rastakhan's Might Leather
Jambani Leggings
50Legs Leather
Jambani Legwraps
50Legs A Good Spanking Leather
Jambani Pants
50Legs Raal Leather
Jambani Striders
50Feet Ravenous Landsharks Leather
Jambani Treads
50Feet Grand Theft Telemancy Leather
Jambani Waistwrap
50WaistQuest Leather
Jambani Walkers
50Feet The Head of Her Enemy Leather
Jambani Wristwraps
50WristsQuest Leather
Mistdancer Pauldrons
50Shoulders Leather
Mistdancer Shoulders
50Shoulders Leather
Ritual Flayer's Armbands
50Wrists Hunt the Hunter Leather
Ritual Flayer's Belt
50Waist That Which Haunts the Dead Leather
Ritual Flayer's Bindings
50Wrists Kel'vax's Home Leather
Ritual Flayer's Boots
50Feet Improper Burial Leather
Ritual Flayer's Bracers
50Wrists Leather
Ritual Flayer's Breeches
50Legs Improper Burial Leather
Ritual Flayer's Cord
50Waist Leather
Ritual Flayer's Footpads
50Feet Kel'vax's Home Leather
Ritual Flayer's Footwraps
50Feet Krag'wa the Terrible Leather
Ritual Flayer's Girdle
50Waist Target of Opportunity Leather
Ritual Flayer's Gloves
50Hands Improper Burial Leather
Ritual Flayer's Grasps
50Hands That Which Haunts the Dead Leather
Ritual Flayer's Grips
50Hands Krag'wa the Terrible Leather
Ritual Flayer's Handguards
50Hands Reuniting the Company Leather
Ritual Flayer's Handwraps
50Hands Leather
Ritual Flayer's Leggings
50Legs Leather
Ritual Flayer's Legwraps
50Legs Field Evaluation Leather
Ritual Flayer's Pants
50Legs Target of Opportunity Leather
Ritual Flayer's Striders
50Feet Cease all Summoning Leather
Ritual Flayer's Treads
50Feet Catch Me if You Can Leather
Ritual Flayer's Trousers
50Legs Shoak's on the Menu Leather
Ritual Flayer's Waistband
50Waist Shoak's on the Menu Leather
Ritual Flayer's Waistwrap
50Waist Revenge: Served Hot Leather
Ritual Flayer's Wristguards
50Wrists Mark of the Bat Leather
Ritual Flayer's Wristwraps
50Wrists Reuniting the Company Leather
Scorching Sands Armguards
50WristsQuest Leather
Scorching Sands Belt
50WaistQuest Leather
Scorching Sands Bindings
50Wrists Stolen Satchels Leather
Scorching Sands Boots
50FeetQuest Leather
Scorching Sands Bracers
50WristsQuest Leather
Scorching Sands Breeches
50Legs Stolen Satchels Leather
Scorching Sands Britches
50Legs Leather
Scorching Sands Footgear
50Feet This Be Mutiny Leather
Scorching Sands Footpads
50FeetQuest Leather
Scorching Sands Footwraps
50FeetQuest Leather
Scorching Sands Girdle
50WaistQuest Leather
Scorching Sands Gloves
50HandsQuest Leather
Scorching Sands Grasps
50Hands Dead Men Tell No Tales Leather
Scorching Sands Grips
50Hands The Source of the Problem Leather
Scorching Sands Handlers
50Hands The Great Cranium Caper Leather
Scorching Sands Handwraps
50HandsQuest Leather
Scorching Sands Leggings
50Legs Wrath of the Tiger Leather
Scorching Sands Legwraps
50LegsQuest Leather
Scorching Sands Pants
50LegsQuest Leather
Scorching Sands Treads
50Feet Leather
Scorching Sands Waistband
50WaistQuest Leather
Scorching Sands Waistwrap
50WaistQuest Leather
Scorching Sands Wristguards
50Wrists Shattered and Broken Leather
Scorching Sands Wristwraps
50WristsQuest Leather
Handguards of Demonsbane
45Hands Hiding in the Stacks Leather
Helm of Reaffirmed Purpose
45Head A New Direction Leather
Helm of Reaffirmed Purpose
45Head A New Direction Leather
Leather-Lined Cage Helm
44Head Death Metal Knight Leather
Battle-Scuffed Spaulders
44ShouldersLooted Leather
Beastrider Gauntlets
44Hands The Shadow of the Void Leather
Beastrider Vest
44ChestQuest Leather
Belt of Burning Focus
44WaistLooted Leather
Blackwater Belt
44WaistLooted Leather
Blackwater Boots
44FeetLooted Leather
Blackwater Grips
44HandsLooted Leather
Blackwater Helm
44HeadLooted Leather
Blackwater Leggings
44LegsLooted Leather
Blackwater Spaulders
44ShouldersLooted Leather
Blackwater Wrap
44ChestLooted Leather
Blackwater Wristguards
44WristsLooted Leather
Bloodfeather Bracers
44WristsLooted Leather
Bloodfeather Chestwrap
44ChestLooted Leather
Bloodfeather Cowl
44HeadLooted Leather
Bloodfeather Girdle
44WaistLooted Leather
Bloodfeather Grips
44HandsLooted Leather
Bloodfeather Leggings
44LegsLooted Leather
Bloodfeather Spaulders
44ShouldersLooted Leather
Bloodfeather Treads
44FeetLooted Leather
Boots of Burning Focus
44FeetLooted Leather
Bracers of Burning Focus
44WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of Lost Lineage
44Wrists Bringer of the Light Leather
Cave Keeper Wraps
44Hands Gorabosh Leather
Chemical Resistant Apron
44ChestLooted Leather
Chestguard of Burning Focus
44ChestLooted Leather
Crystalbinder Belt
44WaistLooted Leather
Crystalbinder Chestguard
44ChestLooted Leather
Crystalbinder Gloves
44HandsLooted Leather