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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Gauntlets of Celestial Harmony
110Hands Mail
Gauntlets of Ahmtul
36Hands I'll Do It By Hand Mail
Gatesmashing Gauntlets
36Hands Pressing Forward Mail
Garmaul Fists
3226HandsLooted Mail
Galvanized Stormscale Gauntlets
4440HandsLooted Mail
Frostwolf Ringmail Gauntlets
40Hands The Butcher of Bladespire Mail
Frostscale Gloves
3228HandsCrafted Mail
Frostlink Gauntlets
3935HandsLooted Mail
Frigidlink Gauntlets
35Hands Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Mail
Frayfeather Gauntlets
3632Hands Big Crate of Salvage Mail
Fox Grove Handguards
37Hands Spitfire Mail
Fox Grove Gauntlets
37Hands And a Heavy Fist Mail
Fortified Gauntlets
1610HandsLooted Mail
Formidable Gauntlets
2519HandsLooted Mail
Forged Aspirant's Chain Handguards
54580Hands Mail
Forged Aspirant's Chain Gauntlets
54580Hands Mail
Foreman Handguards
6Hands Protecting the Shipment Mail
Firebird's Grips
110Hands Mail
Firebird's Gloves
110Hands Mail
Firebird's Gauntlets
110Hands Mail
Fine-Link Gauntlets
6Hands Profitability Scouting Mail
Finder's Keepers
22Hands I'm Not Supposed to Tell You This Mail
Fenclaw Fists
3025HandsLooted Mail
Felstrom's Gauntlets
1912Hands Big Crate of Salvage Mail
Felstone Gauntlets
3024HandsLooted Mail
Felscale Gloves
3024HandsCrafted Mail
Fel Iron Chain Gloves
3025HandsCrafted Mail
Feero's Ringmail Grips
13Hands Respect for the Fallen Mail
Favored Fanatic's Gauntlets
8548Hands Plague is Thicker Than Water Mail
Fastfuse Gloves
24Hands Behind You! Mail
Faronaar Chain Gauntlets
4440HandsLooted Mail
Faded Mail Gauntlets
21Hands Combat Training Mail
Faded Forest Ringmail Gauntlets
3732Hands Mail
Faded Forest Chain Gauntlets
3732Hands Mail
Eye-Plucker Grips
18Hands The Mind's Eye Mail
Expeditionary Mail Gauntlets
5HandsQuest Mail
Expeditionary Mail Gauntlets
5HandsQuest Mail
Expeditionary Gauntlets
54570Hands Mail
Expedition Mercenary's Grips
20058Hands Mail
Evoker Gloves
4440Hands Mail
Eventide Gauntlets
10050Hands Mail
Ered'ruin Gloves
5040HandsLooted Mail
Engraved Gauntlets
2822HandsLooted Mail
Enduring Gauntlets
2013HandsLooted Mail
Emerald Winglord's Grips
206Hands Mail
Element Grips
1811HandsCrafted Mail
Ebonhold Gauntlets
2721HandsLooted Mail
Earthmover Gauntlets
38Hands The Endless Swarm Mail
Earthen Traveler's Grips
40070Hands Mail
Earthen Handwraps
13Hands Mail
Earthen Handguards
13Hands Mail
Dreamthorn Handguards
8548Hands Souls Come Home Mail
Dreambound Grips
35070Hands Mail
Dreadroot Linked Gauntlets
4440HandsLooted Mail
Dragonrider's Grips
6050HandsLooted Mail
Draconic Combatant's Adamant Gauntlets
33070Hands Mail
Draconic Aspirant's Chain Handguards
45470Hands Mail
Draconic Aspirant's Chain Gauntlets
45470Hands Mail
Desolate Scale Gauntlets
10050HandsCrafted Mail
Der'izu Fists
3126HandsLooted Mail
Der'izu Fists
1Hands Mail
Defender Gauntlets
149HandsLooted Mail
Deepwild Handguards
37Hands Why So Serious? Mail
Deepwild Gauntlets
37Hands Profit Mastery Mail
Deathweb Gauntlets
4137HandsLooted Mail
Death-Pledged Handguards
50Hands Mail
Death-Pledged Grips
50Hands Reuniting the Company Mail
Death-Pledged Grasps
50Hands That Which Haunts the Dead Mail
Death-Pledged Gloves
50Hands Krag'wa the Terrible Mail
Death-Pledged Gauntlets
50Hands Improper Burial Mail
Dawnwatcher's Gloves
1310Hands Mail
Dawnwatcher's Gloves
110Hands Mail
Crusader's Gauntlets
2720HandsLooted Mail
Crone-Seeker's Strikers
50HandsQuest Mail
Crone-Seeker's Mitts
50HandsQuest Mail
Crone-Seeker's Handguards
50Hands A Traitor's Death Mail
Crone-Seeker's Grips
50Hands Hold The Barricade! Mail
Crone-Seeker's Gloves
50Hands The Burden of Proof Mail
Crimsonscale Gauntlets
110Hands Mail
Crimson Combatant's Adamant Gauntlets
33070Hands Mail
Cowpoke's Riding Gloves
32Hands When the Cows Come Home Mail
Cosmologist's Grips
14Hands Classy Glass Mail
Cormorant Gloves
3429HandsLooted Mail
Cloudsbreak Grips
5Hands Mist Mail
Clacking Clawguards
35070Hands Mail
Chronomental Gloves
31468Hands Mail
Chitinoid Grips
40070Hands Mail
Chief Brigadier Gauntlets
2114HandsLooted, Fished Mail
Champion's Gauntlets
2418HandsLooted Mail
Chain Gloves of the Quarry
34Hands Seeds of Chaos Mail
Chain Gloves of the Demonic Minion
34HandsQuest Mail
Chain Gauntlets
159HandsCrafted Mail
Cardio-Extractor Handguards
6HandsQuest Mail
Captain's Gauntlets
2215HandsLooted Mail
Burnished Gloves
127HandsLooted, Fished, Pick Pocketed Mail
BT56 Mail Healer Gloves2
138Hands Mail
Brittle Flamereaver Gloves
3835HandsLooted Mail
Brightwood Gauntlets
14Hands The Stolen Letters Mail
Brigade Gauntlets
2316HandsLooted Mail
Bricksteel Gauntlets
28Hands Runecloth Mail