

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Leggings of the Lurking Threat
6030Legs Mail
Legguards of Ai'twen's Resurgence
6050Legs Mail
Legguards of Coalescing Plasma
6050Legs Mail
Legguards of the Barkbound Dead
6050Legs Mail
Legguards of the Lurking Threat
6030Legs Mail
Legguards of the Storm Battalion
6050Legs Mail
Mistscale Greaves
6050Legs Mail
Mistscale Leggings
6050Legs Mail
Moltenfeather Leggings
6032Legs Mail
Notorious Aspirant's Chain Leggings
6050Legs Mail
Notorious Aspirant's Chain Leggings
6050Legs Mail
Notorious Combatant's Mail Leggings
6050Legs Mail
Notorious Combatant's Mail Leggings
6050Legs Mail
Notorious Gladiator's Chain Leggings
6050Legs Mail
Notorious Gladiator's Chain Leggings
6050Legs Mail
Notorious Gladiator's Chain Legguards
6050Legs Mail
Notorious Gladiator's Chain Legguards
6050Legs Mail
Robust Legwraps of D'nusa
6050Legs Mail
Sinister Combatant's Mail Leggings
6050Legs Mail
Sinister Combatant's Mail Leggings
6050Legs Mail
Sinister Gladiator's Chain Leggings
6050Legs Mail
Sinister Gladiator's Chain Leggings
6050Legs Mail
Sinister Gladiator's Chain Legguards
6050Legs Mail
Sinister Gladiator's Chain Legguards
6050Legs Mail
Sunhawk Leggings
6027Legs Mail
Thoracic Flame Kilt
6032Legs Mail
Windshear Leggings
6050Legs Mail
7th Legionnaire's Britches
6045Legs Mail
Blightguard's Legguards
6050Legs Mail
Honorbound Vanguard's Legguards
6045Legs Mail
Kaldorei Archer's Legguards
6050Legs Mail
Sinister Aspirant's Chain Leggings
6050Legs Mail
Sinister Aspirant's Chain Leggings
6050Legs Mail
9.0 Covenant - Ardenweald - Mail Legs - D_01
6050Legs Mail
9.0 Covenant - Ardenweald - Mail Legs - D_02
6050Legs Mail
9.0 Covenant - Maldraxxus - Mail Legs
6050Legs Mail
9.0 Covenant - Revendreth - Mail Legs
6050Legs Mail
Blue Winglord's Greaves
6060Legs Mail
Dragonrider's Legguards
6050Legs Mail
Headshrinker's Legguards
6050Legs Mail
Mrrglurggl Legguards
6050Legs Mail
Saurok Scale Greaves
6050Legs Mail
Voodoo Stalker's Legguards
6050Legs Mail
Wild Marauder Breeches
6050Legs Mail
Chemical Blaster's Legguards
59Legs Mail
Corpuscular Greaves
59Legs Mail
Gaoler's Chainmail Gaiters
59Legs Mail
Honorable Combatant's Mail Greaves
5950Legs Mail
Honorable Combatant's Mail Leggings
5950Legs Mail
Kilt of Fanatical Consumption
59Legs Mail
Legguards of the Awakening Brood
59Legs Mail
Nettle-Scarred Greaves
59Legs Mail
Powdershot Leggings
59Legs Mail
Sea Priest's Greaves
59Legs Mail
Unstoppable Zealot's Legplates
59Legs Mail
Aiguille-Scaler's Leggings
5940Legs Mail
Saurscale Leggings
5940Legs Mail
Dread Gladiator's Chain Leggings
5850Legs Mail
Dread Gladiator's Chain Leggings
5850Legs Mail
Dread Gladiator's Chain Leggings
5850Legs Mail
Dread Gladiator's Chain Leggings
5850Legs Mail
Dread Gladiator's Chain Legguards
5850Legs Mail
Dread Gladiator's Chain Legguards
5850Legs Mail
7th Legionnaire's Leggings
5850Legs Mail
7th Legionnaire's Leggings
58Legs Mail
Arclight Jumpers
5850Legs Mail
Ashenwood Legguards
58Legs Mail
Barbarous Captive's Wargreaves
5850Legs Mail
Bilewing Legguards
58Legs Mail
Crosswind Legguards
58Legs Mail
Deadwash Greaves
58Legs Mail
Dread Aspirant's Chain Leggings
5845Legs Mail
Dread Aspirant's Chain Leggings
5845Legs Mail
Dreadmire Legguards
58Legs Mail
Frozen Heart Legguards
5850Legs Mail
Honorbound Vanguard's Leggings
5850Legs Mail
Honorbound Vanguard's Leggings
58Legs Mail
Hydra-Hunter Legguards
5850Legs Mail
Jolting Leap Legguards
5850Legs Mail
Pa'ku Windrider Breeches
58Legs Mail
Wind-Scoured Greaves
5850Legs Mail
Barrowknoll Legguards
5850Legs Mail
Bonepicker Legguards
5850Legs Mail
Ravascale Legguards
5850Legs Mail
Reefwalker Trousers
5850Legs Mail
Zalamar Legguards
5850Legs Mail
Pridemail Leggings
56Legs Mail
Shimmerscale Greaves
5245Legs Mail
Shimmerscale Leggings
5245Legs Mail
Roots of Shaladrassil
5040Legs Mail
Battalion-Shattering Leggings
5045Legs Mail
Cruel Gladiator's Chain Leggings
Legion Season 3
5045Legs Mail
Cruel Gladiator's Chain Leggings
Legion Season 3
5045Legs Mail
Cruel Gladiator's Chain Leggings
Legion Season 3 Elite
5045Legs Mail
Cruel Gladiator's Chain Leggings
Legion Season 3 Elite
5045Legs Mail
Cruel Gladiator's Ringmail Kilt
Legion Season 3 Elite
5045Legs Mail
Cruel Gladiator's Ringmail Kilt
Legion Season 3 Elite
5045Legs Mail
Cruel Gladiator's Ringmail Kilt
Legion Season 3
5045Legs Mail
Cruel Gladiator's Ringmail Kilt
Legion Season 3
5045Legs Mail
Demonic Gladiator's Chain Leggings
Legion Season 7 Elite
5045Legs Mail