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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Gormhusk Mantle
14860Shoulders Mail
Grand Marshal's Chain Spaulders
3227Shoulders Mail
Grand Marshal's Linked Spaulders
3227Shoulders Mail
Grand Marshal's Mail Spaulders
3227Shoulders Mail
Grand Marshal's Ringmail Shoulders
3227Shoulders Mail
Harlan's Shoulders
3935ShouldersLooted Mail
Harlan's Shoulders
3935ShouldersLooted Mail
Harlan's Shoulders
1912ShouldersLooted Mail
Helbreaker Spaulders
44Shoulders Maw of Souls: Piercing the Mists Mail
Hellbloom Epaulets
35060Shoulders Mail
High Warlord's Chain Spaulders
3227Shoulders Mail
High Warlord's Linked Spaulders
3227Shoulders Mail
High Warlord's Mail Spaulders
3227Shoulders Mail
High Warlord's Ringmail Shoulderpads
3227Shoulders Mail
Honorbound Vanguard's Pauldrons
6045Shoulders Mail
Honorbound Vanguard's Pauldrons
5845Shoulders Mail
Honorbound Vanguard's Pauldrons
58Shoulders Mail
Honorbound Vanguard's Shoulderguards
5845ShouldersLooted Mail
Honorbound Vanguard's Shoulderguards
5845Shoulders Mail
Honorbound Vanguard's Spaulders
6045Shoulders Mail
Hook-Barbed Spaulders
5950ShouldersLooted Mail
Hylbrande's Retrofitted Shoulderguards
15560Shoulders Mail
Jade Witch Spaulders
38Shoulders Pei-Back Mail
Jellied Aurelid Mantle
24260Shoulders Mail
Jingoist's Mantle
1Shoulders Mail
J'kaey's Shining Spaulders
4439ShouldersLooted Mail
Kaldorei Archer's Shoulderguards
6050Shoulders Mail
Kaldorei Archer's Shoulderguards
6050ShouldersLooted Mail
Kaldorei Archer's Spaulders
6050ShouldersLooted Mail
Keen Razorfang Spaulders
33Shoulders Hour of the Worg Mail
Khaz Modan Monnions
16Shoulders The Battle of Thandol Span Mail
Khaz Modan Pauldrons
16Shoulders The Battle of Thandol Span Mail
Lavalink Spaulders
44ShouldersLooted Mail
Lead Surveyor's Mantle
2822ShouldersLooted Mail
Leaf-Scale Pauldrons
2114ShouldersLooted Mail
Legion Lord's Spaulder
4439ShouldersLooted Mail
Leyguard Mantle
164Shoulders Mail
Lieutenant Commander's Chain Pauldrons
2924Shoulders Mail
Lieutenant Commander's Chain Shoulders
2925Shoulders Mail
Lieutenant Commander's Mail Pauldrons
2925Shoulders Mail
Lightning-Rod Pauldrons
3126ShouldersLooted Mail
Lightning-Rod Pauldrons
31ShouldersLooted Mail
Link-Lashed Spaulders
5040ShouldersLooted Mail
Mail Courier's Shoulderguards
10048Shoulders Mail
Mail Melee Leatherworking Shoulders
18778Shoulders Mail
Mantle of Discarded Ways
3530ShouldersLooted Mail
Mantle of Discarded Ways
35ShouldersLooted Mail
Mantle of Ephemeral Visages
15860Shoulders Mail
Mantle of Moss
3731Shoulders Mail
Mantle of the Abyss
5040ShouldersLooted Mail
Mantle of the Bound
18ShouldersQuest Mail
Mantle of the Destroyer
4435ShouldersLooted Mail
Mantle of the Sea Wolf
32ShouldersLooted Mail
Mantle of the Sea Wolf
3227ShouldersLooted Mail
Mantle of the Timeless Hunt
1Shoulders Mail
Massive Spaulders of the Jormungar
3530ShouldersLooted Mail
Massive Spaulders of the Jormungar
35ShouldersLooted Mail
Mistshroud Shoulders
3227Shoulders Ethereum Prisoner (Group Energy Ball) Mail
Mole Knight's Grimemail
43768Shoulders Mail
Monnion of the White Tiger
18Shoulders Big Game Hunter Mail
Morningscale Spaulders
44ShouldersLooted Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Epaulets
7850Shoulders Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Spaulders
7850Shoulders Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Spaulders
7850Shoulders Mail
Nerubian Mantle
34ShouldersLooted Mail
Nerubian Mantle
34ShouldersLooted Mail
Neverdare Shoulders
3932ShouldersLooted Mail
Neverdare Shoulders
3935ShouldersLooted Mail
Neverdare Shoulders
3832ShouldersLooted Mail
Nixod's Chain-Threshed Spaulders
3429ShouldersLooted Mail
Nokhudon Mantle
1Shoulders Mail
Obsidian Aspirant's Chain Shoulderguards
36670Shoulders Mail
Obsidian Aspirant's Chain Spaulders
36670Shoulders Mail
Oronaar Disciple's Spaulders
5045ShouldersLooted Mail
Outrigger Pauldrons
5945Shoulders Mail
Outrigger Pauldrons
59Shoulders Mail
Overlaid Chain Spaulders
3327ShouldersLooted Mail
Overlaid Chain Spaulders
3327ShouldersLooted Mail
Overlord's Trophy Pauldrons
22Shoulders Challenge Overlord Mok'Morokk Mail
Packleader's Chain Spaulders
13Shoulders Fury of the Pack Mail
Packleader's Chain Spaulders
13Shoulders Sweet, Merciless Revenge Mail
Pa'ku Windrider Shoulderguards
5850Shoulders Mail
Paradoxical Spaulders
40270Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Desolation
32ShouldersLooted Mail
Pauldrons of Desolation
3227ShouldersLooted Mail
Pauldrons of Surging Mana
3227ShouldersLooted Mail
Pauldrons of the Dreamfused Skull
1ShouldersVendor Mail
Pauldrons of The Five Thunders
29Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Hero
14Shoulders Heroes of the Horde! Mail
Pauldrons of the Thousand Needles
24Shoulders Spread the Word Mail
Pauldrons of the Thousand Needles
24Shoulders Spread the Word Mail
Pauldrons of the Unknown Beyond
20060Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Void Hunter
5040ShouldersLooted Mail
Pauldrons of Wild Magic
32ShouldersLooted Mail
Plagueborne Shoulderguards
15860Shoulders Mail
Plumed Shoulderguards of the Hunt
35060Shoulders Mail
Primal Aspirant's Chain Spaulders
Warlords Season 1
4440ShouldersLooted Mail
Primal Aspirant's Chain Spaulders
Warlords Season 1
4440ShouldersLooted Mail
Primal Aspirant's Ringmail Spaulders
Warlords Season 1
4440ShouldersLooted Mail
Primal Aspirant's Ringmail Spaulders
Warlords Season 1
4440ShouldersLooted Mail