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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Helm of Misplaced Loyalties
23Head Mail
Helm of Spirit Links
33Head Mail
Helm of Subtle Whispers
33Head Mail
Helm of the Fel Shaman
44Head Mail
Helm of the Furbolg Purifier
33Head Mail
Helm of the Innocent
18Head Mail
Helm of the Unblinking Vigil
110Head Mail
Helm of the Witch Doctor
110Head Mail
Helm of the Wormslayer
36Head Mail
Helmet of Celestial Harmony
110Head Mail
Helmet of Demon Warding
44Head Mail
Helmet of the Unblinking Vigil
110Head Mail
Helmet of the Witch Doctor
110Head Mail
Hemet's Ringmail Leggings
37Legs Mail
Heptu Headguard
36Head Mail
Hero's Band
2923Head Mail
Hero's Belt
2923Waist Mail
Hero's Boots
2923Feet Mail
Hero's Bracers
2822Wrists Mail
Hero's Breastplate
2924Chest Mail
Hero's Gauntlets
2923Hands Mail
Hero's Leggings
2923Legs Mail
Hero's Pauldrons
2923Shoulders Mail
Hexed Bracers
16Wrists Mail
Hex-Linked Stronghelm
32Head Mail
Hexxer's Belt
31Waist Mail
HF28 Mail Physical Chest4
32Chest Mail
Hide-Lined Chestguard
33Chest Mail
Highfather's Legacy
31468Shoulders Mail
Highland Belt
4036Waist Mail
Highland Bracers
4036Wrists Mail
Highland Chain Greaves
17Legs Mail
Highland Chain Shoulders
14Shoulders Mail
Highland Gauntlets
4036Hands Mail
Highland Greaves
4036Feet Mail
Highland Helm
4036Head Mail
Highland Legguards
4036Legs Mail
Highland Spaulders
4036Shoulders Mail
Highland Vest
4036Chest Mail
Highperch Belt
3631Waist Mail
Highperch Bracers
3631Wrists Mail
Highperch Gauntlets
3631Hands Mail
Highperch Greaves
3631Feet Mail
Highperch Helm
3631Head Mail
Highperch Legguards
3631Legs Mail
Highperch Spaulders
3631Shoulders Mail
Highperch Vest
3631Chest Mail
Hightailing Greaves
5Legs Mail
Hill Ranger Treads
5Feet Mail
Hillstride Belt
4440Waist Mail
Hillstride Bracers
4440Wrists Mail
Hillstride Gauntlets
4440Hands Mail
Hillstride Greaves
4440Feet Mail
Hillstride Helm
4440Head Mail
Hillstride Legguards
4440Legs Mail
Hillstride Spaulders
4440Shoulders Mail
Hillstride Vest
4440Chest Mail
Hiri'watha Belt
3630Waist Mail
Hiri'watha Bracers
3630Wrists Mail
Hiri'watha Gauntlets
3630Hands Mail
Hiri'watha Greaves
3630Feet Mail
Hiri'watha Helm
3630Head Mail
Hiri'watha Legguards
3630Legs Mail
Hiri'watha Spaulders
3630Shoulders Mail
Hiri'watha Vest
3630Chest Mail
Holgom's Waistcord
18Waist Mail
Honorary Combat Engineer's Chain Leggings
37Legs Mail
Honorary Combat Engineer's Chain Leggings
37Legs Mail
Honorary Combat Engineer's Chain Leggings
37Legs Mail
Honorary Combat Engineer's Ringmail Kilt
37Legs Mail
Honorary Combat Engineer's Ringmail Leggings
37Legs Mail
Honorary Combat Engineer's Ringmail Leggings
37Legs Mail
Hoot-Hunter's Leggings
27Legs Mail
Hornblower's Legguards
35Legs Mail
Hornstrider's Boots
20060Feet Mail
Hornstrider's Bracers
20060Wrists Mail
Hornstrider's Chainmail
20060Chest Mail
Hornstrider's Cinch
20060Waist Mail
Hornstrider's Gloves
20060Hands Mail
Hornstrider's Helm
20060Head Mail
Hornstrider's Leggings
20060Legs Mail
Hornstrider's Shoulderguards
20060Shoulders Mail
Huangtze Scale Armbands
37Wrists Mail
Huangtze Scale Gauntlets
37Hands Mail
Huangtze Scale Headguard
37Head Mail
Huangtze Scale Leggings
37Legs Mail
Huangtze Scale Pauldrons
37Shoulders Mail
Huangtze Scale Sabatons
37Feet Mail
Huangtze Scale Spaulders
37Shoulders Mail
Huangtze Scale Vest
37Chest Mail
Huangtze Scale Waistguard
37Waist Mail
Hulking Bands
148Wrists Mail
Hulking Belt
148Waist Mail
Hulking Boots
159Feet Mail
Hulking Chestguard
1811Chest Mail
Hulking Gauntlets
149Hands Mail
Hulking Leggings
1610Legs Mail
Hulking Spaulders
1610Shoulders Mail
Humbert's Chestpiece
1811Chest Mail
Humble Aspirant's Belt
8548Waist Mail