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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Seven Stormy Mornings
3530Wrists Mail
Slime Stream Bands
3530Wrists Mail
Sul'lithuz Scale Bracers
3530Wrists Mail
Titan-Forged Wristguards of Dominance
3530Wrists Mail
Titan-Forged Wristguards of Salvation
3530Wrists Mail
Titan-Forged Wristguards of Triumph
3530Wrists Mail
Wrathful Gladiator's Wristguards of Dominance
Season 8
3530Wrists Mail
Wrathful Gladiator's Wristguards of Salvation
Season 8
3530Wrists Mail
Wrathful Gladiator's Wristguards of Triumph
Season 8
3530Wrists Mail
Wristguards of Ceaseless Regret
3530Wrists Mail
Wristguards of the Firetender
3530Wrists Mail
Wristguards of the Firetender
3530Wrists Mail
Wristwraps of Cloudy Omen
3530Wrists Mail
Wristwraps of Cloudy Omen
3530Wrists Mail
Bands of Channeled Energy
3530Wrists Mail
Bands of Channeled Energy
35Wrists Mail
Bands of the Sky Ring
3530Wrists Mail
Bindings of Raelorasz
35Wrists Mail
Dragonflayer Seer's Bindings
3529Wrists Mail
Dragonflayer Seer's Bindings
35Wrists Mail
Eaglebane Bracers
3529Wrists Mail
Gondria's Spectral Bracer
3530Wrists Mail
Interwoven Scale Bracers
35Wrists Mail
Necromantic Wristguards
3530Wrists Mail
Raging Construct Bands
3530Wrists Mail
Shadow-Cleanser Bracers
35Wrists Mail
Stormhide Wristguards
3529Wrists Mail
Swiftarrow Bracers
3529Wrists Mail
Tornado Cuffs
3529Wrists Mail
Beastsoul Bracers
3530Wrists Mail
Bracers of Breached Integrity
35Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Sunken Dream
35Wrists Mail
Bramblescar Bracers
3530Wrists Mail
Griefsoul Wristguards
35Wrists Mail
Nazferiti Bracers
3529Wrists Mail
Pipefish Bracers
35Wrists Mail
Sanguinary Bracers
35Wrists Mail
Southfury Bracers
3529Wrists Mail
Spectral Bracelets
3530Wrists Mail
Spiderlord Bracers
3529Wrists Mail
Stormbinder Armbands
3530Wrists Mail
Stormbinder Armguard
3530Wrists Mail
Stormbinder Bracers
3530Wrists Mail
Sundown Bracers
3529Wrists Mail
Tentacle-Slayer Bracers
35Wrists Mail
Inferior Mail Bracers
3533Wrists Mail
Moist Mail Bracers
3532Wrists Mail
Ripped Mail Bracers
3535Wrists Mail
Sooty Mail Bracers
3531Wrists Mail
Accused Wristguards
34Wrists Mail
Darkweb Bindings
3428Wrists Mail
Glowworm Cavern Bindings
3428Wrists Mail
Glowworm Cavern Bindings
34Wrists Mail
Iskalder's Fate
34Wrists Mail
Worgen-Scored Shackles
3427Wrists Mail
Cormorant Bracelets
3429Wrists Mail
Cuffs of Invention
34Wrists Mail
Enchanted Bracelets of the Scout
34Wrists Mail
Flesh-Scaled Bracers
34Wrists Mail
Mammoth Bindings
3428Wrists Mail
Roc Hunter's Bracer
34Wrists Mail
Scaled Proto-Wristguard
34Wrists Mail
Spitelinked Bracers
34Wrists Mail
Summit Bracers
34Wrists Mail
Thane's Restraints
34Wrists Mail
Ulduar Bracers
3429Wrists Mail
Wolvar Bindings
3429Wrists Mail
Gronnstalker's Bracers
3327Wrists Mail
Guardian's Chain Bracers
3327Wrists Mail
Guardian's Linked Bracers
3327Wrists Mail
Guardian's Mail Bracers
3327Wrists Mail
Guardian's Ringmail Bracers
3327Wrists Mail
Skyshatter Bands
3327Wrists Mail
Skyshatter Bracers
3327Wrists Mail
Skyshatter Wristguards
3327Wrists Mail
Bracers of Accurate Fire
3328Wrists Mail
Bracers of Sizzling Heat
3328Wrists Mail
Bracers of Vengeful Flight
33Wrists Mail
Runecaster's Bracers
33Wrists Mail
Wristguards of the Remorseful
33Wrists Mail
Amberpine Bracers
3328Wrists Mail
Frostscale Bracers
3328Wrists Mail
Iceshear Bindings
33Wrists Mail
Nerubian Bracers
3328Wrists Mail
Orca Bindings
3327Wrists Mail
Paingiver Wristguards
33Wrists Mail
Redigested Mail Scraps
33Wrists Mail
Sharkdiver's Bracers
33Wrists Mail
Shoveltusk Bindings
3328Wrists Mail
Trapper Bracers
3328Wrists Mail
Whip-Stitched Wristguards
33Wrists Mail
Wristguard of the Tormented Soul
33Wrists Mail
Wristguards of Service
33Wrists Mail
Clammy Mail Bracers
3330Wrists Mail
Bands of the Celestial Archer
3227Wrists Mail
Bands of the Coming Storm
3227Wrists Mail
Bands of the Coming Storm
3227Wrists Mail
Bindings of Lightning Reflexes
3227Wrists Mail
Blackfathom Warbands
3227Wrists Mail
Bracers of Shackled Souls
3227Wrists Mail