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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Scalemail Vest
148Chest Mail
War Paint Shoulder Pads
148Shoulders Mail
Linked Chain Bracers
148Wrists Mail
Linked Chain Vest
148Chest Mail
Blindwatcher's Chain
138Waist Mail
Breastplate of the Stilled Heart
138Chest Mail
Cavern Slitherer Pauldrons
138Shoulders Mail
Dark Lupine Wraps
138Wrists Mail
Goblin Griptreads
138Feet Mail
Guildmaster's Leggings
138Legs Mail
RuneChain Girdle
138Waist Mail
Shadowfang Pauldrons
138Shoulders Mail
Silver-Linked Footguards
138Feet Mail
Slither-Scale Boots
138Feet Mail
Slither-Scale Britches
138Legs Mail
Slither-Scale Cord
138Waist Mail
Slither-Scale Gauntlets
138Hands Mail
Slither-Scale Hauberk
138Chest Mail
Worgen Hunter's Helm
138Head Mail
Bloodspattered Surcoat
138Chest Mail
Blue Chain Leggings
138Legs Mail
Burnished Boots
138Feet Mail
Burnished Leggings
138Legs Mail
Burnished Tunic
138Chest Mail
Burnished Tunic
138Chest Mail
Grunt's Ankle Wraps
138Feet Mail
Grunt's Handwraps
138Hands Mail
Rough Bronze Leggings
138Legs Mail
Bloodspattered Shoulder Pads
138Shoulders Mail
Raider's Shoulderpads
138Shoulders Mail
Linked Chain Boots
138Feet Mail
Linked Chain Shoulderpads
138Shoulders Mail
Expeditionary Mail Shoulders
58Shoulders Mail
Linked Mail Boots
58Feet Mail
Linked Mail Bracers
58Wrists Mail
Linked Mail Chain
58Waist Mail
Linked Mail Gloves
58Hands Mail
Linked Mail Hauberk
58Chest Mail
Linked Mail Leggings
58Legs Mail
Old Friend's Gloves
377Hands Mail
Foreman's Leggings
127Legs Mail
Goblin Mail Leggings
127Legs Mail
Old Friend's Gloves
127Hands Mail
Smelter's Britches
127Legs Mail
Stormbringer Belt
127Waist Mail
Blackrock Gauntlets
127Hands Mail
Burnished Girdle
127Waist Mail
Burnished Gloves
127Hands Mail
Chain Boots
127Feet Mail
Chain Hauberk
127Chest Mail
Crackling Scale Breastplate
127Chest Mail
Grunt's Belt
127Waist Mail
Ironforge Breastplate
127Chest Mail
Outrunner's Gloves
127Hands Mail
Outrunner's Slippers
127Feet Mail
Raider's Chestpiece
127Chest Mail
Laced Mail Boots
127Feet Mail
Laced Mail Shoulderpads
127Shoulders Mail
Blackrock Boots
117Feet Mail
Burnished Bracers
117Wrists Mail
Grunt's Bracers
117Wrists Mail
Light Scale Pants
117Legs Mail
Outrunner's Cord
117Waist Mail
Raider's Boots
117Feet Mail
Raider's Gauntlets
117Hands Mail
Raider's Legguards
117Legs Mail
Runed Copper Bracers
117Wrists Mail
War Paint Legguards
117Legs Mail
Laced Mail Belt
117Waist Mail
Laced Mail Pants
117Legs Mail
Bonecoal Waistguard
116Waist Mail
Chitonous Bindings
116Wrists Mail
Dark Shaman's Jerkin
116Chest Mail
Defias Cuirass
116Chest Mail
Defias Cuirass
116Chest Mail
Defias Cuirass
116Chest Mail
Gordoth's Crushers
116Hands Mail
Logger's Wristguards
116Wrists Mail
Master Chef's Gloves
116Hands Mail
Bloodspattered Loincloth
116Legs Mail
Brackwater Vest
116Chest Mail
Light Scale Boots
116Feet Mail
Outrunner's Cuffs
116Wrists Mail
Raider's Belt
116Waist Mail
Rough Bronze Boots
116Feet Mail
Runed Copper Belt
116Waist Mail
Runed Copper Breastplate
116Chest Mail
Shamanic Treads
116Feet Mail
Silvermoon Armor
116Chest Mail
Soldier's Armor
116Chest Mail
War Paint Gloves
116Hands Mail
Laced Mail Gloves
116Hands Mail
Light Scale Jerkin
106Chest Mail
Raider's Bracers
106Wrists Mail
Sapper's Gloves
106Hands Mail
Soldier's Boots
106Feet Mail
Soldier's Gauntlets
106Hands Mail
Soldier's Leggings
106Legs Mail
Tranquillen Pathfinder's Cinch
106Waist Mail
War Paint Anklewraps
106Feet Mail