

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Lead-Studded Chestguard
44Chest Mail
Leafscale Belt
4435Waist Mail
Leafscale Boots
4235Feet Mail
Leafscale Bracers
4335Wrists Mail
Leafscale Chestguard
4035Chest Mail
Leafscale Gauntlets
4135Hands Mail
Leafscale Helm
4235Head Mail
Leafscale Legguards
4035Legs Mail
Leafscale Spaulders
4135Shoulders Mail
Leather Stitched Chain Tunic
21Chest Mail
Legend Eater Boots
27Feet Mail
Leggings of Celestial Harmony
110Legs Mail
Leggings of Feline Command
36Legs Mail
Leggings of Fiery Travail
35Legs Mail
Leggings of Shredded Protection
36Legs Mail
Leggings of the Hack "Mage"
11Legs Mail
Leggings of the Ritual
33Legs Mail
Leggings of the Turning Point
34Legs Mail
Leggings of the Unblinking Vigil
110Legs Mail
Leggings of the Witch Doctor
110Legs Mail
Legguards of Celestial Harmony
110Legs Mail
Legguards of Contemplation
32Legs Mail
Legguards of Eternal Longing
5Legs Mail
Legguards of Kaprachu
35070Legs Mail
Legguards of Refuted Feudalism
33Legs Mail
Legguards of Revelation
35Legs Mail
Legguards of Revelation
35Legs Mail
Legguards of Swift Pursuit
33Legs Mail
Legguards of the Unblinking Vigil
110Legs Mail
Legguards of the Witch Doctor
110Legs Mail
Legguards of Unerring Navigation
33Legs Mail
Legionnaire's Leggings
159Legs Mail
Legionnaire's Studded Helm
29Head Mail
Legwraps of Celestial Harmony
110Legs Mail
Legwraps of the Slain
24Legs Mail
Legwraps of the Unblinking Vigil
110Legs Mail
Legwraps of the Witch Doctor
110Legs Mail
Lendra's Cult-Stompers
6Feet Mail
Lethlor Armbands
24Wrists Mail
Leverage Wriststraps
9Wrists Mail
Ley Dragoon's Belt
5040Waist Mail
Ley Dragoon's Gloves
5040Hands Mail
Ley Dragoon's Hauberk
5040Chest Mail
Ley Dragoon's Headgear
5040Head Mail
Ley Dragoon's Legguards
5040Legs Mail
Ley Dragoon's Spaulders
5040Shoulders Mail
Ley Dragoon's Stompers
5040Feet Mail
Ley Dragoon's Wristbraces
5040Wrists Mail
Liberator's Girdle
36Waist Mail
Lifecrusher Treads
36Feet Mail
Lifecrusher Treads
36Feet Mail
Lifestep Treads
3835Feet Mail
Light Scale Belt
95Waist Mail
Light Scale Boots
116Feet Mail
Light Scale Bracers
74Wrists Mail
Light Scale Gloves
64Hands Mail
Light Scale Jerkin
106Chest Mail
Light Scale Pants
117Legs Mail
Light-Bleached Greaves
8548Legs Mail
Lightning-Scarred Coif
54580Head Mail
Linkers of the Unending Tale
18Hands Mail
Links of the Battlemender
34Chest Mail
Links of the Sleep-Watcher
34Chest Mail
Lion Guard Chainmail
6Chest Mail
Loaner Bracers
25Wrists Mail
Lo'ap's Muck Diving Pads
29Shoulders Mail
Lob Stompers
20Feet Mail
Lord's Armguards
2519Wrists Mail
Lord's Boots
2620Feet Mail
Lord's Breastplate
2721Chest Mail
Lord's Crown
2620Head Mail
Lord's Gauntlets
2620Hands Mail
Lord's Girdle
2620Waist Mail
Lord's Legguards
2720Legs Mail
Lord's Pauldrons
2720Shoulders Mail
Lorthuna's Broken Shackles
36Wrists Mail
Lovely Gloves
22Hands Mail
Loyal Attendant's Gaze
35070Head Mail
Loyalty-Seeker Bracers
36Wrists Mail
Luring Treads
21Feet Mail
Maatparm's Fungus Lined Bindings
6Wrists Mail
Maatparm's Fungus Lined Chainmail
9Chest Mail
Maddening Gauntlets
27Hands Mail
Magdun Spaulders
32Shoulders Mail
Maggot-Ridden Greaves
5Legs Mail
Magispike Helm
32Head Mail
Magmascale Pauldrons
35070Shoulders Mail
Magmatalon Wrist Scales
31468Wrists Mail
Magnificent Belt
2822Waist Mail
Magnificent Bracers
2822Wrists Mail
Magnificent Breastplate
2924Chest Mail
Magnificent Gauntlets
2923Hands Mail
Magnificent Greaves
2923Feet Mail
Magnificent Helmet
2923Head Mail
Magnificent Leggings
2923Legs Mail
Magnificent Shoulders
2923Shoulders Mail
Mahamba's Pauldrons
16Shoulders Mail
Mail Combat Armguards
1912Wrists Mail
Mail Combat Armor
2113Chest Mail
Mail Combat Belt
2013Waist Mail