

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Prideful Gladiator's Armbands of Prowess
Season 15
4235Wrists Mail
Prideful Gladiator's Armbands of Prowess
Season 15
4235Wrists Mail
Prideful Gladiator's Armbands of Meditation
Season 15
4235Wrists Mail
Prideful Gladiator's Armbands of Meditation
Season 15
4235Wrists Mail
Preysnare Vicegrips
5045Hands Mail
Precision Cutters
4235Hands Mail
Precision Cutters
4235Hands Mail
Precision Cutters
Heroic Warforged
4235Hands Mail
Precision Cutters
Mythic Warforged
4235Hands Mail
Precision Cutters
4135Hands Mail
Precision Cutters
4135Hands Mail
Precision Cutters
Raid Finder
4035Hands Mail
Powder-Stained Totemic Treads
Heroic Warforged
4235Feet Mail
Powder-Stained Totemic Treads
Mythic Warforged
4235Feet Mail
Powder-Stained Totemic Treads
4235Feet Mail
Powder-Stained Totemic Treads
4235Feet Mail
Powder-Stained Totemic Treads
4135Feet Mail
Powder-Stained Totemic Treads
4135Feet Mail
Powder-Stained Totemic Treads
Raid Finder
4035Feet Mail
Powderburn Bracers
4035Wrists Mail
Polished Waterscale Gloves
3227Hands Mail
Polished Regimental Hauberk
3530Chest Mail
Polished Mirror Helm
3530Head Mail
Poison-Barbed Bracers
5045Wrists Mail
Poen's Deepsea Handgrips
6650Hands Mail
Plume Adorned Headdress
4440Head Mail
Planewalker Treads
3530Feet Mail
Pigmented Clan Bindings
3530Wrists Mail
Phase-Twister Leggings
3732Legs Mail
PH - Nazjatar - Mail HEAD 3
40050Head Mail
Petrified Bracelets
38970Wrists Mail
Pertinacious Legplates
5045Legs Mail
Perpetual Static Vest
4035Chest Mail
Perpetual Static Spaulders
4035Shoulders Mail
Perpetual Static Legguards
4035Legs Mail
Perpetual Static Helm
4035Head Mail
Perpetual Static Greaves
4035Feet Mail
Perpetual Static Gauntlets
4035Hands Mail
Perpetual Static Bracers
4035Wrists Mail
Perpetual Static Belt
4035Waist Mail
Penetrating Gaze of Y'Shaarj
Heroic Warforged
4235Head Mail
Penetrating Gaze of Y'Shaarj
Mythic Warforged
4235Head Mail
Penetrating Gaze of Y'Shaarj
4235Head Mail
Penetrating Gaze of Y'Shaarj
4235Head Mail
Penetrating Gaze of Y'Shaarj
4135Head Mail
Penetrating Gaze of Y'Shaarj
4135Head Mail
Penetrating Gaze of Y'Shaarj
Raid Finder
4035Head Mail
Pelagos Predator's Legguards
7250Legs Mail
Pauldrons of Wild Magic
3227Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Warped Memory
5045Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Venerated Spirits
5045Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Tyrannical Defiance
22660Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Timeless Hunter
6030Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Timeless Hunter
3530Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Timeless Hunter
3530Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Spirit Walker
3530Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Spirit Walker
3530Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Soulburner
5045Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Skybreaker
5045Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Skybreaker
5060Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Shadow Hunter
6030Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Shadow Hunter
3530Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Shadow Hunter
3530Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Savage Hunt
4540Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Living Mountain
4540Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Honored Valarjar
1Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Gibbering Eye
5045Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Furious Elements
3227Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Devourer
3530Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Deafening Gale
3530Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Combatant
3530Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Combatant
3530Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Chosen Dead
145Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of the Abandoned
3530Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Shackled Elements
5045Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Rapid Coagulation
4540Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Primal Fury
3227Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Perceived Depths
4440Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Nalorakk
3732Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Midnight Whispers
3732Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Lost Hope
3530Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Lost Hope
3530Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Ill Portent
8550Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Havoc
3530Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Fatal Finality
20760Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Elemental Fury
3025Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Contempt
4540Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Concealed Loathing
3530Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Colossal Burden
5145Shoulders Mail
Pauldrons of Ancestral Vengeance
6050Shoulders Mail
Patient Ambusher's Hauberk
5045Chest Mail
Paramount Bionic Bifocals
13050Head Mail
Pain-Singed Armguards
5045Wrists Mail
Pack-Ice Striders
3530Feet Mail
Outrider's Mail Leggings
2925Legs Mail
Outrider's Chain Leggings
2925Legs Mail
Ossirian's Binding
2925Waist Mail
Oscillating Wilderness Opticals
35058Head Mail
Orndo Mando's Gloves
4035Hands Mail
Ori's Tidal Bracers
6650Wrists Mail