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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Tunic of the Nightmare Rift
19Chest The Nightmare Scar Mail
Double Mail Vest
1912ChestLooted Mail
Barechus' Chainmail
18ChestQuest Mail
Double Link Tunic
1811ChestLooted Mail
Lead Apron
1811ChestLooted Mail
Shining Silver Breastplate
1811ChestCrafted Mail
Battleforge Armor
1811ChestLooted Mail
Hauberk of Dire Tidings
18Chest Wanted! Marez Cowl Mail
Hauberk of Zul'Mamwe
18Chest Zul'Mamwe Mambo Mail
Hauberk of Zul'Mamwe
18Chest Zul'Mamwe Mambo Mail
Hulking Chestguard
1811ChestLooted Mail
Humbert's Chestpiece
1811ChestLooted Mail
Iconic Breastplate
18Chest If They're Just Going to Leave Them Lying Around... Mail
Large Ogre Chain Armor
1811ChestUnobtainable, Looted Mail
Messenger's Vest
18Chest No Time for Goodbyes! Mail
Spiked Chain Breastplate
1811ChestLooted Mail
Steelgut's Undermail
18Chest Drowned Sorrows Mail
Supple Support Harness
18Chest Plush Pelts Mail
Reinforced Chain Vest
1811ChestLooted Mail
Feral Vestment
17Chest King of the Foulweald Mail
Husk of Naraxis
1710ChestLooted Mail
Lambent Scale Breastplate
1710ChestLooted Mail
Seabreeze Hauberk
17Chest The Real Threat Mail
Tunic of Ashes
17Chest Ashes to Ashes Mail
Polished Scale Vest
1710Chest Mail
Bombgineer Blasting Vest
16Chest The Goblin Braintrust Mail
Martyr's Chain
1610ChestLooted Mail
Tortoise Armor
1610ChestLooted Mail
Deputy Chain Coat
16Chest Mail
Dusty Chain Armor
1610Chest Big Crate of Salvage Mail
Expedition Scout's Hauberk
16Chest Stopping Kurzen's Legacy Mail
Forest Chain
16Chest Mail
Fortified Chain
1610ChestLooted Mail
Grunt's Chestpiece
1610ChestLooted Mail
Heartbonded Vest
1610Chest Mail
Mizjah Hauberk
16Chest The Defense of Grom'gol: Ogre Oppression Mail
Night Watcher's Mail
16Chest Bones That Walk Mail
Silvered Bronze Breastplate
1610ChestCrafted Mail
Totem-Caller Tunic
1610Chest Mail
Fess' Chain Apron
15Chest A Deadly Vine Mail
Outrunner's Chestguard
159ChestLooted Mail
Phantom Chain Tunic
15Chest Deception and Trickery Mail
Defender Tunic
149ChestLooted Mail
Glaivethrower Expert's Chestpiece
14Chest Return Fire Mail
Je'neu's Ringmail Jerkin
14Chest Before You Go... Mail
Rough Bronze Cuirass
149ChestCrafted Mail
Snellig's Chain Shirt
14Chest The Cursed Crew Mail
War Paint Chestpiece
149ChestLooted Mail
Scalemail Vest
148Chest Mail
Linked Chain Vest
148ChestLooted Mail
Breastplate of the Stilled Heart
138ChestLooted Mail
Slither-Scale Hauberk
138ChestLooted Mail
Bloodspattered Surcoat
138ChestLooted Mail
Burnished Tunic
138ChestLooted Mail
Burnished Tunic
138Chest Big Crate of Salvage Mail
Dawnwatcher's Ringmail
1310Chest Mail
Earthen Chestguard
13Chest Mail
Earthen Chestpiece
13Chest Mail
Felfire-Scorched Chestguard
13Chest Playing With Felfire Mail
Jade Guardian's Chain Armor
1310Chest Mail
Night Watch Hauberk
13Chest Wolves at Our Heels Mail
Reedstalker Chestguard
1310Chest Mail
Sludge Guard Mail Vest
13Chest Freedom for Lydon Mail
Soot-Stained Chainmail Breastplate
13Chest Explosives Shredding Mail
Stoutfist Chainmail
13Chest Assault on Menethil Keep Mail
Timerunner's Chestguard
1310Chest Mail
Chain Hauberk
127ChestCrafted Mail
Crackling Scale Breastplate
127ChestCrafted Mail
Darkmoon Breastplate
125Chest Rogues Deck Mail
Darkmoon Chainmail
125Chest Rogues Deck Mail
Ironforge Breastplate
127ChestCrafted Mail
Raider's Chestpiece
127ChestLooted, Fished Mail
Web Encased Tunic
12Chest Glorious Harvest Mail
Azure Scale Hauberk
11Chest Fade to Black Mail
Dark Shaman's Jerkin
116ChestLooted Mail
Scale Vest of the Shaman
11Chest Taragaman the Hungerer Mail
Scaled Vest of the Shaman
11Chest The Dark Shaman Mail
Brackwater Vest
116ChestLooted Mail
Chainmail of the Dragon Slayer
11Chest Razormaw Mail
Runed Copper Breastplate
116ChestCrafted Mail
Silvermoon Armor
116ChestLooted Mail
Soldier's Armor
116ChestLooted, Fished Mail
Stonesmirk Breastplate
11Chest Mail
Ergll's Body Sieve
10Chest Full of Hot Water Mail
Hauberk of the Changing Heart
10Chest His Heart Must Be In It Mail
Light Scale Jerkin
106ChestCrafted Mail
Soothsayer's Harness
10Chest Soothing the Elements Mail
Chainmail Armor
106Chest Mail
Hauberk of Fortune
9Chest Gazlowe's Fortune Mail
Auberdine Ringmail Tunic
9Chest Call Down the Thunder Mail
Dark Chain Shirt
9Chest Report to Magister Kaendris Mail
Ironforge Chain
95ChestCrafted Mail
Maatparm's Fungus Lined Chainmail
9Chest Ysera's Tears Mail
Retainer Tunic
9Chest WANTED: Cap'n Garvey Mail
Sludge Encrusted Vest
9Chest Sludge Beast! Mail
Ventillated Vest
9Chest Like a Fart in the Wind Mail
Veteran Armor
95ChestLooted, Fished Mail
War Torn Tunic
95ChestLooted Mail
Laced Mail Vest
95ChestLooted Mail
Cadet Vest
85ChestLooted, Fished Mail