

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Cuffs of Feeling
17Wrists Mail
Crusader's Armguards
2620Wrists Mail
Crown Guard Armbands
22Wrists Mail
Crone-Seeker's Shackles
50Wrists Mail
Crone-Seeker's Bracers
50Wrists Mail
Crone-Seeker's Bindings
50Wrists Mail
Crone-Seeker's Bands
50Wrists Mail
Crone-Seeker's Armguards
50Wrists Mail
Crimson Mail Bracers
32Wrists Mail
Crimson Combatant's Adamant Cuffs
33070Wrists Mail
Cormorant Bracelets
3429Wrists Mail
Cold-Iron Armbands
32Wrists Mail
Clefthoof Wristguards
31Wrists Mail
Chillwind Scale Armguards
27Wrists Mail
Chief Brigadier Bracers
2114Wrists Mail
Chelonian Cuffs
26Wrists Mail
Champion's Bracers
2417Wrists Mail
Chain Bracers
148Wrists Mail
Captured Heart Bindings
20Wrists Mail
Captain's Bracers
2215Wrists Mail
Capacitance Bands
11Wrists Mail
Burnished Bracers
117Wrists Mail
Burning Armbands
6Wrists Mail
Brullo's Wristbraces
35070Wrists Mail
Brittle Flamereaver Bracers
3835Wrists Mail
Brigade Bracers
2316Wrists Mail
Brewtaster Bracers
36Wrists Mail
Bramblescar Bracers
3530Wrists Mail
Bramblemail Bindings
5040Wrists Mail
Bramble Chain Bracers
200Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Weald
31Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Sunken Dream
35Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Lost Leader
36Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Great Sty
24Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Demonic Altar
28Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Demonic Altar
28Wrists Mail
Bracers of Gladiatorial Combat
26Wrists Mail
Bracers of Gladiatorial Combat
26Wrists Mail
Bracers of False Night
36Wrists Mail
Bracers of Deceit
15Wrists Mail
Bracers of Considerable Influence
27Wrists Mail
Bracers of Breached Integrity
35Wrists Mail
Bracer of Grievance
22Wrists Mail
Bonesnapper Cuffs
6Wrists Mail
Bonepicker Armguards
5850Wrists Mail
Bonelink Bracers
2316Wrists Mail
Blue Winglord's Bracers
6060Wrists Mail
Blue Winglord's Bracers
5060Wrists Mail
Bloodspattered Wristbands
85Wrists Mail
Bloodlust Bracelets
2721Wrists Mail
Blood Knight Bracers
3126Wrists Mail
Blackforge Bracers
2316Wrists Mail
Bitestone Wristwrap
5040Wrists Mail
Bindings of Longing
18Wrists Mail
Bindings of Disregard
5Wrists Mail
Better, Stronger, Faster Bracers
11Wrists Mail
Beetle Clasps
17Wrists Mail
Beastsoul Bracers
3530Wrists Mail
Battleforge Wristguards
1710Wrists Mail
Battered Saurscale Bracers
3835Wrists Mail
Barus' Armbands
18Wrists Mail
Bartered Wristguards
18Wrists Mail
Barrowknoll Bracers
5850Wrists Mail
Banded Bracers
1811Wrists Mail
Asp-Clasp Bracers
36Wrists Mail
Armguards of Binding
20Wrists Mail
Armguards of Binding
20Wrists Mail
Armbands of Unrelenting Anguish
44Wrists Mail
Archer's Chain Bracer
21Wrists Mail
Anthemic Bracers
22660Wrists Mail
Ancient Vambraces
2316Wrists Mail
Ancient Armbands
11Wrists Mail
Amberpine Bracers
3328Wrists Mail
All-Weather Armguards
31Wrists Mail
Aiguille-Scaler's Wristguards
5940Wrists Mail
Aiguille-Scaler's Wristguards
5040Wrists Mail
Agitator's Armbands
31Wrists Mail
9.0 Covenant - Revendreth - Mail Wrists
6050Wrists Mail
9.0 Covenant - Maldraxxus - Mail Wrists
6050Wrists Mail
9.0 Covenant - Ardenweald - Mail Wrists - D_02
6050Wrists Mail
9.0 Covenant - Ardenweald - Mail Wrists - D_01
6050Wrists Mail
10.0 Zone Uncommon Template <Descriptor> Bracers
20060Wrists Mail
10.0 QRP Template <Descriptor> Bracers
20058Wrists Mail
10.0 End Game Template <Descriptor> Bracers
35060Wrists Mail
Zothix's Conductive Vambraces
5850Wrists Mail
Yorgen Bracers
1710Wrists Mail
Yazheera's Burning Bracers
42Wrists Mail
Yak Herder Wristguards
39Wrists Mail
Wristwraps of the Unseen Path
5045Wrists Mail
Wristlinks of Alchemical Transfusion
59Wrists Mail
Wristguards of Undead Slaying
2924Wrists Mail
Wristguards of the Remorseful
33Wrists Mail
World's End Bracers
3227Wrists Mail
World's End Bracers
32Wrists Mail
Worgen-Scored Shackles
3427Wrists Mail
Wise Mari's Bracers
38Wrists Mail
Winterborn Armbands
15550Wrists Mail
Wildguard Bracers
5045Wrists Mail
Wild Combatant's Armbands of Prowess
Warlords Season 2
4440Wrists Mail
Wild Combatant's Armbands of Prowess
Warlords Season 2
4440Wrists Mail