

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Protector's Boots
31Feet Mail
Razaani-Buster Leggings
31Legs Mail
Ritualist's Helm
31Head Mail
Rocket-Chief Pauldrons
31Shoulders Mail
Rugged Mountain Bracers
31Wrists Mail
Scaled Draenic Boots
3126Feet Mail
Scaled Draenic Vest
3126Chest Mail
Scalewing Gloves
31Hands Mail
Sha'tari Marksman's Gloves
31Hands Mail
Stillfire Leggings
31Legs Mail
Sylvanaar Defender's Pauldrons
31Shoulders Mail
Thunderbringer's Guard
31Head Mail
Warcaster's Scaled Leggings
31Legs Mail
Warp-Shielded Hauberk
31Chest Mail
Warpstalker Breastplate
31Chest Mail
Whelpscale Gauntlets
31Hands Mail
Wild Horned Helm
31Head Mail
Windroc Boots
31Feet Mail
Wolf Chaps
31Waist Mail
Grim Brave Vest
31Chest Mail
Cryptstalker Boots
3025Feet Mail
Cryptstalker Girdle
3025Waist Mail
Cryptstalker Handguards
3025Hands Mail
Cryptstalker Headpiece
3025Head Mail
Cryptstalker Legguards
3025Legs Mail
Cryptstalker Spaulders
3025Shoulders Mail
Cryptstalker Tunic
3025Chest Mail
Cryptstalker Wristguards
3025Wrists Mail
Earthshatter Boots
3025Feet Mail
Earthshatter Girdle
3025Waist Mail
Earthshatter Handguards
3025Hands Mail
Earthshatter Headpiece
3025Head Mail
Earthshatter Legguards
3025Legs Mail
Earthshatter Spaulders
3025Shoulders Mail
Earthshatter Tunic
3025Chest Mail
Earthshatter Wristguards
3025Wrists Mail
Foreman's Reinforced Helmet
3024Head Mail
Girdle of Elemental Fury
3025Waist Mail
Leggings of Elemental Fury
3025Legs Mail
Pauldrons of Elemental Fury
3025Shoulders Mail
Stormcaller's Hauberk
3025Chest Mail
Striker's Hauberk
3025Chest Mail
Bloodstained Ravager Gauntlets
3025Hands Mail
Bog Epaulets
3025Shoulders Mail
Bonechewer Berserker's Vest
30Chest Mail
Boots of Savagery
3025Feet Mail
Crocolisk Scale Wristguards
3025Wrists Mail
Dreadhawk's Schynbald
3025Feet Mail
Feathered Belt
3025Waist Mail
Girdle of the Gale Storm
3025Waist Mail
Girdle of the Gale Storm
3025Waist Mail
Grim Greaves
3025Feet Mail
Handguards of Precision
30Hands Mail
Hauberk of Totemic Rage
3025Chest Mail
Kilt of Rolling Thunders
3025Legs Mail
Legion Coif
3025Head Mail
Lykul Bloodbands
3025Wrists Mail
Lykul Bloodbands
3025Wrists Mail
Nagascale Legguards
3025Legs Mail
Rockwurm Scale Gauntlets
3025Hands Mail
Scale Leggings of the Skirmisher
3025Legs Mail
Scaled Legs of Ruination
30Legs Mail
Scorpid-Sting Mantle
3025Shoulders Mail
Shalassi Sentry's Epaulets
30Shoulders Mail
Shamblehide Chestguard
3025Chest Mail
Shamblehide Chestguard
3025Chest Mail
Storm Lord's Girdle
3025Waist Mail
Stormstrike Vest
30Chest Mail
Tracker's Belt
3025Waist Mail
Tracker's Belt
30Waist Mail
Verdant Handwraps
30Hands Mail
Vest of Living Lightning
3025Chest Mail
Vest of Living Lightning
30Chest Mail
Aerodynamic Scaled Vest
30Chest Mail
Blacksting Shoulders
30Shoulders Mail
Boots of the Earthcaller
30Feet Mail
Cenarion Thicket Helm
30Head Mail
Daggerfen Mail
30Chest Mail
Expedition Forager Leggings
30Legs Mail
Feathered Armbands
30Wrists Mail
Fel Iron Chain Bracers
3025Wrists Mail
Fel Iron Chain Coif
3025Head Mail
Fel Iron Chain Gloves
3025Hands Mail
Felscale Boots
3025Feet Mail
Felscale Gloves
3024Hands Mail
Felstone Bindings
3024Wrists Mail
Felstone Chain Vest
3024Chest Mail
Felstone Gauntlets
3024Hands Mail
Felstone Greaves
3024Feet Mail
Felstone Helm
3024Head Mail
Felstone Leggings
3024Legs Mail
Felstone Spaulders
3024Shoulders Mail
Felstone Waistband
3024Waist Mail
Fen Strider's Bracer
30Wrists Mail
Fenclaw Armor
3025Chest Mail
Fenclaw Bindings
3025Wrists Mail
Fenclaw Fists
3025Hands Mail
Fenclaw Footwraps
3025Feet Mail
Fenclaw Helm
3025Head Mail
Fenclaw Legguards
3025Legs Mail