

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Elemental Rebalancers
5040FeetLooted Mail
Nesingwary's Trapping Treads
5040FeetLooted Mail
Qa'pla, Eredun War Order
5040FeetLooted Mail
Spiritual Journey
5040FeetLooted Mail
The Deceiver's Blood Pact
5040FeetLooted Mail
Ullr's Feather Snowshoes
5040FeetLooted Mail
10.0 Raid Template - Mail - Feet
28070Feet Mail
10.1 Raid - Black Dragon Labs - Boss <#> - <Boss Name> - Armor - Mail - FEET 2
41570Feet Mail
Acidic Hailstone Treads
35070Feet Mail
Akana's Reefstrider Treads
6650Feet Mail
Akunda's Grounding Boots
6050Feet Mail
Ashen Predator's Chasers
41570Feet Mail
Ashlink Treads
4440FeetLooted Mail
Atonement Greaves
3530FeetLooted Mail
Azsh'ari Stormsurger Boots
6650Feet Mail
Azsh'ari Stormsurger Striders
6650Feet Mail
Azsh'ari Stormsurger Treads
6650Feet Mail
Banded Cragscale Boots
9550FeetCrafted Mail
Banded Cragscale Boots
9550Feet Mail
Basalt Brood Stompers
38970Feet Mail
Beastmaster's Boots
29Feet Mail
Black Dragonscale Boots
2923FeetCrafted Mail
Black Venom Sabatons
5045FeetLooted Mail
Bladesworn Tactician's Sabatons
15560Feet The Final Reagent Mail
Bladewalk Boots
4440FeetLooted Mail
Blazestalker's Smelted Cleats
41570Feet Mail
Blazing Dreamstalker's Striders
44170Feet Mail
Bonebreaker Boots
4440FeetLooted Mail
Boneshard Boots
3832Feet Mail
Boneshard Boots
3732Feet Mail
Boneshard Boots
Raid Finder
3732Feet Mail
Boots of a Broken World
1Feet Mail
Boots of Az'galada
3732FeetLooted Mail
Boots of Divided Being
3530FeetLooted Mail
Boots of Divided Being
3530FeetLooted Mail
Boots of False Promises
5040FeetLooted Mail
Boots of Living Scale
3530FeetCrafted Mail
Boots of Oceanic Fury
3227FeetLooted Mail
Boots of Oceanic Fury
3227FeetLooted Mail
Boots of Persistence
3530FeetLooted Mail
Boots of Shackled Souls
3227FeetCrafted Mail
Boots of the Crimson Hawk
3227FeetCrafted Mail
Boots of the Endless Hunt
3227FeetLooted Mail
Boots of the Endless Hunt
3227FeetLooted Mail
Boots of the Endless Moor
29Feet Emeriss Mail
Boots of the Endless Moor
2925FeetUnobtainable Mail
Boots of the Fallen Prophet
2925FeetLooted Mail
Boots of the Forgotten Depths
3530FeetLooted Mail
Boots of the Forgotten Depths
3530FeetLooted Mail
Boots of the Gilded Path
6050FeetLooted Mail
Boots of the Great Construct
3530FeetLooted Mail
Boots of the Healing Stream
3935Feet Mail
Boots of the Howling Beast
135Feet Mail
Boots of the Illidari Crusade
50Feet Soul Prism of the Illidari Mail
Boots of the Molten Hoard
44170Feet Mail
Boots of the Perilous Seas
3732Feet Mail
Boots of the Renewed Flight
3530FeetLooted Mail
Boots of Tortured Space
3530FeetLooted Mail
Boots of Tortured Space
3530FeetLooted Mail
Boots of Tremoring Earth
3530FeetLooted Mail
Boots of Tremoring Earth
3530FeetLooted Mail
Boots of Twinkling Stars
3530Feet Mail
Boots of Unbreakable Umbrage
39Feet Mail
Boots of Unsettled Prey
3530FeetLooted Mail
Boots of Unsettled Prey
3530Feet Mail
Boots of Vertigo
3732FeetLooted Mail
Boots of Vertigo
3732FeetLooted Mail
Brass-Lined Boots
3530FeetLooted Mail
Brass-Lined Boots
3530FeetLooted Mail
Burnmender Boots
3935Feet Galleon Mail
Cartel's Larcenous Toecaps
22660Feet Mail
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity
Season 11
3732FeetLooted Mail
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity
Season 11
3732FeetLooted Mail
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity
Season 11 Elite
3732Feet Mail
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity
Season 11 Elite
3732Feet Mail
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty
Season 11
3732FeetLooted Mail
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty
Season 11 Elite
3732Feet Mail
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Sabatons of Meditation
Season 11
3732FeetLooted Mail
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Sabatons of Meditation
Season 11 Elite
3732Feet Mail
City Crusher Sabatons
6050FeetLooted Mail
Cleats of the Savage Claw
44170Feet Mail
Cloud Serpent Sabatons
4035FeetCrafted Mail
Cobra-Lash Boots
6027Feet Mail
Cobra-Lash Boots
3227FeetLooted Mail
Conservator's Scale Boots
160Feet Mail
Corrupted Aspirant's Chain Sabatons
6050Feet Mail
Corrupted Aspirant's Chain Sabatons
6050Feet Mail
Corrupted Gladiator's Chain Footguards
6050Feet Mail
Corrupted Gladiator's Chain Footguards
6050Feet Mail
Corrupted Gladiator's Chain Sabatons
6050Feet Mail
Corrupted Gladiator's Chain Sabatons
6050Feet Mail
Cosmic Gladiator's Chain Boots
20060Feet Mail
Cosmic Gladiator's Chain Sabatons
20060Feet Mail
Cragscale Boots
7650FeetCrafted Mail
Cragscale Boots
7650Feet Mail
Crechebound Soldier's Boots
42470Feet Mail
Crimson Gladiator's Chain Boots
38270Feet Mail
Crimson Gladiator's Chain Boots
38270Feet Mail
Crimson Gladiator's Chain Boots
38270Feet Mail
Crimson Gladiator's Chain Sabatons
38270Feet Mail