

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Hatchling Gloves
4Hands Mail
Auntie's Oven Mitts
4Hands Mail
Battle Worn Grips
4Hands Mail
Mulit-Scaled Gloves
4Hands Mail
Thunderhorn Handguards
4Hands Mail
Warrior's Gloves
42Hands Mail
Handgrips of Verity
3Hands Mail
Monkey Handler Fists
3Hands Mail
The Stone's Gauntlets
3Hands Mail
Well-Oiled Chain Gauntlets
3Hands Mail
Xavren's Gauntlets
3Hands Mail
Loose Chain Gloves
32Hands Mail
Aid-Lender's Grips
2Hands Mail
Darius' Handguards
2Hands Mail
Debt Collector's Grips
2Hands Mail
Gauntlets of Splashing Water
2Hands Mail
Glen Culler's Grips
2Hands Mail
Painted Chain Gloves
2Hands Mail
Proprietor's Mitts
2Hands Mail
Rusted Chain Gloves
2Hands Mail
Smith's Chain Gloves
2Hands Mail
Tarnished Chain Gloves
2Hands Mail
Torque-Applying Grips
2Hands Mail
Unadorned Chain Gloves
2Hands Mail
Verdant Chain Gloves
2Hands Mail
Wanderer's Grips
2Hands Mail
Willem's Mitts
2Hands Mail
Flimsy Chain Gloves
2Hands Mail
Shoddy Chain Gloves
2Hands Mail
Conservator's Scale Gloves
160Hands Mail
Discordant Forgelite's Gloves
160Hands Mail
Dragonstalker's Eternal Gauntlets
1Hands Mail
Duty-Bound Tactician's Gauntlets
150Hands Mail
Earth-Warder's Eternal Claws
1Hands Mail
Epoch Sentinel's Gloves
145Hands Mail
Eternal Gauntlets of Ten Storms
1Hands Mail
Fearstalker's Burnished Gauntlets
150Hands Mail
Fearstalker's Court Gauntlets
160Hands Mail
Fearstalker's Crimson Gauntlets
150Hands Mail
Gauntlets of the Chosen Dead
145Hands Mail
Gauntlets of the Honored Valarjar
1Hands Mail
Gorgrond Cragstalker's Grips
1Hands Mail
Grips of the Howling Beast
135Hands Mail
Harmonious Forgelite's Gloves
160Hands Mail
Night Courtier's Gloves
150Hands Mail
Prime Tactician's Gauntlets
150Hands Mail
Replica Beastmaster's Gloves
125Hands Mail
Replica Gauntlets of The Five Thunders
125Hands Mail
Replica General's Chain Gloves
125Hands Mail
Replica General's Mail Gauntlets
125Hands Mail
Replica Marshal's Chain Grips
125Hands Mail
Replica Marshal's Mail Gauntlets
125Hands Mail
Reverent Forgelite's Gloves
160Hands Mail
Slumbering Caldera Gauntlets
1Hands Mail
Stitched Tactician's Gauntlets
160Hands Mail
Windfury Crushers
135Hands Mail
Boulderfist Mystic's Grips
1Hands Mail
Brunnhildar Scout's Grips
1Hands Mail
Cobalt Guardian's Grips
158Hands Mail
Crimson Sentinel Gauntlets
1Hands Mail
Dark Ranger's Gloves
1Hands Mail
Drake Hunter's Grips
1Hands Mail
Gauntlets of the Timeless Hunt
1Hands Mail
Gloves of Discipline
1Hands Mail
Grips of the Dreamfused Skull
1Hands Mail
Hydraflayer Grips
1Hands Mail
Jingoist's Grips
1Hands Mail
Nokhudon Grips
1Hands Mail
Renowned Expeditioner's Grips
110Hands Mail
Replica Beaststalker's Gloves
123Hands Mail
Replica Blood Guard's Chain Gauntlets
125Hands Mail
Replica Blood Guard's Chain Vices
125Hands Mail
Replica Blood Guard's Mail Grips
125Hands Mail
Replica Blood Guard's Mail Vices
125Hands Mail
Replica Gauntlets of Elements
123Hands Mail
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Chain Gauntlets
125Hands Mail
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Chain Vices
125Hands Mail
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Mail Vices
125Hands Mail
Twilight Hunter's Grips
1Hands Mail
Warmonger's Grips
1Hands Mail
Warsong Gloves
135Hands Mail
Crimsonscale Gauntlets
110Hands Mail
Dawnwatcher's Gloves
110Hands Mail
Der'izu Fists
1Hands Mail
Firebird's Gauntlets
110Hands Mail
Firebird's Gloves
110Hands Mail
Firebird's Grips
110Hands Mail
Gauntlets of Celestial Harmony
110Hands Mail
Gauntlets of the Unblinking Vigil
110Hands Mail
Gauntlets of the Witch Doctor
110Hands Mail
Glorious Dragonrider's Grips
1Hands Mail
Gloves of Celestial Harmony
110Hands Mail
Gloves of the Unblinking Vigil
110Hands Mail
Gloves of the Witch Doctor
110Hands Mail
Grips of Celestial Harmony
110Hands Mail
Grips of the Unblinking Vigil
110Hands Mail
Grips of the Witch Doctor
110Hands Mail
Jade Guardian's Gauntlets
110Hands Mail
Jade Guardian's Gloves
110Hands Mail
Mogu Lord's Gloves
110Hands Mail