

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Nightshock Girdle
3529Waist Mail
Stormhide Belt
3529Waist Mail
Swiftarrow Belt
3529Waist Mail
Waistband of the Thuzadin
3529Waist Mail
Nazferiti Belt
3529Waist Mail
Southfury Belt
3529Waist Mail
Spiderlord Belt
3529Waist Mail
Sundown Belt
3529Waist Mail
Cormorant Waistband
3429Waist Mail
Ulduar Girdle
3429Waist Mail
Wolvar Belt
3429Waist Mail
Girdle of Unerring Flight
3329Waist Mail
Frigid Mail Belt
3229Waist Mail
Xevozz's Belt
3528Waist Mail
Wing Cover Girdle
3428Waist Mail
Wing Cover Girdle
3428Waist Mail
Mammoth Girdle
3428Waist Mail
Amberpine Girdle
3328Waist Mail
Shoveltusk Waistband
3328Waist Mail
Trapper Belt
3328Waist Mail
Guardian's Chain Girdle
3427Waist Mail
Guardian's Linked Girdle
3427Waist Mail
Guardian's Mail Girdle
3427Waist Mail
Guardian's Ringmail Girdle
3427Waist Mail
Gronnstalker's Belt
3327Waist Mail
Skyshatter Belt
3327Waist Mail
Skyshatter Cord
3327Waist Mail
Skyshatter Girdle
3327Waist Mail
Vindicator's Chain Girdle
3327Waist Mail
Vindicator's Linked Girdle
3327Waist Mail
Vindicator's Mail Girdle
3327Waist Mail
Vindicator's Ringmail Girdle
3327Waist Mail
Orca Belt
3327Waist Mail
Aftershock Waistguard
3227Waist Mail
Belt of Gale Force
3227Waist Mail
Belt of the Black Eagle
3227Waist Mail
Belt of the Tracker
3227Waist Mail
Boneweave Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Boneweave Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Clutch of the Soothing Breeze
3227Waist Mail
Darkcrest Waistguard
3227Waist Mail
Ebon Netherscale Belt
3227Waist Mail
Flashfire Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Flashfire Girdle
3227Waist Mail
General's Chain Girdle
3227Waist Mail
General's Linked Girdle
3227Waist Mail
General's Mail Girdle
3227Waist Mail
General's Ringmail Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Girdle of Fallen Stars
3227Waist Mail
Girdle of Ferocity
3227Waist Mail
Girdle of the Prowler
3227Waist Mail
Girdle of the Tidal Call
3227Waist Mail
Lurker's Belt
3227Waist Mail
Man'kin'do's Belt
3227Waist Mail
Marshal's Chain Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Marshal's Linked Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Marshal's Mail Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Marshal's Ringmail Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Monsoon Belt
3227Waist Mail
Naturalist's Preserving Cinch
3227Waist Mail
Naturalist's Preserving Cinch
3227Waist Mail
Netherstrike Belt
3227Waist Mail
3227Waist Mail
Terror Pit Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Valestalker Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Veteran's Chain Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Veteran's Linked Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Veteran's Mail Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Veteran's Ringmail Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Waistguard of Shackled Souls
3227Waist Mail
War-Feathered Loop
3227Waist Mail
Wave-Song Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Aftershock Waistguard
3227Waist Mail
Archery Belt of the Broken
3227Waist Mail
Belt of Flowing Thought
3227Waist Mail
Blessed Scale Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Felstalker Belt
3227Waist Mail
Flamescale Belt
3227Waist Mail
Girdle of Gale Force
3227Waist Mail
Girdle of Living Flame
3227Waist Mail
Girdle of Living Flame
3227Waist Mail
Girdle of the Blasted Reaches
3227Waist Mail
Mistshroud Belt
3227Waist Mail
Shock-Inducing Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Stillwater Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Telaari Hunting Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Frostscale Belt
3227Waist Mail
Nerubian Belt
3227Waist Mail
Netherstorm Belt
3227Waist Mail
Nifflevar Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Njord Belt
3227Waist Mail
Skom Stitched-Belt
3227Waist Mail
Sundered Waistband
3227Waist Mail
Talhide Stitched-Belt
3227Waist Mail
Icy Mail Belt
3227Waist Mail
Garmaul Waistband
3226Waist Mail
Skettis Belt
3226Waist Mail
Marksman's Belt
3126Waist Mail
Netherfury Belt
3126Waist Mail
Stormbreaker's Girdle
3126Waist Mail