

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Blood Knight Breastplate
3126Chest Mail
Blood Speaker Tunic
24Chest Mail
Bloodlust Breastplate
2923Chest Mail
Bloodspattered Surcoat
138Chest Mail
Blue Winglord's Hauberk
6060Chest Mail
Blue Winglord's Hauberk
5060Chest Mail
Bonelink Armor
2518Chest Mail
Bonepicker Undermail
5850Chest Mail
Brackwater Vest
116Chest Mail
Bramble Chain Hauberk
200Chest Mail
Bramblemail Hauberk
5040Chest Mail
Bramblescar Vest
3530Chest Mail
Breastplate of Celestial Harmony
1Chest Mail
Breastplate of Protest
25Chest Mail
Breastplate of Sizzling Chitin
33Chest Mail
Breastplate of the Fifth Hunter
27Chest Mail
Breastplate of the Unblinking Vigil
1Chest Mail
Breastplate of the Witch Doctor
1Chest Mail
Brigade Breastplate
2417Chest Mail
Brittle Flamereaver Hauberk
3835Chest Mail
Brogg's Better Battle Harness
22Chest Mail
Burnished Tunic
138Chest Mail
Burnished Tunic
138Chest Mail
Cadet Vest
85Chest Mail
Captain's Breastplate
2417Chest Mail
Chain Armor of Eminent Domain
37Chest Mail
Chain Armor of Eminent Domain
37Chest Mail
Chain Armor of Eminent Domain
37Chest Mail
Chain Hauberk
127Chest Mail
Chainmail of Depleting Brilliance
40070Chest Mail
Chainmail of Sina's Stalwarts
49670Chest Mail
Chainmail of the Dragon Slayer
11Chest Mail
Chainmail of the Witch Doctor
1Chest Mail
Champion's Armor
2519Chest Mail
Charger's Armor
53Chest Mail
Chestguard of Abomification
20Chest Mail
Chestguard of Bael'dun Keep
20Chest Mail
Chestguard of Bravery
27Chest Mail
Chestguard of Bravery
27Chest Mail
Chestguard of Celestial Harmony
1Chest Mail
Chestguard of Forward Directions
6Chest Mail
Chestguard of Inscrutability
35Chest Mail
Chestguard of Rapid Promotion
35Chest Mail
Chestguard of the Naz'jar
35Chest Mail
Chestguard of the Naz'jar
35Chest Mail
Chestguard of the Stormspire
32Chest Mail
Chestguard of the Unblinking Vigil
1Chest Mail
Chestpiece of the Forgotten Captain
33Chest Mail
Chestplate of the Northern Ranger
34Chest Mail
Chief Brigadier Armor
2215Chest Mail
Chitinoid Chainmail
40070Chest Mail
City Guard's Chainmail
43770Chest Mail
Clear Earthen Scalemail
34Chest Mail
Combat Training Vest
26Chest Mail
Copper Chain Vest
53Chest Mail
Cormorant Chain Vest
3429Chest Mail
Counterfeit Chainmail
24Chest Mail
Counterfeit Chainmail
24Chest Mail
Crabcracker Chestguard
35Chest Mail
Crackling Scale Breastplate
127Chest Mail
Creche-Scout's Vest
1610Chest Mail
Crimson Combatant's Adamant Chainmail
33070Chest Mail
Crimson Mail Hauberk
32Chest Mail
Crimsonscale Hauberk
1Chest Mail
Crusader's Armor
2821Chest Mail
Daggerfen Mail
30Chest Mail
Dargol's Hauberk
64Chest Mail
Dark Chain Shirt
9Chest Mail
Dark Frostscale Chestpiece
7676Chest Mail
Darkmoon Breastplate
125Chest Mail
Darkmoon Chainmail
125Chest Mail
Dawnrider's Chestpiece
24Chest Mail
Dawnwatcher's Chestguard
1Chest Mail
Dawnwatcher's Ringmail
1310Chest Mail
Deathbog Hauberk
3835Chest Mail
Deathstalker's Hauberk
85Chest Mail
Deathweb Vest
4137Chest Mail
Deepwild Armor
37Chest Mail
Defender Tunic
149Chest Mail
Deputy Chain Coat
16Chest Mail
Der'izu Chestpiece
3126Chest Mail
Der'izu Chestpiece
1Chest Mail
Desolate Scale Vest
10050Chest Mail
Draconic Aspirant's Chain Tunic
45470Chest Mail
Draconic Aspirant's Chain Vest
45470Chest Mail
Draconic Combatant's Adamant Chainmail
33070Chest Mail
Dragonkin Shirt
31Chest Mail
Dragonrider's Harness
6050Chest Mail
Drake-Scale Vest
2418Chest Mail
Dreadroot Linked Vest
4440Chest Mail
Dreambound Chainmail
35070Chest Mail
Dreaming Spirit Armor
38Chest Mail
Dreaming Spirit Vest
38Chest Mail
Dusty Chain Armor
1610Chest Mail
Dusty Gahrron Chainmail
21Chest Mail
Earthen Chestguard
13Chest Mail
Earthen Chestpiece
13Chest Mail
Earthen Embrace
36Chest Mail
Earthmover Breastplate
38Chest Mail
Ebonhold Armor
2822Chest Mail