

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Netherstorm Shoulderguards
3227ShouldersLooted Mail
Nifflevar Shoulderguards
3227ShouldersLooted Mail
Njord Shoulderguards
3227ShouldersLooted Mail
Otherworldly Pauldrons
32Shoulders Retrieving the Goods Mail
Plainhunter's Epaulets
32ShouldersQuest Mail
Seaspeaker Mantle
32Shoulders Gamel the Cruel Mail
Shock-Bound Spaulders
32ShouldersQuest Mail
Skettis Spaulders
3226ShouldersLooted Mail
Skom Spaulders
3227ShouldersLooted Mail
Skybreaker's Mantle
32Shoulders A Job Unfinished... Mail
Spaulders of the Protectorate
32Shoulders Escape from the Staging Grounds Mail
Spiked Magmoth Mantle
32ShouldersQuest Mail
Sundered Spaulders
3227ShouldersLooted Mail
Talhide Shoulderguards
3227ShouldersLooted Mail
Frigid Mail Shoulderpads
3229ShouldersLooted Mail
Gladiator's Linked Spaulders
3227Shoulders Mail
Icy Mail Shoulderpads
3227ShouldersLooted Mail
Chancellor's Chain Spaulders
3127Shoulders Mail
Chancellor's Linked Spaulders
3127Shoulders Mail
Chancellor's Mail Spaulders
3127Shoulders Mail
Chancellor's Ringmail Shoulders
3127Shoulders Mail
Lightning-Rod Pauldrons
3126ShouldersLooted Mail
Lightning-Rod Pauldrons
31ShouldersLooted Mail
Blood Knight Pauldrons
3126ShouldersLooted Mail
Der'izu Spaulders
3126ShouldersLooted Mail
Diluvian Spaulders
31Shoulders Whispers of the Raven God Mail
Dragonbone Shoulders
31Shoulders Evil Draws Near Mail
Exotic Spiked Shoulders
31Shoulders WANTED: Annihilator Servo! Mail
Fierce Mantle
31ShouldersQuest Mail
Ironspine Shoulderguards
3126ShouldersLooted Mail
Marshcreeper Mantle
3125ShouldersLooted Mail
Rocket-Chief Pauldrons
31Shoulders Breaking Down Netherock Mail
Sylvanaar Defender's Pauldrons
31Shoulders The Bladespire Ogres Mail
Cryptstalker Spaulders
3025ShouldersLooted, Black Market AH Mail
Earthshatter Spaulders
3025ShouldersLooted, Black Market AH Mail
Pauldrons of Elemental Fury
3025Shoulders Mail
Bog Epaulets
3025Shoulders Bog Lurker Mail
Scorpid-Sting Mantle
3025ShouldersLooted Mail
Shalassi Sentry's Epaulets
30Shoulders Mail
Blacksting Shoulders
30ShouldersQuest Mail
Felstone Spaulders
3024ShouldersLooted Mail
Fenclaw Mantle
3025ShouldersLooted Mail
Ikeyen's Pauldrons
30Shoulders A Damp, Dark Place Mail
Netherstalker Mantle
3024ShouldersLooted Mail
Nexus-Strider Mantle
3025ShouldersLooted Mail
Wrathfin Mantle
3025ShouldersLooted Mail
Barrage Shoulders
2925ShouldersLooted Mail
Black Brood Pauldrons
2925ShouldersLooted Mail
Deep Earth Spaulders
2925ShouldersLooted Mail
Defiler's Chain Pauldrons
2925Shoulders Mail
Defiler's Mail Pauldrons
2925Shoulders Mail
Dragonstalker's Spaulders
2925ShouldersLooted Mail
Earthfury Epaulets
2925ShouldersLooted Mail
Epaulets of Ten Storms
2925ShouldersLooted Mail
Field Marshal's Chain Spaulders
2925Shoulders Mail
Field Marshal's Mail Spaulders
2925Shoulders Mail
Fiery Chain Shoulders
2924ShouldersCrafted Mail
Giantstalker's Epaulets
2925ShouldersLooted Mail
Highlander's Chain Pauldrons
2925Shoulders Mail
Highlander's Mail Pauldrons
2925Shoulders Mail
Icy Scale Shoulderpads
2925ShouldersCrafted Mail
Icy Scale Spaulders
29Shoulders Mail
Mana-Frosted Pauldrons
29Shoulders Azuregos Mail
Mantle of the Desert's Fury
2925ShouldersLooted Mail
Runic Stone Shoulders
2925ShouldersLooted Mail
Stormcaller's Pauldrons
2925Shoulders Mail
Striker's Pauldrons
2925Shoulders Mail
Warlord's Chain Shoulders
2925Shoulders Mail
Warlord's Mail Spaulders
2925Shoulders Mail
Zandalar Predator's Mantle
29Shoulders Mail
Abyssal Mail Pauldrons
2925ShouldersUnobtainable Mail
Beastmaster's Mantle
29Shoulders Mail
Beaststalker's Mantle
2923Shoulders Mail
Black Dragonscale Shoulders
2923ShouldersCrafted Mail
Bloodsoul Shoulders
2925ShouldersCrafted Mail
Blue Dragonscale Shoulders
2923ShouldersCrafted Mail
Bonespike Shoulder
2923Shoulders Mail
Champion's Chain Pauldrons
2924Shoulders Mail
Champion's Chain Shoulders
2925Shoulders Mail
Champion's Mail Pauldrons
2925Shoulders Mail
Champion's Mail Shoulders
2924Shoulders Mail
Drakesfire Epaulets
2923ShouldersLooted Mail
Earthbound Shoulders
29ShouldersLooted Mail
Lieutenant Commander's Chain Pauldrons
2924Shoulders Mail
Lieutenant Commander's Chain Shoulders
2925Shoulders Mail
Lieutenant Commander's Mail Pauldrons
2925Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of The Five Thunders
29Shoulders Mail
Shoulderguards of Tarnished Healing
29Shoulders The Downfall of Marl Wormthorn Mail
Shoulderguards of Tarnished Healing
29Shoulders The Downfall of Marl Wormthorn Mail
Winteraxe Epaulets
2924Shoulders Mail
Worg-Keeper's Spaulders
2923ShouldersLooted Mail
Greenhorn's Spaulders
29Shoulders Crate of Battlefield Goods Mail
Heavy Scorpid Shoulders
2923ShouldersCrafted Mail
Hero's Pauldrons
2923ShouldersLooted Mail
Impenetrable Pauldrons
2923ShouldersLooted Mail
Lo'ap's Muck Diving Pads
29Shoulders Muck Diving Mail
Magnificent Shoulders
2923ShouldersLooted Mail
Masterwork Pauldrons
2924ShouldersLooted Mail
Mercurial Pauldrons
2924ShouldersLooted Mail
Triumphant Shoulder Pads
2924ShouldersLooted Mail