

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Cataclysm Chestguard
3227Chest Mail
Cataclysm Chestpiece
3227Chest Mail
Cataclysm Chestplate
3227Chest Mail
Chestguard of Relentless Storms
3227Chest Mail
Cyclone Breastplate
3227Chest Mail
Cyclone Chestguard
3227Chest Mail
Cyclone Hauberk
3227Chest Mail
Demon Stalker Harness
3227Chest Mail
Earthblood Chestguard
3227Chest Mail
Ebon Netherscale Breastplate
3227Chest Mail
Fire Crest Breastplate
3227Chest Mail
Gladiator's Chain Armor
Season 1
3227Chest Mail
Gladiator's Linked Armor
Season 1
3227Chest Mail
Gladiator's Mail Armor
Season 1
3227Chest Mail
Gladiator's Ringmail Armor
Season 1
3227Chest Mail
Golden Links of Restoration
3227Chest Mail
Hauberk of the Empire's Champion
3227Chest Mail
Hauberk of the Furious Elements
3227Chest Mail
Hauberk of the War Bringer
3227Chest Mail
Hauberk of Whirling Fury
3227Chest Mail
Inferno Forged Hauberk
3227Chest Mail
Merciless Gladiator's Chain Armor
Season 2
3227Chest Mail
Merciless Gladiator's Linked Armor
Season 2
3227Chest Mail
Merciless Gladiator's Mail Armor
Season 2
3227Chest Mail
Merciless Gladiator's Ringmail Armor
Season 2
3227Chest Mail
Netherstrike Breastplate
3227Chest Mail
Ranger-General's Chestguard
3227Chest Mail
Rift Stalker Hauberk
3227Chest Mail
Scaled Breastplate of Carnage
3227Chest Mail
Scaled Drakeskin Chestguard
3227Chest Mail
Tunic of the Ranger Lord
3227Chest Mail
Twisting Nether Plate Shirt
3227Chest Mail
Vest of Mounting Assault
3227Chest Mail
Vest of Mounting Assault
3227Chest Mail
Wave of Life Chestguard
3227Chest Mail
Beast Lord Cuirass
3227Chest Mail
Beast Lord Cuirass
3227Chest Mail
Breastplate of Rapid Striking
3227Chest Mail
Drakescale Hauberk
3227Chest Mail
Earthpeace Breastplate
3227Chest Mail
Felstalker Breastplate
3227Chest Mail
Grand Marshal's Chain Armor
3227Chest Mail
Grand Marshal's Linked Armor
3227Chest Mail
Grand Marshal's Mail Armor
3227Chest Mail
Grand Marshal's Ringmail Chestguard
3227Chest Mail
Harness of the Deep Currents
3227Chest Mail
Hauberk of Desolation
3227Chest Mail
Hauberk of the War Bringer
3227Chest Mail
High Warlord's Chain Armor
3227Chest Mail
High Warlord's Linked Armor
3227Chest Mail
High Warlord's Mail Armor
3227Chest Mail
High Warlord's Ringmail Chestguard
3227Chest Mail
Laughing Skull Battle-Harness
3227Chest Mail
Mistshroud Tunic
3227Chest Mail
Salvager's Hauberk
3227Chest Mail
Seer's Linked Armor
3227Chest Mail
Seer's Mail Armor
3227Chest Mail
Seer's Mail Armor
3227Chest Mail
Seer's Ringmail Chestguard
3227Chest Mail
Shard Encrusted Breastplate
3227Chest Mail
Stalker's Chain Armor
3227Chest Mail
Tidefury Chestpiece
3227Chest Mail
Tunic of the Ranger Lord
3227Chest Mail
Worldfire Chestguard
3227Chest Mail
Frostscale Chestguard
3227Chest Mail
Nerubian Chestguard
3227Chest Mail
Netherstorm Chestpiece
3227Chest Mail
Nifflevar Chestpiece
3227Chest Mail
Njord Chain Vest
3227Chest Mail
Skom Chain Vest
3227Chest Mail
Sundered Chestpiece
3227Chest Mail
Talhide Chestpiece
3227Chest Mail
Gladiator's Linked Armor
3227Chest Mail
Icy Mail Armor
3227Chest Mail
Chancellor's Linked Armor
3127Chest Mail
Chancellor's Mail Armor
3127Chest Mail
Chancellor's Ringmail Chestguard
3127Chest Mail
Nether Plate Shirt
3127Chest Mail
Thick Netherscale Breastplate
3127Chest Mail
Mag'hari Chain Vest
3027Chest Mail
Gladiator's Chain Armor
127Chest Mail
Gladiator's Mail Armor
127Chest Mail
Gladiator's Ringmail Armor
127Chest Mail
Garmaul Chestpiece
3226Chest Mail
Skettis Chestpiece
3226Chest Mail
Golden Dragonstrike Breastplate
3126Chest Mail
Stormforged Hauberk
3126Chest Mail
Blood Knight Breastplate
3126Chest Mail
Der'izu Chestpiece
3126Chest Mail
Felscale Breastplate
3126Chest Mail
Ironspine Chain Vest
3126Chest Mail
Scaled Draenic Vest
3126Chest Mail
Corroded Mail Armor
2926Chest Mail
Fel Iron Chain Tunic
3125Chest Mail
Marshcreeper Fen-Vest
3125Chest Mail
Cryptstalker Tunic
3025Chest Mail
Earthshatter Tunic
3025Chest Mail
Stormcaller's Hauberk
3025Chest Mail
Striker's Hauberk
3025Chest Mail
Hauberk of Totemic Rage
3025Chest Mail