

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Reinforced Cragscale Boots
8250Feet Mail
Reinforced Cragscale Greaves
8250Legs Mail
Reinforced Cragscale Greaves
8250Legs Mail
Abyssal Bionic Bifocals
7850Head Mail
Charged SP1-R1-73D Bionic Bifocals
7850Head Mail
Tempered Mistscale Boots
7850Feet Mail
Tempered Mistscale Boots
7850Feet Mail
Tempered Mistscale Greaves
7850Legs Mail
Tempered Mistscale Greaves
7850Legs Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Armwraps
7850Wrists Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Belt
7850Waist Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Bindings
7850Wrists Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Boots
7850Feet Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Bracers
7850Wrists Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Breastplate
7850Chest Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Breastplate
7850Chest Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Chain
7850Waist Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Chestpiece
7850Chest Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Cover
7850Head Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Epaulets
7850Shoulders Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Footguards
7850Feet Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Girdle
7850Waist Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Gloves
7850Hands Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Greaves
7850Legs Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Handgrips
7850Hands Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Handguards
7850Hands Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Handwraps
7850Hands Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Leggings
7850Legs Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Legguards
7850Legs Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Mask
7850Head Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Mask
7850Head Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Spaulders
7850Shoulders Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Spaulders
7850Shoulders Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Striders
7850Feet Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Treads
7850Feet Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Trousers
7850Legs Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Vambraces
7850Wrists Mail
Nefarious Tormentor's Waistguard
7850Waist Mail
Cragscale Boots
7650Feet Mail
Cragscale Boots
7650Feet Mail
Cragscale Greaves
7650Legs Mail
Cragscale Greaves
7650Legs Mail
Abyssal Bubbler's Bracers
7250Wrists Mail
Abyssal Commander's Mantle
7250Shoulders Mail
Arcanamental Bindings
7250Wrists Mail
Cherished Empress's Leggings
7250Legs Mail
Chestguard of the Submerged
7250Chest Mail
Deepcaller's Clasp
7250Waist Mail
Deepcrawler's Handguards
7250Hands Mail
Fortified Mistscale Boots
7250Feet Mail
Fortified Mistscale Boots
7250Feet Mail
Fortified Mistscale Greaves
7250Legs Mail
Fortified Mistscale Greaves
7250Legs Mail
Gardbrace of Fractured Reality
7250Shoulders Mail
Grips of the Scaled Arcanist
7250Hands Mail
Hands of the Fanatic
7250Hands Mail
Hood of Lightless Depths
7250Head Mail
Pelagos Predator's Legguards
7250Legs Mail
Scalemail of Unnatural Selection
7250Chest Mail
Servitor's Heartguard
7250Chest Mail
Shackles of Dissonance
7250Wrists Mail
Shoulderguards of Crushing Depths
7250Shoulders Mail
Silivaz's Skullguard
7250Head Mail
Slipstreamer's Saltwalkers
7250Feet Mail
SP1-R1-73D Bionic Bifocals
7250Head Mail
Tanglekelp Waistwrap
7250Waist Mail
Uncanny Combatant's Mail Armguards
7250Wrists Mail
Uncanny Combatant's Mail Armguards
7250Wrists Mail
Uncanny Combatant's Mail Gauntlets
7250Hands Mail
Uncanny Combatant's Mail Gauntlets
7250Hands Mail
Uncanny Combatant's Mail Leggings
7250Legs Mail
Uncanny Combatant's Mail Leggings
7250Legs Mail
Uncanny Combatant's Mail Treads
7250Feet Mail
Uncanny Combatant's Mail Treads
7250Feet Mail
Uncanny Combatant's Mail Waistguard
7250Waist Mail
Uncanny Combatant's Mail Waistguard
7250Waist Mail
Vethan's Icewalkers
7250Feet Mail
Wavespine Clutch
7250Waist Mail
Streamtalker Armbands
6850Wrists Mail
Streamtalker Armbands
6850Wrists Mail
Streamtalker Armguard
6850Wrists Mail
Streamtalker Armguard
6850Wrists Mail
Streamtalker Belt
6850Waist Mail
Streamtalker Belt
6850Waist Mail
Streamtalker Boots
6850Feet Mail
Streamtalker Boots
6850Feet Mail
Streamtalker Bracers
6850Wrists Mail
Streamtalker Bracers
6850Wrists Mail
Streamtalker Girdle
6850Waist Mail
Streamtalker Girdle
6850Waist Mail
Streamtalker Gloves
6850Hands Mail
Streamtalker Gloves
6850Hands Mail
Streamtalker Greaves
6850Feet Mail
Streamtalker Greaves
6850Feet Mail
Streamtalker Grips
6850Hands Mail
Streamtalker Grips
6850Hands Mail
Streamtalker Handguards
6850Hands Mail
Streamtalker Handguards
6850Hands Mail
Streamtalker Leggings
6850Legs Mail
Streamtalker Leggings
6850Legs Mail