

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Unyielding Footwraps
2924FeetLooted Mail
Warstrike Sabatons
2924FeetLooted Mail
Corroded Mail Boots
2926FeetLooted Mail
Eroded Mail Boots
2925FeetLooted Mail
Sterling Chain Boots
2925Feet Mail
Atal'ai Boots
2821Feet Mail
Bloodshot Greaves
2821FeetLooted Mail
Earthbound Boots
28FeetLooted Mail
Bloodlust Boots
2822FeetLooted Mail
Boots of Financial Victory
28Feet Pick Your Fate Mail
Boots of Intimidation
28Feet Ogre Combat Mail
Ebonhold Boots
2821FeetLooted Mail
Engraved Boots
2822FeetLooted Mail
Enohar's Old Hunting Boots
28Feet Curtail the Darktail Mail
Nethergarde Boots
28Feet Eliminate the Okril'lon Mail
Ornate Greaves
2822FeetLooted Mail
Radiant Boots
2822FeetCrafted Mail
Defiler's Chain Greaves
2721Feet Mail
Defiler's Mail Greaves
2721Feet Mail
Fleetfoot Greaves
2720FeetLooted Mail
Greaves of Withering Despair
2720FeetLooted Mail
Highlander's Chain Greaves
2721Feet Mail
Highlander's Mail Greaves
2721Feet Mail
Savage Gladiator Greaves
2720FeetLooted Mail
Crusader's Boots
2721FeetLooted Mail
Ironhide Greaves
2720FeetLooted Mail
Legend Eater Boots
27Feet A Bird of Legend Mail
Merciless Greaves
2721FeetLooted Mail
Treant-Bark Shoes
27Feet Chop Chop Mail
Laminated Scale Boots
2721FeetLooted Mail
Cave Crawler's Mail Treads
26Feet Mail
Elven Chain Boots
2620FeetLooted Mail
Gor'Tesh's Boots
26Feet SEVEN! YUP! Mail
Lava Boots
26Feet Not Fireflies, Flameflies Mail
Lord's Boots
2620FeetLooted Mail
Protector Ankleguards
2620FeetLooted Mail
Subversive Steps
26Feet Placing the Pawns Mail
Subversive Steps
26Feet Placing the Pawns Mail
Brigandine Boots
2620Feet Mail
Grunt's Chain Boots
2620Feet Mail
Sezz'ziz's Captive Kickers
2519FeetLooted Mail
Timmy's Galoshes
2518FeetLooted Mail
Bootscuff Boots
25Feet Just Trying to Kill Some Bugs Mail
Dustbelcher Boots
25Feet Half-Ton Holdouts Mail
Dustbelcher Boots
25Feet Half-Ton Holdouts Mail
Formidable Sabatons
2519FeetLooted Mail
Gryphon Mail Greaves
2518FeetLooted Mail
Mr. Tauren's Boots
25Feet Hazzard Disposal Mail
Myrmidon's Greaves
2519FeetLooted Mail
Timbermaw Boots
25Feet Disarming Bears Mail
Tough Scorpid Boots
2518FeetCrafted Mail
Translation Boots
25Feet The Grand Tablet Mail
Translation Boots
25Feet The Grand Tablet Mail
Warmonger's Greaves
2519FeetLooted Mail
Bloodmail Boots
2417Feet Mail
Odious Greaves
2417FeetLooted Mail
Shadowy Mail Greaves
2417Feet Mail
Windreaver Greaves
2417Feet Mail
Ancient Greaves
2417FeetLooted Mail
Bat Claw Boots
24Feet Mail
Blackforge Greaves
2417FeetLooted Mail
Bonelink Sabatons
2417FeetLooted Mail
Boots of Delivery
24Feet A Strange Request Mail
Boots of Zua'tec
24Feet Mail
Champion's Greaves
2418FeetLooted Mail
Felpaw Boots
24Feet Culling the Corrupted Mail
Ironheel Boots
24Feet Mail
Jangdor's Handcrafted Greaves
24Feet The Mark of Quality Mail
Khan's Greaves
2418FeetLooted Mail
Pratt's Handcrafted Greaves
24Feet The Mark of Quality Mail
Overlinked Chain Boots
2418FeetLooted Mail
Bone Golem Boots
2317FeetLooted Mail
Defiler's Chain Greaves
2317Feet Mail
Defiler's Mail Greaves
2317Feet Mail
Highlander's Chain Greaves
2317Feet Mail
Highlander's Mail Greaves
2317Feet Mail
Brigade Boots
2316FeetLooted Mail
Captain's Boots
2316FeetLooted Mail
Darkspear Boots
23Feet Mail
Den Whomper Boots
23Feet Two-Tusk Takedown Mail
Den Whomper Boots
23Feet Two-Tusk Takedown Mail
Greenhorn's Footguards
23Feet Crate of Battlefield Goods Mail
Ravager's Sandals
2316FeetLooted Mail
Albino Crocscale Waders
2214FeetLooted Mail
Boots of Endless Vitality
22Feet Princess Theradras Mail
Dusty Mail Boots
2215Feet Mail
Revelosh's Boots
2215FeetLooted Mail
Viking Chain Boots
2215FeetLooted Mail
Chief Brigadier Boots
2214FeetLooted Mail
Golden Scale Boots
2215FeetCrafted Mail
Heavy Scale Boots
2215FeetCrafted Mail
Jazeraint Boots
2215FeetLooted Mail
Maloof's Spare Treads
22Feet Two If By Boat Mail
Maloof's Spare Treads
22Feet Two If By Boat Mail
Outhouse Boots
22Feet A Little Payback Mail
Outhouse Boots
22Feet A Little Payback Mail
Sparkleshell Sabatons
2214FeetLooted Mail
Spritescale Boots
2215FeetCrafted Mail
Steadfast Stompers
2215FeetLooted Mail
Stem-Laced Boots
22Feet Greasing the Wheel Mail