

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Marshwarden's Vest
22Chest Mail
Marauder's Tunic
2215Chest Mail
Knight's Breastplate
2214Chest Mail
Golden Scale Cuirass
2215Chest Mail
Gentling Breastplate
22Chest Mail
Enduring Breastplate
2214Chest Mail
Chief Brigadier Armor
2215Chest Mail
Brogg's Better Battle Harness
22Chest Mail
Scarlet Chestpiece
2214Chest Mail
Energized Chestplate
2215Chest Mail
Turtle Scale Breastplate
2316Chest Mail
Steadfast Breastplate
2316Chest Mail
Jazeraint Chestguard
2316Chest Mail
Greenhorn's Armor
23Chest Mail
Gelkis Marauder Chain
23Chest Mail
Shivbreaker Vest
2317Chest Mail
Blood-Tinged Armor
23Chest Mail
Overlinked Chain Armor
2417Chest Mail
Tough Scorpid Breastplate
2417Chest Mail
Ravager's Armor
2417Chest Mail
Oozing Vest
24Chest Mail
Fuselight Chainmail
24Chest Mail
Drake-Scale Vest
2418Chest Mail
Dawnrider's Chestpiece
24Chest Mail
Counterfeit Chainmail
24Chest Mail
Counterfeit Chainmail
24Chest Mail
Captain's Breastplate
2417Chest Mail
Brigade Breastplate
2417Chest Mail
Blood Speaker Tunic
24Chest Mail
Blackwater Tunic
24Chest Mail
Ancient Chestpiece
2418Chest Mail
Polished Jazeraint Armor
2417Chest Mail
Greenroot Mail
2417Chest Mail
Deathchill Armor
2417Chest Mail
Chestguard of the Thousand Needles
24Chest Mail
Chestguard of the Thousand Needles
24Chest Mail
Chestguard of Redemption
24Chest Mail
Bonebrace Hauberk
2417Chest Mail
Bloodmail Hauberk
2417Chest Mail
Icemail Jerkin
24Chest Mail
Workforce Chestguard
25Chest Mail
Khan's Chestpiece
2519Chest Mail
Champion's Armor
2519Chest Mail
Breastplate of Protest
25Chest Mail
Bonelink Armor
2518Chest Mail
Blackforge Breastplate
2518Chest Mail
Ogre Forged Hauberk
2519Chest Mail
Gahz'rilla Scale Armor
2519Chest Mail
Grunt's Chain Vest
2620Chest Mail
Brigandine Vest
2620Chest Mail
Warmonger's Chestpiece
2620Chest Mail
Seared Mail Vest
26Chest Mail
Myrmidon's Breastplate
2620Chest Mail
Improvised Breastplate
26Chest Mail
Improvised Breastplate
26Chest Mail
Gryphon Mail Breastplate
2620Chest Mail
Combat Training Vest
26Chest Mail
Dragonscale Breastplate
2620Chest Mail
Laminated Scale Armor
2721Chest Mail
Radiant Breastplate
2721Chest Mail
Protector Breastplate
2721Chest Mail
Merciless Breastplate
27Chest Mail
Merciless Breastplate
27Chest Mail
Lord's Breastplate
2721Chest Mail
Heavy Scorpid Vest
2721Chest Mail
Formidable Chestpiece
2720Chest Mail
Chestguard of Bravery
27Chest Mail
Chestguard of Bravery
27Chest Mail
Breastplate of the Fifth Hunter
27Chest Mail
Bear Oiled Chainmail
27Chest Mail
Wildthorn Mail
2721Chest Mail
Green Dragonscale Breastplate
2720Chest Mail
Savage Gladiator Chain
2720Chest Mail
Vest of the Den Watcher
28Chest Mail
Prismscale Hauberk
28Chest Mail
Ornate Breastplate
2822Chest Mail
Merciless Surcoat
2822Chest Mail
Ironhide Breastplate
2822Chest Mail
Ebonhold Armor
2822Chest Mail
Crusader's Armor
2821Chest Mail
Splintsteel Armor
28Chest Mail
Royal Decorated Armor
2822Chest Mail
Deathdealer Breastplate
2822Chest Mail
Dark Iron Plate
2822Chest Mail
Blue Dragonscale Breastplate
2822Chest Mail
Black Dragonscale Breastplate
2822Chest Mail
Atal'ai Breastplate
2821Chest Mail
Sterling Chain Armor
2924Chest Mail
Eroded Mail Armor
2925Chest Mail
Corroded Mail Armor
2926Chest Mail
Willow Band Hauberk
29Chest Mail
Warstrike Chestguard
2924Chest Mail
Unyielding Chain Vest
2924Chest Mail
Triumphant Chestpiece
2925Chest Mail
Scale Brand Breastplate
29Chest Mail
Mercurial Breastplate
2924Chest Mail
Masterwork Breastplate
2925Chest Mail
Magnificent Breastplate
2924Chest Mail
Jadescale Breastplate
29Chest Mail
Impenetrable Breastplate
2923Chest Mail