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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Enchanted Felscale Gloves
3227HandsCrafted Mail
Fathomheart Gauntlets
3227HandsLooted Mail
Gauntlets of Desolation
3227HandsLooted Mail
Gauntlets of Desolation
32HandsLooted Mail
Gauntlets of the Redeemed Vindicator
32Hands Deathblow to the Legion Mail
Gauntlets of the Tranquil Waves
3227HandsLooted Mail
Gauntlets of the Tranquil Waves
3227HandsLooted Mail
Grand Marshal's Chain Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
Grand Marshal's Linked Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
Grand Marshal's Mail Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
Grand Marshal's Ringmail Gloves
3227Hands Mail
High Warlord's Chain Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
High Warlord's Linked Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
High Warlord's Mail Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
High Warlord's Ringmail Gloves
3227Hands Mail
Hungarhide Gauntlets
3227HandsLooted Mail
Hungarhide Gauntlets
3227HandsLooted Mail
Mistshroud Gauntlets
3227Hands Small Copper Metamorphosis Geode Mail
Seer's Linked Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
Seer's Mail Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
Seer's Ringmail Gloves
3227Hands Mail
Seer's Ringmail Gloves
3227Hands Mail
Stalker's Chain Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
Stalker's Chain Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
Swiftsteel Gloves
3227HandsCrafted Mail
Tidefury Gauntlets
3227HandsLooted Mail
Banded Chain Gloves
32HandsQuest Mail
Cowpoke's Riding Gloves
32Hands When the Cows Come Home Mail
Frostscale Gloves
3228HandsCrafted Mail
Garmaul Fists
3226HandsLooted Mail
Glimmering Ringmail Gloves
32Hands Rescuing Evanor Mail
Nerubian Gloves
3227HandsCrafted Mail
Netherstorm Gauntlets
3227HandsLooted Mail
Nifflevar Gloves
3227HandsLooted Mail
Nimblefinger Scaled Gloves
32HandsQuest Mail
Njord Gauntlets
3227HandsLooted Mail
Seaspeaker Gloves
32Hands A Visit to the Curator Mail
Skettis Gauntlets
3226HandsLooted Mail
Skom Gloves
3227HandsLooted Mail
Spiked Magmoth Gloves
32HandsQuest Mail
Sundered Gauntlets
3227HandsLooted Mail
Surger's Hand Wraps
32Hands Delivering the Message Mail
Talhide Lined-Gloves
3227HandsLooted Mail
Westrift Handcovers
32HandsQuest Mail
Whispersteel Handguards
32Hands Leader of the Deranged Mail
Frigid Mail Gloves
3229HandsLooted Mail
Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets
3227Hands Mail
Icy Mail Gloves
3227HandsLooted Mail
Chancellor's Chain Gauntlets
3127Hands Mail
Chancellor's Linked Gauntlets
3127Hands Mail
Chancellor's Mail Gauntlets
3127Hands Mail
Chancellor's Ringmail Gloves
3127Hands Mail
Crystalhide Handwraps
3127HandsCreated Mail
Felfury Gauntlets
3127HandsCrafted Mail
Netherdrake Gloves
3127HandsCrafted Mail
Windstrike Gloves
3127HandsCrafted Mail
Nethersteel Gauntlets
3126Hands Speaker Mar'grom Mail
Stormfront Gauntlets
3126HandsLooted Mail
Thundercaller's Gauntlets
3126HandsLooted Mail
Blood Knight Gauntlets
3126HandsLooted Mail
Der'izu Fists
3126HandsLooted Mail
Ironspine Gloves
3126HandsLooted Mail
Junior Technician 3rd Grade Gloves
31Hands You're Hired! Mail
Marshcreeper Gloves
3125HandsLooted Mail
Murkblood Oven Mitts
31HandsQuest Mail
Scalewing Gloves
31Hands Ride the Lightning Mail
Sha'tari Marksman's Gloves
31Hands The Fallen Exarch Mail
Whelpscale Gauntlets
31Hands Whelps of the Wyrmcult Mail
Cryptstalker Handguards
3025HandsLooted, Black Market AH Mail
Earthshatter Handguards
3025HandsBlack Market AH Mail
Bloodstained Ravager Gauntlets
3025HandsLooted Mail
Handguards of Precision
30HandsQuest Mail
Rockwurm Scale Gauntlets
3025HandsLooted Mail
Verdant Handwraps
30Hands Natural Remedies Mail
Fel Iron Chain Gloves
3025HandsCrafted Mail
Felscale Gloves
3024HandsCrafted Mail
Felstone Gauntlets
3024HandsLooted Mail
Fenclaw Fists
3025HandsLooted Mail
Gloves of Marshmanship
30Hands Leader of the Bloodscale Mail
Netherstalker Gloves
3024HandsLooted Mail
Nexus-Strider Gloves
3025HandsLooted Mail
Scaled Draenic Gloves
3025HandsCrafted Mail
Windcaller's Gauntlets
30Hands Return to the Marsh Mail
Wrathfin Gloves
3025HandsLooted Mail
Worn Mag'hari Gauntlets
3027Hands Mail
Beastmaster's Gloves
29Hands Mail
Black Grasp of the Destroyer
2925HandsCrafted Mail
Chromatic Gauntlets
2925HandsCrafted Mail
Dragonstalker's Gauntlets
2925HandsLooted Mail
Earthfury Gauntlets
2925HandsLooted Mail
Gauntlets of Kalimdor
2925HandsLooted Mail
Gauntlets of Ten Storms
2925HandsLooted Mail
Gauntlets of The Five Thunders
29Hands Mail
General's Chain Gloves
2925Hands Mail
General's Mail Gauntlets
2925Hands Mail
Giantstalker's Gloves
2925HandsLooted Mail
Gloves of the Fallen Prophet
2925HandsLooted Mail
Icy Scale Gauntlets
2925HandsCrafted Mail
Marshal's Chain Grips
2925Hands Mail
Marshal's Mail Gauntlets
2925Hands Mail