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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Beastsoul Spaulders
3530Shoulders Mail
Bitestone Shoulderguard
5040ShouldersLooted Mail
Blackforge Pauldrons
2418ShouldersLooted Mail
Blacksting Shoulders
30ShouldersQuest Mail
Blood Knight Pauldrons
3126ShouldersLooted Mail
Bloodbinder's Shoulderguards
33Shoulders Wooly Justice Mail
Bloodlust Epaulets
2822ShouldersLooted Mail
Blue Winglord's Shoulders
6060Shoulders Mail
Blue Winglord's Shoulders
5060Shoulders Mail
Bonelink Epaulets
2417ShouldersLooted Mail
Bonepicker Spaulders
5850ShouldersLooted Mail
Boran's Pauldrons
14Shoulders Return the Statuette Mail
Box-Frame Spaulders
35Shoulders Quicksilver Submersion Mail
Bramble Chain Pauldrons
200Shoulders Mail
Bramblemail Pauldrons
5040ShouldersLooted Mail
Bramblescar Spaulders
3530ShouldersLooted Mail
Bravo Company Amice
Bravo Company Spaulders
Brigade Pauldrons
2417ShouldersLooted Mail
Brigand's Pauldrons
22Shoulders Mail
Brittle Flamereaver Pauldrons
3835ShouldersLooted Mail
Broadleaf Spaulders
13Shoulders The Lost Gem Mail
Brood-Killer Amice
18Shoulders Brood of Seldarria Mail
Captain's Shoulderguards
2316ShouldersLooted Mail
Cartouche-Inscribed Spaulders
36Shoulders The Element of Supplies Mail
Chain Pauldrons
1811ShouldersCrafted Mail
Champion's Pauldrons
2518ShouldersLooted Mail
Chief Brigadier Pauldrons
2215ShouldersLooted Mail
Chitinoid Shoulderguards
40070Shoulders Mail
Cobalt's Shoulderguards
34Shoulders The Air Stands Still Mail
Coercive Pauldrons
24Shoulders Third Sample: Implanted Eggs Mail
Cormorant Mantle
3429ShouldersLooted Mail
Crested Chain Epaulets
21Shoulders Unleash the Raptors Mail
Crimson Combatant's Adamant Epaulets
33070Shoulders Mail
Crimsonscale Spaulders
110Shoulders Mail
Crusader's Pauldrons
2721ShouldersLooted Mail
Cutthroat Pauldrons
1610Shoulders Big Crate of Salvage Mail
Dark Ranger Shoulderguards
44Shoulders The Splintered Fleet Mail
Dawnwatcher's Pauldrons
110Shoulders Mail
Dawnwatcher's Spaulder
1310Shoulders Mail
Dead-Dwarf Shoulderpads
36Shoulders Crushing the Wildhammer Mail
Deathweb Spaulders
4137ShouldersLooted Mail
Del's Discarded Shoulderguard
21Shoulders Memories from a Lost Past Mail
Der'izu Spaulders
3126ShouldersLooted Mail
Der'izu Spaulders
1Shoulders Mail
Desolate Scale Pauldrons
10050ShouldersCrafted Mail
Diluvian Spaulders
31Shoulders Whispers of the Raven God Mail
Draconic Aspirant's Chain Shoulderguards
45470Shoulders Mail
Draconic Aspirant's Chain Spaulders
45470Shoulders Mail
Draconic Combatant's Adamant Epaulets
33070Shoulders Mail
Dragonbone Shoulders
31Shoulders Evil Draws Near Mail
Dragonrider's Spaulders
6050ShouldersLooted Mail
Dreadroot Linked Spaulders
4440ShouldersLooted Mail
Dreambound Shoulderguards
35070Shoulders Mail
Dreaming Spirit Monnion
38ShouldersQuest Mail
Dreaming Spirit Spaulder
38Shoulders A Funeral Mail
Dreamthorn Spaulders
8548Shoulders I Know Your Face Mail
Earthmender's Crimson Spaulders
32Shoulders Escape from Coilskar Cistern Mail
Earthmover Pauldron
38Shoulders First Assault Mail
Earthmover Spaulder
38Shoulders Mists' Opportunity Mail
Ebonhold Shoulderpads
2721ShouldersLooted Mail
Elite Shoulders
1811Shoulders Mail
Emerald Winglord's Shoulders
206Shoulders Mail
Emerald Winglord's Shoulders
158Shoulders Mail
Encarmine Pauldrons
22Shoulders The Brood of Onyxia Mail
Enduring Pauldrons
2114ShouldersLooted Mail
Enforcer Pauldrons
22Shoulders Mail
Engraved Pauldrons
2822ShouldersLooted Mail
Ered'ruin Spaulders
5040ShouldersLooted Mail
Ethical Epaulets
32Shoulders Kaw the Mammoth Destroyer Mail
Eventide Monnion
10050Shoulders Mail
Eventide Pauldrons
5850ShouldersLooted Mail
Evoker Pauldrons
4440Shoulders Mail
Exotic Spiked Shoulders
31Shoulders WANTED: Annihilator Servo! Mail
Expedition Mercenary's Monnion
20058Shoulders Mail
Expeditionary Epaulets
54570Shoulders Mail
Expeditionary Mail Shoulders
58Shoulders Mail
Expeditionary Mail Spaulders
5Shoulders Killclaw the Terrible Mail
Expeditionary Mail Spaulders
5Shoulders Killclaw the Terrible Mail
Faded Forest Chain Spaulders
3732Shoulders Mail
Faded Forest Ringmail Spaulders
3732Shoulders Mail
Faronaar Chain Spaulders
4440ShouldersLooted Mail
Felstone Spaulders
3024ShouldersLooted Mail
Fenclaw Mantle
3025ShouldersLooted Mail
Fierce Mantle
31ShouldersQuest Mail
Firebird's Mantle
110Shoulders Mail
Firebird's Pauldrons
110Shoulders Mail
Firebird's Spaulders
110Shoulders Mail
Flesh Architect's Mantle
8548Shoulders Land of Opportunity Mail
Forged Aspirant's Chain Shoulderguards
54580Shoulders Mail
Forged Aspirant's Chain Spaulders
54580Shoulders Mail
Formidable Shoulder Pads
2519ShouldersLooted Mail
Fortified Spaulders
1610ShouldersLooted Mail
Frayfeather Spaulders
3632Shoulders Big Crate of Salvage Mail
Freewind Spaulders
23Shoulders Grimtotem Chiefs: Elder Stormhoof Mail
Frigidlink Spaulders
35Shoulders Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Mail
Frost Metal Pauldrons
21Shoulders Mail
Frostlink Spaulders
3935ShouldersLooted Mail
Frostscale Shoulders
3227ShouldersCrafted Mail
Galvanized Stormscale Spaulders
4440ShouldersLooted Mail