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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Furious Gladiator's Chain Helm
Season 6
3530Head Mail
Furious Gladiator's Chain Gauntlets
Season 6
3530Hands Mail
Furious Gladiator's Chain Armor
Season 6
3530Chest Mail
Frozen-Link Chestguard
5040Chest Mail
Frozen Claw Mantle
38970Shoulders Mail
Frozen Claw Mantle
38970Shoulders Mail
Frostwolf Mail Belt
605Waist Mail
Frostsworn Rattleshirt
10050Chest Mail
Frostsworn Bone Leggings
3530Legs Mail
Frostsworn Bone Chestpiece
3530Chest Mail
Frostburned Sabatons
5045Feet Mail
Frost-Bound Chain Bracers
3530Wrists Mail
Frost-Bound Chain Bracers
3530Wrists Mail
Frost Witch's War-Kilt
3530Legs Mail
Frost Witch's War-Kilt
3530Legs Mail
Frost Witch's Tunic
3530Chest Mail
Frost Witch's Tunic
3530Chest Mail
Frost Witch's Spaulders
3530Shoulders Mail
Frost Witch's Spaulders
3530Shoulders Mail
Frost Witch's Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Mail
Frost Witch's Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Mail
Frost Witch's Shoulderguards
3530Shoulders Mail
Frost Witch's Shoulderguards
3530Shoulders Mail
Frost Witch's Legguards
3530Legs Mail
Frost Witch's Legguards
3530Legs Mail
Frost Witch's Kilt
3530Legs Mail
Frost Witch's Kilt
3530Legs Mail
Frost Witch's Helm
3530Head Mail
Frost Witch's Helm
3530Head Mail
Frost Witch's Headpiece
3530Head Mail
Frost Witch's Headpiece
3530Head Mail
Frost Witch's Hauberk
3530Chest Mail
Frost Witch's Hauberk
3530Chest Mail
Frost Witch's Handguards
3530Hands Mail
Frost Witch's Handguards
3530Hands Mail
Frost Witch's Grips
3530Hands Mail
Frost Witch's Grips
3530Hands Mail
Frost Witch's Gloves
3530Hands Mail
Frost Witch's Gloves
3530Hands Mail
Frost Witch's Faceguard
3530Head Mail
Frost Witch's Faceguard
3530Head Mail
Frost Witch's Chestguard
3530Chest Mail
Frost Witch's Chestguard
3530Chest Mail
Freezing Tempest Waistguard
6050Waist Mail
Fortified Mistscale Greaves
7250Legs Mail
Fortified Mistscale Greaves
7250Legs Mail
Fortified Mistscale Boots
7250Feet Mail
Fortified Mistscale Boots
7250Feet Mail
Forlorn Leaf Clasp
44170Waist Mail
Forest Prowler's Helm
3227Head Mail
Forest Prowler's Helm
3227Head Mail
Forest Protector's Shoulderguards
6050Shoulders Mail
Forest Protector's Shoulderguards
6050Shoulders Mail
Foreman's Reinforced Helmet
3024Head Mail
Footwraps of Quenched Fire
3732Feet Mail
Flickering Shoulders
6032Shoulders Mail
Flickering Shoulders
3732Shoulders Mail
Flickering Shoulders
3732Shoulders Mail
Fletcher's Gloves of the Phoenix
3427Hands Mail
Fleshsmoke Chain Shoulders
Heroic Warforged
4235Shoulders Mail
Flesh-Raking Leggings
5045Legs Mail
Fleet Commander's Hauberk
5045Chest Mail
Flawless Crystal-Leaf Legguards
4440Legs Mail
Flawless Crystal-Leaf Helm
4440Head Mail
Flawless Crystal-Leaf Gloves
4440Hands Mail
Flawless Crystal-Leaf Chain
4440Waist Mail
Flawless Crystal-Leaf Bracers
4440Wrists Mail
Flaskzertauren's Mail Shoulderguards
6050Shoulders Mail
Flaskzertauren's Mail Hauberk
6050Chest Mail
Flashfire Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Flashfire Girdle
3227Waist Mail
Flaming Core Chestguard
6032Chest Mail
Flaming Core Chestguard
3732Chest Mail
Flaming Core Chestguard
3732Chest Mail
Flamewaker's Tunic
6032Chest Mail
Flamewaker's Tunic
3732Chest Mail
Flamewaker's Tunic
3732Chest Mail
Flamewaker's Spaulders
6032Shoulders Mail
Flamewaker's Spaulders
3732Shoulders Mail
Flamewaker's Spaulders
3732Shoulders Mail
Flamewaker's Legguards
6032Legs Mail
Flamewaker's Legguards
3732Legs Mail
Flamewaker's Legguards
3732Legs Mail
Flamewaker's Headguard
6032Head Mail
Flamewaker's Headguard
3732Head Mail
Flamewaker's Headguard
3732Head Mail
Flamewaker's Gloves
6032Hands Mail
Flamewaker's Gloves
3732Hands Mail
Flamewaker's Gloves
3732Hands Mail
Flame-Touched Treads
35070Feet Mail
Flame-Touched Spaulders
35070Shoulders Mail
Flame-Touched Legguards
35070Legs Mail
Flame-Touched Helmet
35070Head Mail
Flame-Touched Handguards
35070Hands Mail
Flame-Touched Cuffs
35070Wrists Mail
Flame-Touched Chainmail
35070Chest Mail
Flame-Touched Chain
35070Waist Mail
Flame-Sterilized Spaulders
6050Shoulders Mail
Flameseer's Winged Grasps
44170Hands Mail
Flag Officer's Overcoat
6050Chest Mail